Luke Campbell

Image of Luke Campbell
I was diagnosed with dyslexia - I struggled a lot in school and didn't enjoy it. I'm not great when it comes to sitting in a classroom - I'm much more about doing things. Boxing massively helped with that frustration and anger.
- Luke Campbell
Collection: Anger
Image of Luke Campbell
When you turn professional with the amount of medals that I've won, then you have to assume that big things are expected of you and I've always tried my best to live with that.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
All these expectations on me exist because of me in the first place.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
There came a time in my life where I just wanted to go out there and get myself a job somewhere. Boxing was all I had in my life for so long and there just came a point where the whole thing just became a bit too much for me.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
People look at other people's lives and think, 'I want that,' but when you actually look at your own life, I wouldn't change a single thing.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I've never had it easy in boxing, from day one, never. I've never asked for an easy run.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Everybody is on their own path.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
It's my dream to be a world champion and I will become a world champion.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I played in the school football team, as a striker, and in year 7 and 8 I was one of the leading goalscorers.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I was that hyperactive when I was growing up, I rarely sat still to watch sport. I was always out there 'doing.'
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I left school at 16, with GCSEs, and went boxing full-time.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I would love to go and do something in schools with boxing, where they have their own competition in school with other schools involved, like you'd play other schools at football. I think it would be great, to get boxing inside the schools.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Rigondeaux is one of the guys since I first started boxing that I've looked up to and I was at the same weight as him for a while as an amateur, so to train alongside him was amazing.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
It would be a tough fight for either Scott Quigg and Carl Frampton against Rigondeaux. He's too good for his own good though and that's why he's been avoided.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I appreciate all my supporters, I've had massive support.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I'm very proud to be from Hull.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I'm learning all the time.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I've got a good chin, trust me.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I tried to go to college; I just picked a trade, did a plumbing test - and failed. And then I thought, 'I may as well look at things I have a passion for and enjoy.' And I went forward with my boxing.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
It's really, really painful for me to actually say the words out loud: 'I got beat.'
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I'm always like this after fights - I can't sleep, I'm only getting a couple of hours a night for three or four days then all of a sudden I'm wiped out for a full night where I don't even move.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
No, I'm staying at lightweight until I win a world title and once I've won a world title we'll see, maybe I'll move up, maybe I'll stay and defend it.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Not only can I box and be skilful, I guess people know how tough I am now as well.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Losing has changed my whole persona about fighting.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I don't believe losing my unbeaten record has delayed me in my ambitions. I believe it was just a hard lesson learned and that's it.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I have had a close-knit group of friends since I was a kid; they are my friends.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Fighting away from home doesn't bother me.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I always had faith in myself, otherwise I wouldn't be in the sport.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
When I do something, I want to be the best at it.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Hooking up with Jorge Rubio after losing to Mendy has changed me. I'm working on my skills all the time.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I treat everyone the same when I speak to them, I am never rude or nasty.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
If you treat me nice, I will treat you nice.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
If ever you've been hit by a body shot, you know it's a sickener.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Ricky Hatton stands out; he was known for being a good body puncher.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I'm a family man.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
For the majority of my amateur boxing career, I was the underdog weirdly enough and that served me well.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I want to fight among the elite and beat fighters in the elite.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
There are world champions out there that no one has heard of. I don't want to be one of those guys.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Am I really one of those who has to go to everyone else's back garden to get a fight? I believe I'm bigger than that really.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Talent is nothing without dedication and discipline, and dedication and discipline is a talent in itself.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Every champion was once a challenger.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I feel like I was wandering around like a lost chicken for the first two years of my career.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
You have to make a lot of sacrifices to succeed.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Everybody starts off in the same place going into sport; you don't go into any sport being good at it.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I watched Tyson Fury vs Deontay Wilder 1 in America. I was in Miami at the time. We went out to watch it and it was a great fight. I thought Tyson Fury won the fight. I thought he was very unlucky not to get the decision.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
Fortuna is tricky, he's a southpaw like me. But you've got to adapt to whatever is in front of you.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
My Grandad boxed.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
We are human beings, you need to mentally switch off now and again to refresh your body and mind. But I never just lie on the couch in my downtime, I still keep my body in good shape.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I always had that get-up-and-go to work for myself - I never wanted a nine-to-five job.
- Luke Campbell
Image of Luke Campbell
I'm a southpaw and a counter-puncher. I tend to box on the back foot and catch my opponents when they come forward.
- Luke Campbell