Manny Ramirez

Image of Manny Ramirez
As long as I'm alive, I'm happy.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I know how people treated me in L.A. And I want to thank them.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I was never any good on defense.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Not a lot of people like to do that - make a mistake and go in front of people, and say, 'I did this. I did that.' At the end of the road, everyone respects you more.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
When people ask about Boston, I put my brain on pause.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
From the bottom of my heart, I want to thank the fans of Boston. I love you guys. You've been with me through ups and downs.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I was unhappy for eight years in Boston but still put up great numbers.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
The first time I stepped foot in Boston, I said to myself, 'Whoa.' I told Pedro Martinez, 'Damn, man, I just want to get traded and get out of here; this place is not me.'
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Baseball in Boston is like a Sunday football game, but played every day.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
If your happiness depends on Boston winning or losing, you have to get a life.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
So many people played for the Red Sox, Ted Williams, so many guys. Such great players, and they didn't get a ring.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I want to finish my career as a Red Sox. But it's up to them.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
In many ways I'm like my mom, who doesn't curse, is always laughing and having fun.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I strike out three times, and while I'm upset in my mind, I don't show it. I just tell myself I will come back the next day and go three for four.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I don't disrespect or takes shots at anyone. I don't want someone going to one of my sons and saying your dad is a punk and talks bad about people behind their backs.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Whatever happens in the clubhouse stays in the clubhouse.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
If people think I'm going to dog it - they must be crazy.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Understand me, I have goals.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Good hitters are more selective.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
No matter what I'm doing, I'll take it as long as we're winning.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I know my role and put my faith in God.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I loved those years, I loved Los Angeles, what a great place to play, those fans were awesome to me, every day the place was packed, just an incredible experience.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Everything is for a reason.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I think to go back where you started is everyone's dream.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I'm just a singles hitter.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Oh, a Gold Glove. That's what I want.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
That's what's important, to be positive.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I had all those guys like Eddie Murray, David Winfield, Albert Belle and Kenny Lofton around me. When I was coming up, I saw how those guys worked and approached the game. That was an advantage for me because I learned from all the things that they did.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
My Hall of Fame is my wife, my family, my kids.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Cleveland was my first team. It was awesome. We had a bunch of good guys - Sandy Alomar, Robbie Alomar, Carlos Baerga, Omar Vizquel. Oh, my, God. It was a blast, man. But you know, everything is going to pass. You have to be ready for it.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
My arrival in Oakland is not a coincidence, it's a God-incidence.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Sometimes when you've got power, you've got money, you think you're invincible.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Sometimes God says, 'Hey, come here, this is where you need to be.'
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I realize I behaved bad in Boston.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I don't care where I play, I can even play in Iraq if need be.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
We're humans. We learn from our mistakes.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I like to change looks. Like Lenny Kravitz.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I don't care about home runs or whatever.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
My mother was a seamstress, and my father was a livery-cab driver.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
After I got drafted and got my bonus, I said to my mother, 'You're not going to work anymore, Mom.'
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
You fall, you get up, you move on.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
The people of Taiwan treated me like 'baseball-royalty,' and I was truly overwhelmed by the island's love for the game.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I'm just being myself. That's why I got problems all the time.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
Hitting is hard. It comes and it goes. You can't tell which way it is going to go for you. So you just have to go with it. I'm not going to go crazy worrying about it.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
When I was in Cleveland I asked a sportswriter if I could borrow $50,000 to buy a motorcycle. He wrote it like I was serious.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
God has given me a second chance and I'm not going to waste it.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
God helped me to change my life.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I'm just Dave Roberts with no speed. A bad combination.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I guess, you know, when you don't feel good, and you still get hits, that's when you know you are a bad man.
- Manny Ramirez
Image of Manny Ramirez
I leave everything to God.
- Manny Ramirez