Lorrie Morgan

Image of Lorrie Morgan
Keith treated me like queen. In the three years we were married, he never said one ugly word to me, never raised his voice. We had disagreements and arguments but he was so gentle and caring. As much as I had to take care of him, he took care of me in other ways.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I think I'm ready for the success I'm having.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I never thought my life's path would take me to Broadway, but when I heard they were creating a musical based on one of Country music's best-loved films, I knew I had to be part of it.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I've had a pretty large LGBTQ fanbase for most of my career. When I was asked to co-headline South Carolina Pride back in 2014 along with Deborah Cox, I'll tell ya, that crowd sang every word to every song. I couldn't believe it and it was probably the most fun I've ever had on stage.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I just want people to be able to love who they want to love and be themselves. I mean, who the hell am I to judge?
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
My dad named me that before anybody knew anything about the other Loretta Lynn. She hadn't even put a record out yet.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
My oldest sister was into Diana Ross and the Supremes, and my brother was into Led Zeppelin, and I listened to all of that, and then I'd be going to the Opry with my dad. So I was exposed to a lot of music. But the older I got, the more I started leaning toward the Opry.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I grew up with three older sisters and an older brother.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I think when artists close their ears to any music, when they won't do anything besides country music or rock music, they get stale.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
It seems, in many ways, I am a living, breathing country song, and I know what I sing.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I have been a daughter, a bride, a mother, a divorcee, a widow, a single mother, a grandmother, a breadwinner, and, ultimately a survivor.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Richard Landis is a modern-day Mozart, almost.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
When it's time to work we work; when it's time to play, we play.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Here's the good thing about it: I don't have to depend on some jerk disc jockey whose wife doesn't like me, and has threatened him not to play my songs. That is the honest-to-God truth. That's it in a nutshell. The fans don't have to go through a disc jockey or a radio station that loves me, or that doesn't like me. They can download the music.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I tell a lot of jokes. Most of the jokes just happen to come; they're not planned jokes. I like when people laugh with me and have fun at the shows.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I get to hang with people that I make music with, people that I laugh with, people that I write with, and it's enjoyable to me.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I want a Grammy-nominated album.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Interviews aren't hard to do, just time consuming that's all.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I felt like 'What Part of No' was very chauvinistic. I thought men would take it the wrong way and turn against me. I'm happy to say I was proven wrong.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I just write a little bit on piano. I'm not by any stretch of the means even a good piano player. I just pick out little melodies on the piano and play.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I understand what it was to be out there on the road without a tour bus and without fans.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
At the Opry, Jeannie Seely is a wonderful friend of mine. She was very supportive of me, as were Jean Shepard and Jeanne Pruett.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
The Opry is about sharing.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I think one thing I've learned is, I can't give my heart again until someone gives it back. Until I see that someone else is willing to take a risk... because love is a risk. You risk the chance of getting hurt and getting your heart broke.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I sing what I want to sing and, if in the middle of the show I feel like doing a Frank Sinatra song, I will, but for the most part my show is a country show.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
My dad told me years ago, be sure you record what you love because the minute you record what you hate, that'll be your hit single and you'll have to sing it the rest of your life. So thank God I love 'Something in Red.'
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
You definitely will not hear any hip hop at my show. Not that I don't think there's an art to that, but it's not for me.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Country music is therapy - it's therapy for the rural world.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I'm not willing to sacrifice what I've learned and what I'm about just to get played on radio.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I think sometimes, especially in country music, the fans feel so close to an artist that they think they have a right to know things I don't believe they do. I believe it's the artist's choice how much they want to let people know.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I've always been honest about my relationships, and I've been taught that the more you try to hide, the more they want to find out. In my case, unfortunately, it's not true. The more I talk, the more they want to know.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Back when I first started in country music, you did it because you loved it, because it definitely wasn't where the big money was.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
It scares me how some people don't respect the paths that have been paved for us, and who they've been paved by. It scares me because I don't want it to lose the family oriented feeling and the feeling you get at the Grand Ole Opry listening to Jack Greene or Jim Ed Brown, and thinking, 'Yeah, this is what it's all about.'
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
He was not only instrumental in giving me the confidence I needed as an artist, but through the years he has given many other up-and- coming stars the confidence and true grit they have acquired by loving and listening to the music of Keith Whitley.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
We want to know other people are in pain, because that's what we relate to.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Unfortunately we're all in pain.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Women need a lot of understanding, and they need songs to help them express themselves.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
People often portray me as Miss Hard Stuff. It hurts my feelings a lot.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I am such an admirer of the Bedell Guitars instruments and its stewardship to respect Mother Nature and every individual tree used to create its products.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I know how everybody criticizes everybody else in this business.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
There's not anybody physically or even mentally that would even compare with Keith Whitley. He was the most beautiful man I had ever seen in my life, from his toes to the top of his hair.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Years ago, when I first fell in love with country music, part of the reason was that it was so much from the heart. It was so simple, lyrically, everything. It was just the simplicity.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
You can't statistic through your whole life.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I love Joe Galante. He gave me the shot in this business that no one else would give me. And I will always love Joe Galante. Always. Regardless of what comes tomorrow, a year from now, ten years from now. He, along with God, allowed me to make a lot of my dreams come true. And I'll always love Joe Galante for that.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
You never get over losing somebody who was - hell - the love of your life.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
I've often said this - that you can get through a tragedy, and... you trudge on, but the pain never really goes away. And when you sing the songs about things that have happened, the pain surfaces and... it brings it all back.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
You know, a singer is only as good as the song.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
We can't be dictated to by radio. Radio needs to play what we send them.
- Lorrie Morgan
Image of Lorrie Morgan
Drama is something that lets you know you're still alive.
- Lorrie Morgan
Collection: Drama