Luol Deng

Image of Luol Deng
I remember when we were in Egypt as refugees. It was tough, but there was always hope - hope that there's light at the end of the tunnel.
- Luol Deng
Collection: Hope
Image of Luol Deng
Men from my tribe in Sudan - the Dinka tribe - are very tall, so you could say I was born to play basketball.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I don't mind someone saying I'm not good enough. It hurts more when someone says you're faking an injury.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
The older you get, the more you appreciate where you are and the more confidence you have in what you can do.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I'm a big believer in that I'm here for a reason, and I don't want to forget where I'm from.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I've always wanted to have some sort of academy or program that links education and basketball.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Life is about going through things and learning along the way.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
South Sudan is my home, and I am humbled to be in a position to help those suffering from lack of access to basic needs, especially the children facing severe acute malnutrition.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I'm not the same person on the court. I'm different when I'm off the court. Off the court, I don't need to be aggressive or anything.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I am big fan of Arsenal.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I only lived in Sudan until I was four years, so I cannot really relate to that. It is just a different lifestyle.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
It is just a great honour to be representing Great Britain.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
We talk about players going broke, but we don't talk about why that is happening.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I am extremely proud to be a part of the NBA's first game in Africa. Coming from South Sudan and having participated in the Basketball without Borders Africa camps in Johannesburg previously, I am truly honored to be part of this historic event.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Chicago is where I have always wanted to be.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I think that my offense comes from what I do with my defense.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Playing defense hard gets me going offensively.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
When I go out there, I try to do everything I can to win. That doesn't mean I have to score more than the other team; it may mean stopping the other team.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I always believe every team that wins has to go through some things.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Earlier in my career, a lot of guys wanted individual numbers and to do well individually.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I know I make a lot of money, but for me - I came from nothing, so it's always been about the love of the game.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Every single team that I've played for, every single person would tell you that I've given it everything every single day.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
My whole life, every time I've been down, I've found a way to turn it around.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Throughout my career, I've never really been a guy who created drama or wanted to deal with drama.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Sometimes people take struggling on the court to an extreme level.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
For me, I had a close family. There were others like me who were going through a lot of rough times, so we always came together. It was understood that we would overcome hate, as long as you surround yourself with love and what's real.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
The best thing I learned from Manute was to be selfless. He was always about his people. He was about helping others.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I get up early and go to bed early.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
We had a court, and my brothers would play outdoors, with rims barely hanging in there.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I've seen a lot and experienced so many different cultures, and that's helped me a lot in my career and helped me mature as a person.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
There are a lot of people in Chicago that I miss. I was there one year out of high school. So I basically grew up there.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
There are a lot of people you never hear about that helped me a lot with my career and helped me become who I am that I've known for a long time and I still stay in touch with.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I think it's always going to be strange for me facing the Bulls.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I've always been low key, do my thing, do what I got to do, and get on with it.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I believe leaving school early was the right decision to make, but at first, I wasn't sure. But my coaches told me to follow my heart and there wouldn't be any regrets, and that's exactly what I did.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
When people ask me where I'm from, I say I'm from the Sudan. But when they ask what my hometown is, I say London. It's where I lived, and it's where my whole family lived.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
London is where I grew up, and I know it better than any other place.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Even in high school, when I had injuries, I tried to play with them. When I shouldn't have worked out, I worked out.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
What I try to do is to look ahead of me and not look back. Whether that's a good thing or bad thing, I'm just focused on trying to get better.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I've been in situations in my career where I've had slumps and struggles. I always stick with it and just keep working.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
The way I play, I'm always moving. I like to move the ball.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
When you have a new coach, a couple new guys, and a young team, the frustrating part throughout the year is the up and down.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Manute Bol taught my family the game of basketball.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
Because I was the youngest boy, I was always my mom's favorite - and my brothers were always tough on me.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I really didn't want to play basketball for the longest time, but I just wouldn't stop growing. But I always wanted to be a professional soccer player.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
I was just a lanky kid, just tall.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
It's not easy not to play.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
No matter what I do for the rest of my career, I think I'll always be a Bulls guy.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
At some point, when I was in Chicago for maybe eight years, I never thought I would leave Chicago. I wish it would have happened that way, but everything happens for a reason.
- Luol Deng
Image of Luol Deng
When I look back at 19, coming here to Chicago, some of the things that were said, some of the stuff that you deal with - at 19 years old, it's a lot of pressure.
- Luol Deng