Lisa Su

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Everyone in the semiconductor industry, everyone in the technology industry, would benefit from more diversity in the business.
- Lisa Su
Collection: Business
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My parents were typical Asian parents, and they do, like all parents, want their children to be successful. They really encouraged my brother and I to study math and science, and that's what we did as kids.
- Lisa Su
Collection: Science
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Clarity of communication is important.
- Lisa Su
Collection: Communication
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Run toward the hardest problems. This approach has helped me to learn a tremendous amount from both success and failure.
- Lisa Su
Collection: Failure
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My philosophy is, I can't make every product that can possibly use a high-performance CPU and graphics. Why shouldn't I enable others, in a positive fashion, to leverage AMD IP in more places?
- Lisa Su
Collection: Positive
Image of Lisa Su
There's no question that technology is extraordinarily competitive.
- Lisa Su
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Don't worry about the financials. Just focus on delivering great products.
- Lisa Su
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If I sound like a technology geek, that's probably because I am. But I also love running good businesses.
- Lisa Su
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What you have to have is very smart, motivated, dedicated, and focused engineers and focus them on the right goal.
- Lisa Su
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My dad was going to graduate school at Columbia, in New York, so we moved there. After he graduated, we ended up settling in New York, so I grew up there.
- Lisa Su
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I love high-performance technologies, the stuff that's the brains of today's products, and AMD was one of the few companies that had this type of technology. I always believed that it was a company that had great technical capability but needed better business focus.
- Lisa Su
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As one of the most important global events for our industry, I look forward to Computex each year.
- Lisa Su
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Great graphics requires more than just high-performance hardware. Gamers know software is just as important.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
Gamers love technology, and they have high expectations.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
AMD loves gamers.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
Gamers are some of the toughest people to please. They have extreme requirements. They want everything.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
I went to school at MIT with a whole bunch of engineers. And then I started work one day and asked myself, 'Why do all of these MIT Ph.D.s work for Harvard M.B.A.s?' Why should it be like that? I was one of those engineers who thought, 'Why are these people making those dumb decisions?' So it's fun to be the person making them.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
It is incredibly fun to run a company like AMD.
- Lisa Su
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Diversifying the business is definitely a good thing.
- Lisa Su
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I think AMD is at our best when we're working with a customer and allowing them to do something they couldn't do before.
- Lisa Su
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Gaming brings people together.
- Lisa Su
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We see incredible opportunity to solve some of the biggest social challenges we have by combining high-performance computing and AI - such as climate change and more.
- Lisa Su
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The world is starving for new ideas and great leaders who will champion those ideas.
- Lisa Su
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I really like to win.
- Lisa Su
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Gaming is one of those things that's pretty amazing because when you think about it, everybody wants to game; whether you're a casual gamer, or you're an enthusiast gamer, there's a large market for us.
- Lisa Su
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Do we care about gaming? We absolutely care.
- Lisa Su
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I have extremely high standards.
- Lisa Su
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One of the key things is, when you look at semiconductor companies, it's all about experience.
- Lisa Su
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People are really capable if you're able to give them the confidence to get something done and paint the picture of where we need to go.
- Lisa Su
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Market share is key.
- Lisa Su
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My dad was a mathematician and worked for New York City as a statistician. My mom was an accountant and eventually started her own business in her mid-40s. She linked manufacturers in Taiwan to companies in the United States that needed those types of products.
- Lisa Su
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I just really love building chips.
- Lisa Su
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Our core competency is really in processors.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
With technological advances, there's a very natural curve between cost and complexity and adoption. When the cost and complexity are high, the adoption rate is - let's call it 'modest.'
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
Putting you into a virtual world really allows you to think differently.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
Yes, our competition may have significantly more engineers or significantly more R&D investment. On the other hand, we have significantly more freedom. We have the freedom to innovate.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
I was born in Taiwan and came to the United States when I was 2.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
Like many Asian parents, mine were very focused on education. My dad would quiz me with multiplication tables when I was about 5.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
I did a lot of engineering things, like taking apart my brother's model car when I was 10. I also played the piano for about 10 years. I auditioned for Juilliard but didn't get in.
- Lisa Su
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We're so excited about technology. We can help turn the impossible into the possible.
- Lisa Su
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We're absolutely passionate about making sure gamers have the latest and greatest drivers.
- Lisa Su
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I grew up in the IBM school of management.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
I spent 15 years at IBM, then five years at Freescale Semiconductor.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
The best thing you can do is learn from those mistakes so that you continue to get better. That's the management style or leadership style I believe in, which is push people to their limit such that they can become better than they thought they could be. That certainly has helped me.
- Lisa Su
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I remember some of the biggest mistakes I have made really, really well.
- Lisa Su
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The way we want to look at it is we would like to do end-to-end design in India. We've invested for many years, and so at some point, to do end-to-end product in India is very much a possibility.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
What India is doing in promoting technology and broadband access and PCs for the population is an important market for us.
- Lisa Su
Image of Lisa Su
When I see some of the work in the commercial PC sector, some of our top focus is in India.
- Lisa Su
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One of the most important things for a CEO is not to get insulated.
- Lisa Su
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We really want to be the leading designer and integrator of tailored solutions.
- Lisa Su