Malcolm D. Lee

Image of Malcolm D. Lee
If you look at 'The Best Man,' there's a lot of humor in that, but I never consider that movie a comedy. I felt that it was a drama with comedic elements and comedic parts to it.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Humor
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
Kids are taking music for free all the time. They have Spotify, Pandora... The record companies aren't making the kind of music that they used to make. Artists make their money on tours, not from album sales.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
Holidays have been commercialized. It has become about material things. But the holidays are about sharing stories and being in each other's presence.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
'The Big Chill' had a bunch of really talented actors, a great soundtrack, and the college connections that the characters shared. It's one of those movies I glean something different from every time I watch it.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I had a strong vision for 'The Best Man Holiday,' so I was able to translate that to the actors and ultimately to the screen. Things can't get too heavy or too outrageously funny; it has to strike a balance. Tone is everything. If you've set the right tone, you can get away with a lot of stuff. You can get away with making people cry.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I've made it my mission to make movies starring African American actors and about the African American experience and put them in the mainstream. They're very universal stories I've told - every movie I've done.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I did no research on 'The Best Man.' That was something that came out from my own head.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I'm driven more by my heart more than anything else, and my head, and sometimes those things are counterintuitive.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I did no research on The Best Man. That was something that came out from my own head.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Men
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
Holidays have been commercialized. It has become about material things. But the holidays are about sharing stories and being in each others presence.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Holiday
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
You know, people really know me from 'The Best Man.' I've done five other movies since then, but it always comes back to 'The Best Man.' It was time to do the sequel.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Men
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I didn't want to be pigeonholed as an artist. I wanted to be able to have other stories to tell.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Artist
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
Nothing works until it does. Nobody knows anything. You don't know what people are going to respond to. People are always surprised by stuff.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: People
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
Half the audience gets where I'm coming from and half the audience is like, "Wait a minute. What does that mean?"
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Mean
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I did not grow up in the church. I'm not a church-goer now. I'm a very spiritual person.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Malcolm D. Lee
I believe in a higher power. I've seen and been around people who are very extreme with their faith and pointing fingers and going, "You shouldn't do that because it's a sin against God." It's like, you know what? We're people. We're human beings. We're fallible. We have faults.
- Malcolm D. Lee
Collection: Believe