Lee Hyeon-seo

Image of Lee Hyeon-seo
In communism, we never had any freedom - of movement, of speech, of press. We didn't even make own decisions for our lives, our future. We were human robots.
- Lee Hyeon-seo
Collection: Freedom
Image of Lee Hyeon-seo
Breathing in South Korea, even though the life here is not easy, makes me so happy. I feel that sitting in a coffee shop, having a cup of tea, and looking out of the window at the blue sky - this is happiness. Truly happiness.
- Lee Hyeon-seo
Collection: Happiness
Image of Lee Hyeon-seo
History has proved that dictators can't last forever.
- Lee Hyeon-seo
Collection: History
Image of Lee Hyeon-seo
Inside North Korea, we have many informants and spies watching everyone; they're paid by the government. Even a husband and wife can't trust each other.
- Lee Hyeon-seo
Collection: Trust
Image of Lee Hyeon-seo
North Korea is not the dictator's country; it's 25 million citizens' country, and they are suffering under the dictator. North Koreans are really nice, kind, pure people. I hate the dictator and the regime, but I love my home country.
- Lee Hyeon-seo
Collection: Home
Image of Lee Hyeon-seo
People who live in North Korea, they die for food, but living in the free world, the cat even eats expensive sushi.
- Lee Hyeon-seo
Collection: Food
Image of Lee Hyeon-seo
The kindness of strangers and the support of the international community are truly the rays of hope we North Korean people need.
- Lee Hyeon-seo
Collection: Motivation