Lilias Trotter

Image of Lilias Trotter
Take the very hardest thing in your life - the place of difficulty, outward or inward, and expect God to triumph gloriously in that very spot. Just there He can bring your soul into blossom.
- Lilias Trotter
Collection: Life
Image of Lilias Trotter
When God delays in fulfilling our little thoughts, it is to have Himself room to work out His great ones.
- Lilias Trotter
Collection: Work Out
Image of Lilias Trotter
Turn your soul's vision to Jesus, and look and look at Him, and a strange dimness will come over all that is apart from Him.
- Lilias Trotter
Collection: Jesus
Image of Lilias Trotter
Dare to have it out with God, and ask Him to show you whether or not all is focused on Christ and His Glory.
- Lilias Trotter
Collection: Christ
Image of Lilias Trotter
The first step into the realm of giving is...not manward but Godward: an utter yielding of our best. So long as our idea of surrender is limited to the renouncing of unlawful things, we have never grasped its true meaning: that is not worthy of the name for 'no polluted thing' can be offered.
- Lilias Trotter
Collection: Names