Lizzie Velasquez

Image of Lizzie Velasquez
I wish we lived in a world where all kids were loved by their parents how I was and am every day.
- Lizzie Velasquez
Collection: Kids
Image of Lizzie Velasquez
I used to be the definition of a people pleaser. I would say 'yes' to anything and everything and then, when I got home, I'd complain and vent to my family. I had to realise that it's okay to say 'no' sometimes.
- Lizzie Velasquez
Collection: Home
Image of Lizzie Velasquez
Fully embrace the fact that you are enough just being you. It's so important for women to champion each other instead of competing against each other. Believe in yourself and believe in all of the women in your life. As females we are already strong but imagine if we all supported one another? What a world that would be.
- Lizzie Velasquez
Collection: Strong
Image of Lizzie Velasquez
I would encourage women to own their vulnerable moments. We're all human and we don't have it all together - that is perfectly okay. Admit when you're having a hard time and don't hesitate to ask for help. You will be very surprised when you realise we are all in the same boat at one time or another.
- Lizzie Velasquez
Collection: Hard Times
Image of Lizzie Velasquez
Often I'm told I'm an inspiration to people which I will forever be grateful for. But the reality is that I'm only able to help others because others are helping me. Everyday people who are doing whatever they can to help make a difference are what keeps me going.
- Lizzie Velasquez
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Lizzie Velasquez
When you are tiny like me and it's hard to find clothes that fit you get really creative! I do love fashion though, and it's so fun to play with different things.
- Lizzie Velasquez
Collection: Fashion