Mac Thornberry

Image of Mac Thornberry
The day before the anniversary of D-Day, we lost a man who was equaled by few and surpassed by none as a leader in the cause of freedom: Ronald Reagan.
- Mac Thornberry
Collection: Anniversary
Image of Mac Thornberry
We should restore a proper balance in environmental regulation and energy production that is based on common sense, not political agendas.
- Mac Thornberry
Collection: Environmental
Image of Mac Thornberry
We must continue research into new forms of energy and into more efficient use of existing energy sources.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
An aggressor will always push forward and do more until he meets resistance. We've seen that time and time again over history.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
Energy is necessary for economic growth, for a better quality of life, and for human progress.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
No other date on the calendar more potently symbolizes all that our nation stands for than the Fourth of July.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
We should start by allowing drilling in Alaska's National Wildlife Refuge. It can provide billions of barrels of recoverable oil and trillions of cubic feet of recoverable natural gas.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
And to stick our head in the sand and pretend that we are somehow safer if we do not know or to pretend we are somehow safer if we limit our options seems to me not only foolish but actually dangerous.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
Our country has had a hard time learning that lesson with energy.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
In sum, we took energy for granted, assuming when we flipped the switch, the lights would go on and assuming that there would always be plenty of cheap fuel for our vehicles.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
The challenge we have in the war on terrorism is looking around for those pieces that matter and trying to fit them together.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
Mr. Speaker, I agree with those who say that the Global War on Terrorism is actually a Global War of Ideas and that terrorism is one of the tactics used in that War.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
Now, forty years after his passing, Winston Churchill is still quoted, read, revered, and referred to as much, if not more, than when he was alive.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
In a budget this massive, there are certainly areas where I think we could do much better.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
The death tax robs parents of the opportunity to pass something along to their children, and it is responsible for destroying a lot of family-owned businesses.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
My view is that when in doubt, society should err on the side of life.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
It is very distressing that anyone would look at these matters from a political viewpoint. Core beliefs about when life begins and ends are far too important for any such calculations.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
I know of no serious proposals that would change the way Social Security operates for today's seniors.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
For more than two centuries since winning our own freedom, we the people of the United States have repeatedly answered the call to lead the quest for freedom around the globe.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
When it comes to helping make the country strong, we in Congress have an important role to play.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
President Trump has made rebuilding our military strength one of his top priorities. More money is certainly required, but so is reform of the Pentagon and how it does business.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
If the men and women who protect the country are to succeed in the missions they are assigned, we simply must invest more in defense.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
Making America great again begins with making our military great again.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
To protect America's security, we are going to have to pull America's military out of the swamp of Washington politics.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
We need a strong, vibrant economy to produce the tax revenue to fund our military.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
Since World War II, the rules-based international order created and maintained by the United States has benefited peoples around the globe and none more so than Americans here at home.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
A military starved of resources, training, and equipment will not long be able to protect the country physically or economically.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
If China sets the rules for much of the world's economy, America will feel the consequences in our pocketbooks as well as in our security.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
The Constitution places the responsibility on Congress for setting the size of the U.S. military, ensuring sufficient resources are in place to train and equip it, and funding maintenance programs and replacing worn-out equipment. We have a moral responsibility to ensure that our people are fully prepared and fully supported.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
Any president has to work with Congress.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
It would be better for the country if the Pentagon and the military do not shut down at any point because the threats to the country do not shut down.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
If you're an adult, if you are eligible to be drafted and vote, then there's a certain amount of decision-making power, and I think we have to be respectful of that.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
I receive contributions from a variety of people who are interested in what the Armed Services Committee does.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
We face a wide array of threats, which means we have to have a wide array of capabilities.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
If you endorse somebody, it's like a stamp of approval and embracing them.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
I'm for experimentation. I'm for trying things. That's true whether we're talking about hardware or personnel issues. We need to try some things, because doing what we have always done because we've always done it that way doesn't work.
- Mac Thornberry
Image of Mac Thornberry
I am particularly disturbed that our country is the largest financial supporter of an organization that not only wastes a lot of our money but also seems to be increasingly anti-American in its policies and conduct.
- Mac Thornberry
Collection: Country
Image of Mac Thornberry
Even talking about change can be threatening to entrenched interests...Careers in the Pentagon, the board room, or the halls of Congress are not advanced by creating the disruptions that go with real change, so there are very few voices willing to speak up for the future and move beyond rhetoric to make serious choices.
- Mac Thornberry
Collection: Military