Maggie Cheung

Image of Maggie Cheung
I did 75 films. I didn't take a break; I didn't spend my money. I have my savings, so when you're not working for money anymore, then you should find things that are meaningful and not just be like, 'OK, that's another day gone.'
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
I need to be doing different things all the time; it's just part of who I am.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
I was always the hero's girlfriend or wife - actually, the woman with no voice.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
I don't want to die thinking I've only done one thing in my life.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
I think I started to have thoughts to really want to be serious about my work when I was about twenty-five, and I just kind of started to look into that direction and moved into it.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
I don't really want a film as a present; you can get me a diamond ring.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
I think it comes from far away inside me, to be strong to survive everything that comes my way. I think, going back to the beginning, feeling like an alien in an English school when I was eight, that set up my pride very early on. I think I'm very defensive, but I'm trying not to be like that anymore.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
Because I've done so many different roles, I don't want to repeat myself. It's getting harder and harder to find something interesting. You never know - I might never make a film again.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
I've played a ghost, cat, snake. I've been funny, sad. I've been filmed flying on screen. So why not spend time on something else? I don't need to accept everything I'm offered.
- Maggie Cheung
Image of Maggie Cheung
People get surprised by my choices. But that comes from me looking for something new.
- Maggie Cheung