Marguerite Rawalt

Image of Marguerite Rawalt
The world needs scientists, engineers - and if a brain is qualified to do such work, it should be encouraged, not smothered because it is a female brain.
- Marguerite Rawalt
Collection: Brain
Image of Marguerite Rawalt
It was a national disgrace to lose the ERA, but of course we will start, and have done so, all over again. ... There is no deadline for equality in our society.
- Marguerite Rawalt
Collection: Equality
Image of Marguerite Rawalt
It is too disgusting to contemplate that a handful of men keep millions of women from being constitutional citizens of this land.
- Marguerite Rawalt
Collection: Men
Image of Marguerite Rawalt
[On Richard M. Nixon:] The Republican nominee would be far worse than another Eisenhower - he is Tricky Dicky of the first magnitude. His entire record is one of opportunism. I cannot feel that there is the remotest sincerity in him, and that clearly he would be the tool of the highest bidder, which is always 'big business.
- Marguerite Rawalt
Collection: Would Be