Margaret Trudeau

Image of Margaret Trudeau
I'm no political pundit.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
Suddenly I turned 65 and realized, 'Oh my goodness, I'm old.' I think it was when I got into the movie theatres cheaper.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
For me, because I'm a mental health advocate, I want everyone to be the healthiest they can be.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
Don't feel badly when you take off work to go for a run, to go for a walk; don't feel badly to take time to play with your children, to be part of their lives. Work is important, but you can't work at your best unless you're a whole person.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
When you're mentally ill, sometimes you're so self-involved that you forget how much you're hurting all the people around you who love you so much, because you don't understand that you've got to get help.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
I had to divorce my husband, the prime minister. I found it terribly overwhelming.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
I have five of the most beautiful children.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
I love the life I've had.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
I strongly believe that privacy is one of the biggest luxuries one can have in life - to have your own private world and not be invaded by the outside.
- Margaret Trudeau
Image of Margaret Trudeau
If Stephen Harper took off his shirt in public, I'm not sure he'd raise any money for charity.
- Margaret Trudeau
Collection: Charity
Image of Margaret Trudeau
It takes two to destroy a marriage.
- Margaret Trudeau
Collection: Divorce