Liz Kendall

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Life doesn't have to be the way it is. We can change it. That's why I'm in politics.
- Liz Kendall
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I hated what Margaret Thatcher had done. How she'd taken jobs. I hated her divide and rule politics.
- Liz Kendall
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I was a huge Kinnock fan. He was a man of ideas.
- Liz Kendall
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When enough people stand together they can change the world.
- Liz Kendall
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Being leader is a tough gig.
- Liz Kendall
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A jobs-first Brexit deal means remaining in the single market and customs union.
- Liz Kendall
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Let me just say this - I may not have children myself, but I am part of the best family in the world - my mum, my dad, my brothers and my nieces.
- Liz Kendall
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Can you imagine the Mail on Sunday asking the weight of the prime minister, George Osborne or any other leading politician? I just think it's unbelievable that in the 21st century women still get asked such very, very different questions from men.
- Liz Kendall
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I'm not a Blairite candidate, I'm my own candidate.
- Liz Kendall
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We can't turn back and be the unelectable party of protest.
- Liz Kendall
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I don't want to protest. I want to get into power.
- Liz Kendall
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I want to get power out of Whitehall and down to our communities.
- Liz Kendall
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Europe has massive challenges in completing the single market, the free movement of labour or benefits.
- Liz Kendall
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Europe itself needs to change fundamentally and focus on jobs and growth.
- Liz Kendall
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The answers we need in 2020 are not going to be same as in 2015 or 2010, let alone 1997.
- Liz Kendall
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Unity is vital for any party to win.
- Liz Kendall
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I've seen phenomenal work in Leicester where people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease use telecare to measure their own oxygen levels, and if they need to change their meds they get a phonecall from a nurse who has seen the results of their readings.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
The hospital of the future will start in people's homes.
- Liz Kendall
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I am a strong champion of personal health and social care budgets.
- Liz Kendall
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Voters in my constituency do not feel people who are not working should get more than those in work.
- Liz Kendall
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Too often people are being left without the tools they need to get themselves back into work.
- Liz Kendall
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We have to be as passionate about wealth creation, skills, life chances and world class education as we are about wealth distribution.
- Liz Kendall
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I speak to more people across different walks of life, I would bet than most people.
- Liz Kendall
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I love an Omega. I think they're great watches.
- Liz Kendall
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I hate weedy thin delicate women's watches, gets on my nerves, I like big men's watches.
- Liz Kendall
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It's very precious to me and really important I have that space that's personal and just to me.
- Liz Kendall
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I am not going to be the sort of politician who does all that stuff about their private life.
- Liz Kendall
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Nobody wants to think about what they'll be like when they're incredibly old.
- Liz Kendall
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I'm happiest at home.
- Liz Kendall
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There's nothing progressive about spending more on servicing your debt than on educating your children.
- Liz Kendall
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A Labour Party that stops talking about social mobility has forgotten what it is for.
- Liz Kendall
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I hope I've got people's respect.
- Liz Kendall
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As a shadow minister I've been working with the Treasury team for years and they've been clear we couldn't make unfunded commitments.
- Liz Kendall
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I believe you need to have a serious and credible shadow cabinet with people who are prepared to take on the very difficult issues we face as a party, as well as inspiring our supporters with a clear vision for the future.
- Liz Kendall
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I will be fighting for what I believe in till the very end.
- Liz Kendall
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I think many parents who are not on tax credits have to make difficult decisions about how many kids they can have and how many kids they can afford.
- Liz Kendall
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If people do not think we are serious on the economy or about supporting great business, withdrawing from the world, not being strong on our international alliances... I think that could further undermine support for us.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
Instead of promoting inherited wealth for the few, I want to tackle inherited disadvantage for the many.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
There will remain a role for the private and voluntary sectors where they can add extra capacity to the NHS or challenges to the system. I believe what matters is what works. That's what I've always believed in and I continue to believe in.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
We must stop being a party that allows briefings against colleagues.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
We definitely need more women in politics. We don't want women in their late teens or early twenties who are interested in politics to think they would never go into it.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
I don't want anyone being put off going into politics because they fear their personal life, family and relatives will be spread all over the media.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
We are a party that believes in dignity and respect for one another. We can't say that is what we want in the country if we don't behave like that ourselves.
- Liz Kendall
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I always wanted to be a dancer. I danced for maybe 16 years. So I would have loved to have been a dancer in the past.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
Doing stand-up in front of arenas or clubs is something else; it's not a talent I have.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
I love 'Flight of the Conchords' and 'the Mighty Boosh.'
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
Can you imagine if it was like that: everything you're doing as you grow up you're wondering, 'What is that going to mean if I ever end up being a politician?' You wouldn't have anybody except ruthlessly ambitious automatons going into politics.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
I like listening to Ken Clarke. He has had guts in taking his own party on on Europe - and I am a massive pro-European - and I think he stuck with what he believed in through thick and thin even when many have opposed him.
- Liz Kendall
Image of Liz Kendall
Oh god, I'm a rubbish cook.
- Liz Kendall