Mariette Hartley

Image of Mariette Hartley
I have a real trust that where I am is where I'm supposed to be. I may not be what I want to be or what I could be, but I sure ain't what I was.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
When you are shooting a movie in a week, there's not much time to travel.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
My father was a very strong male figure to me as a child. He was very dashing, had a wonderful sense of humor and was romantically handsome in the Scott Fitzgerald genre.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
My mother's father was the behavioral psychologist, John B. Watson.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
My father was a farm boy who never learned to be holding and supportive.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
It's hard to be a long-distance mother.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
During the years I was growing up, I was trying very hard to be a regular person.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
It seems to have taken me a long time to find my identity.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I'm in the public eye, so I have a responsibility as an actress to my generation. I think that's what acting's all about.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
My karma doesn't seem to be a big screen karma: it's definitely a little-screen karma.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
Well, thank God I have this face, and it's a believable face, and that also seems to be my acting style.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I think the reason why 'Star Trek' works so well was its small family feeling. The show felt small, you could see the mistakes, you could see rocks weren't rocks. You caught them at it all the time, but you didn't care because you were so hooked to the people and to the stories. It was a fabulous show.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I didn't know anything about 'Star Trek.' I was doing theater a lot in those days, getting my life together. I didn't watch television. So, to come in on it was a really amazing experience.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
Success in a career sometimes comes in strange ways. You grab it in whatever way it happens.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
NBC President Fred Silverman told me he would change my life, and proceeded to offer me a five to seven-year contract to replace Jane Pauley as co-host of 'The Today Show.'
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
What took some time for me to figure out was how to have a life outside my career, to find a way to be inclusive rather than exclusive. It came only after years of psychotherapy and deep soul-searching.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
What people don't realize is that I've been trying to get to Bethlehem since I was four years old. By that, I mean I've been trying to attain perfection since I was kid. And it took me more than 40 years to learn that it wasn't going to happen.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I think I've proven that I'm issue-oriented and I'm not apolitical. But I'm not a journalist and I don't want to be one with that veneer exterior.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I'm not a compulsive worker, and I've never been a workaholic, so if I have a three-week vacation, I don't want to do a movie-of-the-week.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I think my strength as a performer is my ability to straddle the fence between comedy and tragedy.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
My greatest strength as a person? I guess I get caught in it a lot, but I think it's my ability to put myself in someone else's shoes.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I'd make a terrible therapist.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I really began to feel that the minute I started becoming successful, somebody would die.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I've always done challenging pieces.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
For me, that is what my mission seems to be in my life on earth - to be awake, to stay awake, and to bring a certain kind of consciousness to the world, and to myself.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I always tell kids, in high school or acting students, to do something else around acting, or not around it, just in your life that is of service.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
It hasn't been easy for me to get roles in movies after so much exposure on television. There's an anathema about TV, and breaking away from it is difficult for almost everybody.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
But I will say that TV was a great education for me. It allowed me to develop techniques for getting the job done. It's the best training ground since B movies.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
It's much easier to do a TV series because an actress can stay put.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
A lot of people in show business don't know what I'm capable of doing.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I've been keeping journals since I was a kid.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
After I played the frigid doctor on the 'Peyton Place' series, all I got for a long while was offers for more frigid doctor parts.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
Nobody knew I could do comedy until I started Polaroid.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
Film taught me an enormous amount about the internal life a performance has to have, and that life has to be real. You can fake it on stage, but not for the camera.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
My career was one mistake after another. I was working a lot, but nothing was building, it wan't going toward anything.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I've tried to tone down some of my peppiness, but for those who don't like it, just as many do like it.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I can't lose my spontaneity.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
Both Mom and Dad were blackout, killer drinkers. Dad came to school football games drunk. I'd find Mom passed out in the bushes, scared and hiding.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I've never done a musical before. I've sung, off and on, all of my life. But I have never, ever done a musical.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
It was a stumbling career at best before the Polaroid commercials. I think they definitely, if there's a word to use, focused - pardon the pun, 'cause I don't mean it that way - my career.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I have tried very hard to sing. I've taken a lot of lessons. I've always wanted to. It's always been my dream.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I'm at my best when I'm thrown, even though I don't like to be thrown.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
It's what Kitty Carlisle said in her book: Don't interview people about what they do, interview them about what they love. I want my interviews to come out of the side pockets.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
My happiest moments are when I'm on my high wire with the Johnny Carsons of the world. I don't have that opportunity if I'm doing other people's scripts.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
The problem with 'Today' was whether it was an entertainment show. Tom Brokaw and I had that battle for three weeks. He's a purist, and I was brought in for entertainment.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I love comedy. That's what I really look forward to doing. Enough of this heavy drama.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I really don't know how women in television news do the job. It's a very male-oriented business.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I loved the feeling of pressure that you can get in Hollywood.
- Mariette Hartley
Image of Mariette Hartley
I'm a firm believer in therapy.
- Mariette Hartley