Leslyn Lewis

Image of Leslyn Lewis
There are plenty of academic subjects I don't feel comfortable teaching my high-school-aged son, and I honour teachers for their patience and dedication to educating the next generation.
- Leslyn Lewis
Collection: Patience
Image of Leslyn Lewis
We must make good financial, environmental and economic decisions today, because it affects future generations.
- Leslyn Lewis
Collection: Environmental
Image of Leslyn Lewis
The prosperity of our nation is intrinsically tied to our unity.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
COVID has taught us some really harsh lessons about who our allies are and how much we can depend on our allies.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
The human spirit may be muted, but it cannot be silenced.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
We have a lot of international organizations encroaching on our freedoms and on our liberties and somebody with international experience that can dissect these treaties and understand how these treaties affect our sovereignty is very, very important.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I'm a very educated person and I do not care if somebody labels me a conspiracy theorist because it just means that they're not intelligent enough to argue with me.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I believe that the environment is a non-partisan issue, and that it should not be politicized.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Any international agreement that I believe meets the needs of our sovereign nation and meets our objectives I don't have a problem with.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I'm going to continue to get my message out there and I'm going to continue to send Canadians information and substantiate what I say with information, so Canadians can be informed about what their government is planning for them.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
My children have helped give me purpose and made me a better lawyer. They have shown me the power of choosing life. And they are the reason I want to fight for all the women and girls who, like me, felt immense social pressures to have an abortion.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I want to make sure that the country that I was raised in and the opportunities that I had as a child are there for my children.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I think that the Conservative Party has to do better in reaching diverse communities, in letting people know that they're inclusive of people of all beliefs and persuasions and races and religions... People see the party as too white and too male, and they don't see diverse representation.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
My personal view as a Christian is that marriage is between a man and a woman. But I don't push that view on someone else.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I believe that the issue of climate change is very complicated.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Haldimand-Norfolk is a beautiful place with the most amazing, hard-working people. It would be an absolute honour to represent them and fight to make their lives better.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
To focus on what makes us different, whether that's race, gender or religion, rather than what we have in common, has never served to bring people together.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Because I understand the Constitution, I understand democratic ideals and our parliamentary system, it's an easy transition to then say 'OK, what are the principles that tie into these ideals?' and that's basically how I approach my policy.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I think that I have a very unique role in the party to play.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I truly believe that together we will continue to make Canada a welcoming and safe place for all.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
The problem is that every time the ethics commissioner proves Trudeau has broken the rules, he just shrugs and moves on.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
The only way to hold Justin Trudeau accountable is for voters to vote him out.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Canada is the best country in the world but that does not mean we have an opportunity to not make it better.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I didn't know I was a social conservative when I joined the party.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I always thought of myself a fiscal conservative, and that's what really brought me to the party. It wasn't really my social conservative value.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
My family was inherently conservative in their values, in their belief system and how they conducted themselves from a fiscal and financial perspective, and a moral and ethical perspective.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Canada must remain a country where we can earn a fair wage, pay our bills without worry, and leave our children better off tomorrow than they are today.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
New Canadians are coming from often traditional backgrounds, where they have a strong faith base and family is the core of their societies. Conservatives share that same value.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Many people of colour are coming to the party, but the media doesn't want to show that because they want to portray the image of Conservatives as people who are not embracing diversity.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
If you look at large cities like the GTA, like large urban centers, you will see that the majority, a large number of people are from the immigrant population. And these individuals share Conservative values.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I believe in building bridges.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
We don't need to talk about the things that divide us.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I support democracy.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
To unite the country, we have to be able to sit across the table from people who don't think like us and have strong conversations about where our country needs to go for everybody to benefit.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I'm not an activist. I'm looking to effect policy, and that means I'm looking to effect policy that the majority of Canadians can agree with.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I don't hide who I am as a person who believes in the sanctity of life, and I don't hide my views on abortion, but as a policy-maker, my goal is to find things that unite us and that we can agree on.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I believe in being inclusive. I believe in being loving. I believe in nurturing individuals to be the best that they can be, whoever they are in society.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Too often, women find themselves in a position where they feel that the circumstances of life are pushing them to make a decision they don't want to make.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
As a member of Parliament, I will be opposing the proposed illiberal, anti-women policy that would seek to strip charitable status from organizations that don't pass Justin Trudeau's values test.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I think that the Conservative party has to do better in reaching diverse communities... people see the party as too white and too male, and they don't see diverse representation.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
As someone who grew up in a community filled with new Canadians and many visible minorities, let me say that I am not a victim in need of a political saviour, nor are the hard-working visible minorities of this great country.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
When the media and even people within our own party treat minorities as a single voting block, it is a shocking display of identity politics and frankly, the kind of racism that is antithetical to our conservative values of freedom, merit and hard work.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
There are individuals all across Canada who come from many different backgrounds and I am able to connect with them on an authentic values level.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
A narrative of fear surrounds the issue of climate change, and it's being used to completely alter our way of life.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
The requirement for small business owners to comply with ESG will completely cripple our local business sector with no measurable goals or proof as to how these practices will actually reduce carbon emissions.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
One-size-fits-all response to a health crisis doesn't even work across Canada, let alone the entire globe.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
It's not controversial to say that private donors come with private interests.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
I am running for the leadership of the Conservative Party of Canada because I see these opportunities for future generations falling away and I see our values being undermined - even within our own party.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
Livestock farmers had to fight the Liberals' plan to put fat warning labels on ground beef and pork, while not doing so on patented artificial meat products that contain higher fats from canola and industrial seed oil, which is far worse than natural animal fat.
- Leslyn Lewis
Image of Leslyn Lewis
The push by some to eliminate natural meat is based on the fact that raising livestock is considered unsustainable and requires large amounts of land, thereby creating a large carbon footprint.
- Leslyn Lewis