Laurie David

Image of Laurie David
If you're doing takeout, try to get the healthiest takeout you can. And just take it out of the plastic, right? Get your grandma's old china or get a fancy little bowl, and put the takeout in the bowl and light a candle.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Everything you worry about as a parent can be improved by sitting down regularly with your kids.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I find it so exciting to grow your own food.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Just because you've been divorced doesn't mean you're not still a family.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
My dad was a pool-equipment salesman. He died when I was 12. Heart attack on a golf course.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
In some other life I must have been a pioneer woman because I love to have my hands in the dirt.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I was almost surprised to realize that I had actually done something right as a parent by insisting on regular family dinners.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Having a sit down, no screens, home cooked dinner is one of the most powerful things you can do as a parent and I believe it's the most important activity you can do as a family.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
A successful dinner is one that lasts a while and one where everyone leaves happy.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
When kids help cook, even if its just shredding the herbs or stirring the pot, they eat more and they eat better.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Family dinner is how we civilize our children. It is how we get them into good habits like drinking water with supper, saying please and thank you, learning how to listen and take turns. It's how we pass on our family histories.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
As a young mom I was kind of desperate for some happy family moments and I realized that they don't usually show up all on their own, you have to create them - or at the very least, create an opportunity for them to bloom.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I could never just look at a meal as a time to refuel. For me it's an opportunity to accomplish something. To connect, to teach, to share values.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
It's easy to get good table talk going if you have a little help in the form of questions, games, newspaper articles, books with fun statistics, things like that.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
What is the quickest way to reduce our dependence on oil? Embrace hybrid technology.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
What does everyone in America own? A car. What is the quickest way to reduce our dependence on oil? Embrace hybrid technology.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
My life has been on TV for so long now, I'm used to it.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I was going to be the president of a television network. That's where I was going. I was that ambitious.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Family is anybody you sit down to a meal with - and very often, after college, your family is your friends or the people you work with.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
If you're cooking at home, you'll eat healthier, and when you add family and friends into the mix, it enriches your social life, too.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Get your friends together, even if it's just once a week or twice a month, and make dinner together.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Food is being purposefully formulated to addict you.Then it is purposefully marketed, targeted to young children to addict them at an early age. This is unethical, right? This is immoral, particularly when you see the results of it which is this world-wide epidemic of diabetes and obesity.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Wherever the American diet goes, wherever these foods and drinks go, sickness follows.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I didn't have any eating disorder or food addiction, but I struggle like every single person with my weight every day. Honestly, a day does not go by where I am not thinking about what I am eating.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
If you take added sugar out of your diet, when you have fruit for dessert it is going to taste fantastic!
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
It's not up to the kids to decide what's healthy for them. That's our job.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
School lunch should be made fresh on the premises every day. Our children deserve that respect.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Well of course, when you have kids, you become more protective and you think about how to give them the healthiest upbringing and the best future.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Larry and I didn't have two nickels together when we got engaged.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Anytime anyone spoofs anything related to the issue of global warming is good, because to me it's like, okay, gets the word out.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I understand how to deliver a message, that's my skill.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Rush Limbaugh criticizes me a lot on the air. I take that as a badge of honor.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Nobody's a better critic of myself than me, and I try to do the best I can.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
If you come to my house for a dinner party, it looks like a Toyota dealership, because every single person I know drives a hybrid now.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I'm not someone who funds buildings. That doesn't interest me. I'm more interested in programs.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
One of my main jobs is to cultivate advocates and activists.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Breaking up is hard to do. It's torture.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
The show Larry is much more aggressive. The real Larry is very gentle and very sweet and doesn't like to offend people.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
The health claims on packaging are there because they sell products.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Paul Cummins is a genius. He's a true visionary.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
When you see that charger in the wall, you have to now say okay that's, that's contributing to global-warming pollution, I have to pull that charger out of the wall.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
I had to stop following certain friends because I was constantly seeing them tweet about all the parties that I wasn't invited to! The worst is the Twitpic - people take pictures of themselves at these fun dinners, and you're not there.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
A big part of the challenge is teaching your kids how to have a real conversation, not a texting conversation. If they're not sitting down at the table, the art of conversation is going to go.
- Laurie David
Image of Laurie David
Everybody has to look at his or her own footprint and do the best they can. It's not about being perfect, it's about doing something. If we're looking for perfection, we'll never, ever get there.
- Laurie David
Collection: Perfect
Image of Laurie David
We are all guilty and we all have to be part of the solution. We have to do the best we can and then try to do better. It's not about any one person doing everything; it's about all of us doing something and then maybe a little more.
- Laurie David
Collection: Trying
Image of Laurie David
Start locally and build. Start small and grow. Start in your house, then move to your school, your book club, your gym, your church, your temple, your city.
- Laurie David
Collection: Moving
Image of Laurie David
My favorite moments are when everyone is laughing.
- Laurie David
Collection: Laughing
Image of Laurie David
Everything we know and love is at risk if we continue to ignore the warnings.
- Laurie David
Collection: Love Is
Image of Laurie David
My environmentalism reared its head around the age of ten when I inexplicably become obsessed with littering. For some reason I considered it my personal responsibility to pick up litter wherever I found it and yell at anyone I saw contributing to the problem (much to the horror of my mother). I was a ten-year-old on a mission to clean up the streets! But it was years later when I became a mother myself that concern for my kids' future really ignited my passion and set me on my course. Once I started reading and educating myself, there was no turning back.
- Laurie David
Collection: Mother