Leigh-Anne Pinnock

Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
When we first started, we all had icons: So Perrie had a flower, Jade had a bow-tie, Jesy had a boombox and I had a cap!
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
We're very lucky because our fan base is so dedicated that they want to have a hard copy of our album. They want to own it, have it in their hands.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
We've done some incredible things!
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
We met Prince Harry!
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
My reality was feeling lonely while touring to predominately white countries where I sing to fans who don't see me, don't hear me, don't cheer me on.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
My reality is constantly feeling like I have to work 10 times harder and longer to make my case in the group, because my talent alone isn't enough.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
It's not enough to just say 'I'm not racist' because you're not a purveyor of overt racism. If you benefit from the system, knowing that people are being oppressed and affected by it, then you are racist.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
To be anti-racist you have to be actively a part of dismantling the systems that surround you and the systems that you benefit from.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
My skin care is really important.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I used to have really bad skin when I was younger.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I've basically just got Aesop products. I am obsessed with it. I have the cleanser, the toner and then moisturiser. It has fixed my skin.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
It's important for me to look comfortable with my skin. When I get spotty it just makes me not want to talk to anyone, so it's really important I look after my skin.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Who's not played spin the bottle? But I never done the kiss version. I always wanted to, but I never did. We did the truth or dare one instead.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I like 'Yabai!' That just rolls off the tongue. It means sick, wicked in Japanese.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I'd rather say something and not say it entirely right than say nothing.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Well, no wild animal is really going to appreciate a hug, to be honest.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I went on safari and there were all these lion cubs rolling around like cats and they were so cute and I just wanted to hug them! But you can't coz you'll get eaten... It was really hard!
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I had a recurring dream when I was younger where red foxes would chase me under tables. It was so weird. And I kept having the same dream.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Some nerves are good, as it shows you care.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
You have to create music that people will buy into and show who you are as an artist.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I'm a bit of a prude in general, and I tend to cover myself up.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
When I walk into work and I see a predominantly white room, I'm like, 'But why?' It doesn't need to be like this. There are Black people that can do these jobs and should be having these opportunities as well.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
For me, diversity is just so important and I want my children to be able to watch TV and see themselves.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
If we want to wear a jumper and it says something weird on it and everyone says 'what are they wearing,' we don't really give a crap.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I was scared people wouldn't understand because I feel like with racism if you don't experience it, how are you ever going to really get it?
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Although I feel like R&B is becoming bigger in the U.K., I still feel like the representation isn't where it should be in comparison to America.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I can speak for pop music and representation is nowhere near where it should be. We're taking inspiration from black people but why am I not seeing more black people?
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I feel like if I had more diversity in my team I'd have been better equipped to deal with the experiences I had.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
If anything, I'm now so proud of my skin.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I never let anyone tell me anything growing up and I knew I wanted to be a singer. I would say to every single person that entered my life, 'I'm going to be a singer, I'm going to be on billboards and I'm going to smash it!' You have to put it into the universe, you've got to be positive and not let anything hold you back.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I'm not going to lie, the first three years of being in the group, I would look for trolls. I would search Leigh Anne. I would look through Twitter and I would search Leigh Anne from Little Mix, the black girl in Little Mix, I would put these things in my search engines just to see the comments.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
It took me so long but now I don't care what people have to say about me anymore and it's such a good place to be in.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
We're just four girls with attitude, aren't we? It just happened naturally. And with songs like 'Joan of Arc,' they needed that rap-y take on it. 'Wasabi' has that clap-back-to-the-haters vibe.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
All females are so powerful and so strong, and they just need to be reminded of that. And also, when we stick together, we're a force.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
A compliment goes a long way.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Joan of Arc' is about not feeling scared to call yourself beautiful. Why shouldn't you!?
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
We've been around New York City so many times now driving back and forth to places.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I love old-school clothes. Things from the 90s, baggy jeans, the crop tops; just really old-school, colourful things.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
The 'Fresh Prince' era is sort of my thing.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I reckon we work better in front of big crowds.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
When we did Party in the Park it was in front of 70,000 people and that was amazing. But with smaller crowds, you can see everyone looking at you. We're like 'eeeee!'
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Me, Jesy and Jade were all told at our first audition that they could see us in a girl group. All of us were a little bit disappointed because they thought we weren't good enough on our own.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
We're very approachable. We are four normal, silly, weird girls. We want people to feel like they can come up to us and have a chat. We're like your friends.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I have always loved fashion and I have always used it to express myself.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
To have an edit with ASOS - I just love ASOS - every piece is wicked, and I love how versatile it is.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I would never represent a brand that didn't represent different shapes and sizes.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Do not let anything hold you back - especially the colour of your skin, that's ridiculous and it shouldn't be anything to hold you back.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
It's so necessary in this industry. You need people around you, I couldn't do it on my own.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock
Image of Leigh-Anne Pinnock
I have got the most incredible fan base who pick me up and we do it for them. This is why we do what we do. They are our fans and they are the best.
- Leigh-Anne Pinnock