Leona Lewis

Image of Leona Lewis
If I can inspire people by showing that following a dream by working hard and being determined is possible, it's amazing.
- Leona Lewis
Collection: Amazing
Image of Leona Lewis
It takes bravery to end a relationship.
- Leona Lewis
Collection: Moving
Image of Leona Lewis
I try not to diet because it never really works for me, if I tell myself I can't eat something then I tend to want to eat everything in sight.
- Leona Lewis
Collection: Diet
Image of Leona Lewis
I don't have many famous friends, really, except Simon Cowell.
- Leona Lewis
Collection: Famous
Image of Leona Lewis
Usually when I see someone famous, for some reason, I think I know them.
- Leona Lewis
Collection: Famous
Image of Leona Lewis
Animal testing is needless, especially in cosmetics.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm really not that confident!
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'd date someone younger or older; age doesn't matter to me. Or looks, really - it's all about maturity.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm quite curvy and I just try and exercise whenever I can. I don't do anything hardcore as I'm just not that dedicated.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
A part of me feels like I was an animal in my past life that wasn't treated very nicely.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I would love to sing opera.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'll never go against my morals.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I don't mind letting people in a little bit, but I have learned from the past not to talk too much about my relationships and to keep things as private as possible.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
David Bowie is such a big influence to me. Everything about him as a person is intriguing to me.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I am, and always will be, proud to be a Hackney girl.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I don't think I have the right to give someone advice when I don't know them.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
Sometimes I think I want to get 'hair and make up' every day, but that's just not possible.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
It takes me a while to come out of myself and get to know people.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm very strong creatively, in my music.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I think when people see that you are shy, or even just calm, collected and reserved, they think you can be pushed around, made to do everything they want - but that's definitely not true of me. The people closest to me know that's not the case. They know I'm not a pushover.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
When I was really little I would sit in the back of my dad's car when he'd be playing old-school music. He'd turn down the music and turn around and I'd be singing and know all of the words but I didn't even know how to talk. From then on I've always wanted to be a singer.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
The most important thing to me is to give something back to my parents, because they've done so much for me throughout my life.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm not a loud, extravagant person; I'm never going to be that and, to be honest, I don't want to be like that.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I don't really read the tabloids, and you never know if what's being printed is true or not.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm very sensitive and I'm quite a soft person, and I cry a lot when things upset me.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I was the only one at stage school who wasn't white.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
At the end of the day, you should take every opportunity that comes your way.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I am definitely an individual.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
A lot of people can have a lot of different influences, everyone can be compared in some way to someone whether they are from 60 years ago or more recent.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
Every performer wants to sing live. That's what I live for.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I know how to look after myself.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
The part of London where I grew up has the highest crime rates in the country.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm a positive person, and I try to look at the good side of everything.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm totally against animal cruelty. I don't have clothes, shoes or bags made from any animal products.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I call myself a vegetarian with vegan tendencies.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I really love getting hot stone massages. They really help me relax and it's so soothing for your muscles.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I love horseback riding. I still do it.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I love a beautiful gown on stage, and luckily I've been fortunate to wear some amazing dresses.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I love Thandie Newton. I love her fashion sense as she is just really classic.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I do love a bit of fashion. I grew up around a lot of it as my mum and dad had clothing stores so my mum was always designing a lot, and I definitely had that as an influence.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
Unless the radio is on, I am usually listening to stuff that is very different to what I do.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
Working with other artists and sharing your passions is great.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
Music TV in the U.K. is disappearing. 'Top Of The Pops,' 'CD:UK' and shows like that have gone, and it's bringing down the music industry. We should do as much as we can to keep our music TV and producers need to be more willing to accommodate live music.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I think it's really hard being in a boy band. There's a lot of dynamics.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I'm glad I was never in a band.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I like someone who can take the reins, who knows what they want and is strong with me.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I never dress to shock.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
Love is a very powerful emotion and when a break-up is unexpected, it's very hard to get over.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I think it's always important to be vigilant of what you're doing and aware of your surroundings.
- Leona Lewis
Image of Leona Lewis
I want all of my songs to do well whether I've written them or not.
- Leona Lewis