Marianne Elliott

Image of Marianne Elliott
'Friends' is easy to dismiss, but it's really good television - the art with which those actors play with comedy shouldn't be denigrated. And they also know how to play irony, which I think a lot of English actors might find quite difficult.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
In subsidized theater, you are encouraged to take risks. It's about being imaginative and artistic. That's the priority. It might not be a success, but let's try.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I was 28 before I started putting on productions. I got in the back door by doing fringe shows and a lot of assisting, and I learned on the job. There weren't many female directors when I was starting out. I slowly gained confidence and understanding of the theater, but on my own terms.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I find theater emotionally expensive and all-involving. You have to pour so much blood and passion and heart into it. And so much time. Why do that for something that's only vaguely interesting and anyone can do it?
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I had done drama at university, but I never thought I could be a director. There were so few female directors then. I just assumed you had to be a man to be a director. I also assumed you had to be extremely authoritarian and extremely intellectual, none of which I was.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
It's a tremendous asset if you have a visual eye because you can make huge visual statements in a very theatrical way and play to the strength of theatre. But the high end of directing is working with actors and making the acting the best it can be.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
The better the acting is, the less visible the director and the less visible the actor.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
For me, it's life or death doing plays: there's this perfectionist thing about me that it has to be brilliant - anything less than that is a failure.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
You need to see yourself in what you direct, I think - directing is quite self-indulgent from that point of view.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
My father was a director, and my mother and grandparents were actors, so I spent a great deal of my time as a teenager trying to get away from the theatre.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I had a very embarrassing time acting extremely badly at university, which is when directing suddenly became so attractive.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I've enjoyed lots of productions, and it's always been down to the actors I've been working with.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I just think that you have to approach anything you do with a huge amount of integrity - I don't really care where it comes from, whether it's a children's piece or an adult piece.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
For me, 'Angels in America' is not really about AIDS. For me, it's a metaphor for anybody who is struggling with serious illness or having to face their own demise. All of the characters face some form of destruction in themselves.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I'm really fascinated by other directors' methods. I've done a lot of learning by observation.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
It is draining when you have a child, and there aren't many women directors with kids out there as role models.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
Having a child is all-consuming; so is doing a play.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
The plays I choose to work on are about having masks. We all have masks in life, but there is a different inner life going on. The audience has to work hard to see what is going on. I love what is not on display.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I'm aware, as I get older, there are less and less stories that really pertain to me and who I am and where I'm going.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
I always loved and secretly wanted to do 'Company.' It was produced on Broadway in 1970, and it's about a successful 35-year-old guy who's starting to think he should get married.
- Marianne Elliott
Image of Marianne Elliott
What I really would like to see is more female stories out there. Particularly older female stories, because women are predominantly ticket-buyers.
- Marianne Elliott