Marcel Desailly

Image of Marcel Desailly
Any France midfield would not be complete without the magician, Zinedine Zidane.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
His control, the ability to change the tempo of a game, his eye for a pass - Zidane had it all. He created space, for himself and particularly for his team-mates. His technique was unparalleled, exceptional. It's very simple - if you wanted a show, Zidane was your man.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Maxime Bossis was the complete defender. Great agility, and with his long legs he was speedy, very quick. Strong physically when he needed to be, he also knew how to step up, bring the ball forward, even though he never had the midfield background like Laurent Blanc. I was lucky enough to play alongside Max at Nantes for a year.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
To compete with Spain and France you have to copy the model that we have established in the clubs. You have to start from the beginning, by creating the infrastructure. You have to have good coaches who enable youth players to understand and read the game.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Spain, with their player development model, has been able to sustain a league that keeps all their players in the system and thus the national team is benefiting.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
In France, we lose all our players to other leagues and our own league cannot benefit from the talent we produce.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
In '98, we were not the best team. But after that, we had the anger to prove to the whole world we were the best. From '99 to '01, we were No 1. With that there is stress, pressure, and we did not handle it when the World Cup came in 2002.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
There's no price for experience.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
To experience playing with other big players, to be maybe a second choice. To face difficulty, a new language for his family. It's a real change of life and an approach to life as a human being and as a soccer player.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
We won the 1998 World Cup on home soil because we were able to bring out the positive from that pressure.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Capello will show you your mistakes on TV the next day, he will shout at you and he will be very hard on you.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
The likes of Steven Gerrard and Frank Lampard are top players. We know they have talent offensively but Capello will tell them: 'first of all don't forget we have to defend our position and after I will give you the freedom to express yourself.'
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
When you see me on the television you may think I'm very sure about myself. That is not the right image.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
I am a nice, family man, a good father. I'm a simple guy.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Winning is beautiful.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
I try to take some positive things from the African mentality and from the French and European mentalities. My homeland is France, but I like to go back to Africa.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
All the small details make the difference and allow you to become a major team in Europe.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
When you are a coach you want your best player.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Maybe when you are eight, nine, 10 the coach can be influenced by the social level of the parents to put their kids into the team because the competition is not there. But once you reach a decent level from 15, even 13, the best are playing. No matter the colour, the origin, whatever, you put your best players in the team.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
When you are a coach there are some keys things that you have to put aside. Like your own experience. You can never talk to your players about your own experience.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
If, with top players, you speak too much they will switch off. They will switch off and identify what they need to be able to go and perform. It's good to be low on the communication... You cannot be too demanding.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Because he knows he has the talent to change games, you get the impression Neymar wants to be the one to do that something special. But he has to understand that it's not like that at international level. He might be the greatest player, but you have to think of the collective.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
I am glad to learn UNICEF considers sport an important part of education.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
You can't rely on one player on the international level.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Ronaldo has never won anything with Portugal.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Lyon is a big club, but it's not Milan, Barcelona or Chelsea.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Every big club in Europe treats its players well, but Milan's organisation is something else. They really make you feel at home.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Italians are hot and you feel the passion more there than in England. Anglo-Saxon people are more distant. It's not that you are less friendly, just more reserved and distant.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
When the luck is not there you lose confidence and confidence is one of the most important things for a footballer.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
If I don't have that feeling to train and suffer any more then it will be time to stop.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
As for money, in football there is money because we are dealing with talent. You cannot quantify - it will never stop, it will always go higher and higher.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
If you leave Juventus - I know Serie A is not the best league but it is a prestigious club - you need to go to Real Madrid.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
If Ronaldo is on fire, nobody can stop him.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Del Piero, I didn't ever really want to play against him. Inzaghi was also this kind of player who doesn't give you a point of reference.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
I would have loved to have played against Zlatan.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
The problem with certain Englishmen is drinking to excess, the systematic search for drunkenness.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Racism exists every day in France, Italy and England. Sometimes I am the victim of that - but just a little. I have the chance to be a high-level sportsman but I feel this problem for my brothers and sisters.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
I was one of the first black players in Italian football. But I didn't suffer any racism.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
My World Cup in 1998 was unique, it was something for all eternity.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
As a player, Di Matteo helped build the foundations of a winning mentality that Chelsea was in need of at the time. He was also a successful coach. The fans felt something special towards him.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
The way to win is to win together.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Why does everyone always think a player must completely re-evaluate the state of his career just because he has not played in the first team for a while?
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Obviously, competitive matches are useful for a player, but it's not the be all and end all.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
I'm always disappointed when someone loses his job.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Stability for a club is very important, especially for Chelsea.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
When you look at the French championship you ask yourself which team could make you want to return happily to France. For me there's only one and that's Marseilles.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
I never really had the choice of choosing France or Ghana. I would have liked to play for Ghana though, just once.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
Bayern Munich is a real institution.
- Marcel Desailly
Image of Marcel Desailly
You win all the time with Capello if you have a positive attitude.
- Marcel Desailly