Margaret Hoover

Image of Margaret Hoover
I would never date a guy with short hair.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Partisanship is nothing new. I grew up in a household where appliances that broke had 'gone Democrat.'
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Hoovers didn't like Democrats because of Franklin Delano Roosevelt's libelous partisan attacks on my great-grandfather Herbert Hoover, tethering him to the Great Depression.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Too many of our conversations in the media hinge on conflict delivered in three-second sound bites.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
To effectively debate ideas and discuss complicated issues takes time.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Bill O'Reilly's firing is a welcome step by Fox News and its parent company, 21st Century Fox, by a new generation of leadership trying to modernize the country's conservative media flagship and change its culture. But it is just a step.
- Margaret Hoover
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One of the core pillars of the modern American conservative movement is its emphasis on personal responsibility.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Conservatives believe that a self-governing society depends on individuals taking responsibility for their actions, and those of their family and community. They deride others, especially American liberals, who fall short of this standard, who blame anything other than themselves for personal transgressions or failures.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
For conservatives, every policy solution starts with an individual picking oneself up, acknowledging his or her mistakes, as a first step to improving his or her circumstances.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
The conservative movement was founded on core principles of liberty, individual freedom, limited government and building and promoting strong families.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Socially conservative Republican presidential candidates would do best to unite around policies that will both strengthen marriage and protect religious liberties - rather than fruitlessly trying to tell fellow Americans who they can and can't marry.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
The rise of Ben Carson is a fascinating case study in grassroots cultivation that's resulted in strong support among evangelicals and women, reflected in the most robust small donor base in the 2016 race.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Ben Carson has what Iowa caucus-goers favor - the soft touch and outsider status, and no fear of going after Obamacare and the excesses of Washington.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Surely no nation in the history of the world had ever done so much to help civilians in other nations as America did under Hoover's guidance.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Hoover was a globalist and a technologist, and he understood America's rising position in the world. He believed that America could extend its power not just with arms, but also with assistance.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Those who fixate only on making money or winning elections will find it an unhappy existence much of the time.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
In 2010, the excesses of the social welfare state are well known and understood to all Americans except the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, which controls Congress.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Conservatives and individualists support policies that favor more freedom for individuals.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Less money in your wallet equals less economic freedom.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Going into the 2012 election, I worried that without effectively connecting with the youth vote, the GOP risked losing the millennial generation for the rest of their lives.
- Margaret Hoover
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Republicans can take cold comfort in the fact that the surge in millennial support for Obama that Democrats had hoped for in 2012 didn't turn up.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
My Republican Party has no choice but to reach out to millennials.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Millennials are concerned with national debt and the deficits.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
The conservative argument for marriage includes a recognition of the traditional value of marriage as a stabilizing force in society.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Portman embodies the formula for GOP modernization: a conservatism that unapologetically applies the principle of individual freedom consistently to both fiscal and social policy. The senator has breathed new life into a national party grasping for traction with young Americans.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
More and more Republicans are recognizing and respecting the essential dignity of individuals who are gay and deserve the full rights of citizenship, just like their straight brothers and sisters.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Conservative faith traditions argue rightly for strict religious protections in the law so that churches, synagogues and mosques aren't forced to perform ceremonies inconsistent with their religious teachings.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Voter identification tends to solidify after a new generation votes consecutively for the same party in three presidential elections.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Efforts to support gay rights by GOP state legislators in several states are real and indicative of an increasing realization that expanding equal opportunity and freedom to gay Americans shouldn't be a partisan issue.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
While the reigning stereotype is that Republicans are opposed to gay rights, growing Republican support in state-by-state fights belies this perception.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Even for most of the GOP's old-school legislators, there is dawning understanding that opposition to freedom to marry is on the wrong side of history and damaging to the long-term, and increasingly the short-term, prospects of the GOP, especially among independent-minded younger voters.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
I empathize with the vast majority of cops who keep the peace on our streets and enjoy majority support from their communities across the country.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
More Republicans should champion the implementation of body-worn cameras on police officers, requested by Michael Brown's family and supported by Republican law enforcement proponent Rudy Giuliani.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Pragmatic and nonpartisan solutions will increase confidence in law enforcement and support good police while offering more transparency and accountability to citizens who have lost confidence in the justice system.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Everyone knows Washington is broken.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
People want our elected officials to govern and for government to work.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
From his lifetime of experience as a turnaround expert in private equity to his experience with the turnaround mission of the Olympics to his successful term as a blue state GOP governor, Romney can point to a record of bipartisan leadership and achievement that Obama can only talk about.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
The art of negotiating is a learned skill. It is practiced and often honed in the marketplace as well as legislative bodies.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
The triumph, real triumph of the feminist movement is that women get to choose.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
I love Jay-Z.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Well, generally, I don't like sin taxes at all, because sin taxes and nanny state politics represent the government making a moral judgment on people's individual choices.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Some conservative groups believe that a person cannot be both conservative and gay. They believe that traditional lives cannot be led by those who have not traditionally been accepted by society.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Guys are not going to go see a chic flick when 'Indiana Jones' is playing.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
I think the Tea Party has brought enormous strength to the Republican Party and I absolutely support its fiscal responsibility message, yes.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Bully pulpit of the presidency is really tough to fight.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
What's helpful is develop a self-esteem, feel good about yourself, feel like you're a whole, complete person.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Conservatives cannot deny that our Founders intended the judiciary as an equal and independent branch of government purposed to ensure the protection of every citizen's rights.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
When an unpopular minority is denied the right to marry, it is indeed the role of the courts to protect the rights of that minority, especially when a majority would deny them.
- Margaret Hoover
Image of Margaret Hoover
Some Republicans support gay rights, but prefer progress through legislative action or majority rule at the ballot box, rather than judicial action.
- Margaret Hoover