Lonzo Ball

Image of Lonzo Ball
A lot of things are going to happen that you can't necessarily control all the time, but you can control what you do after it happens. So that's what I try to do, keep my head up, keep moving forward, stay positive and just work hard.
- Lonzo Ball
Collection: Positive
Image of Lonzo Ball
If you want to be a good shooter, you've got to shoot.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
If I'm mad or showing my frustration, the whole team's gonna be like that, techs, and people are going to go down. So I just try to keep the even keel. That's why I don't get too high or too low. I've been playing like that my whole life. It's just natural for me.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I know who I am. People who know me know who I am. That's all that matters.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I just live in the moment.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
When I play the game, I play to win.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I can shoot.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
No, I don't get nervous when I play basketball.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I think you're either born a leader or you're not.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I feel great in pick-and-roll.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I was kind of forced to rebound at a young age. I was usually at the back in the press of the 2-3 zone, because my brothers were smaller than me. So I usually got most of the rebounds.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
It starts the fast-break a lot easier when I get the ball. I don't have to wait for big men to give me it. Just get it and go.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
If you mention the Lakers, you think about Kobe.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Obviously, I want to be an All-Star.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I want to be M.V.P. one day. But for me, it's all about championships.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I'm from here, so I know how it is playing in L.A. If you're winning, they love you. If not, they'll find someone else to do the job.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Obviously you have LeBron, the best player in the world, all the attention is on him. A lot of the wins and losses are targeted towards him.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Every team I played for, I pretty much been the dude on it.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Growing up, a lot of my shots came off of me dribbling and shooting it.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I've been good at the game of basketball my whole life, so I'm hoping I can get back to that.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
In Chino Hills, everybody is cool with everybody, so I had a lot of friends. My house was kind of the hang out house, where everybody would come over.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I played guard my whole life, and liked having the ball in my hands.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I played baseball too, and flag football, but basketball was the easiest for me. Then when I was 12, my dad asked me what I wanted to do, and I said 'Be an NBA player.' Since then, he started training me.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
My dad had me start lifting weights at 12, and for me it was fun.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
If you have one guy taking all of the shots, you're obviously not playing very fast, because you have to slow it down and wait for him to get to his spot in the offense. But when you just want the best shot possible, a lot of different people are going to get the ball.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Well, everybody's human, and you're not going to do the right thing perfectly every time. But you mess up and you learn from it and you go on from there.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Actually, I've always been kind of a leader, and it's kind of just stuck with me throughout my whole career.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
It helps me get rebounds, I can see over the defense pretty easily, and yeah, I thank God he blessed me with height.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I think I can score. But personally, I like to pass first, because people love people who pass. And I'm a point guard, so my job is to kind of get people open.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I don't like to do a lot of talking.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I think it was tough being a young guy, especially in L.A. All the people looking at you and we had a big responsibility over there.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
The way I play, I like to be free.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
People are kind of used to me shooting.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Magic Johnson is one of the greatest players to ever play... he's the best point guard to ever play, so I can learn a lot of things from him.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
You can always work on everything.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I feel like my game is more like LeBron's than Kobe's, so that's why I think I gravitated toward his game more.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Playing defense out here against grown men is physical.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
When it comes down to the last five minutes, it's not about Xs and Os. It's pretty much who wants it more.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
That's what happens when you play in L.A. Everybody expects you to do well.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I've been shooting all my life.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Getting on fast-breaks, you don't do that when you let a team shoot 20 free throws in one quarter.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
I was just taught, the team goes how the point guard goes.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
We're competitors.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Obviously if your head coach expects more of you, you bring it to the table.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
It gets frustrating when you play basketball for your whole life and then it gets taken from you for a little bit.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
No. 2 pick, you're supposed to do a job - you're supposed to turn the franchise around. And I don't think I did it to the best of my abilities. I didn't live up to that standard.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
Melo has a chance to be a better player than me, for sure. I feel at the same age, he's better than me. In real time, I don't think he's better than me. But I'm the big brother so I'm always going to have that edge over him.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
It's my life, it's up to me what I want to do with it. And I'm realizing that.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
My family's always going to be close.
- Lonzo Ball
Image of Lonzo Ball
My family's always going to be together.
- Lonzo Ball