Laila Rouass

Image of Laila Rouass
Sometimes I'll put on a Zig Ziglar tape: he's a motivational speaker who is really funny and really American. I know I should do the things he says, but I'm too cynical.
- Laila Rouass
Collection: Motivational
Image of Laila Rouass
I was brought up a Muslim and I respect the religion I was born into, but I don't practise it. However, I do believe in thanking God for my happy life.
- Laila Rouass
Collection: Religion
Image of Laila Rouass
I'm half Moroccan and half Indian so I have quite an adventurous taste in food.
- Laila Rouass
Collection: Food
Image of Laila Rouass
My biggest financial fear is dying and not leaving enough to see my daughter through to adulthood and financial independence.
- Laila Rouass
Collection: Independence
Image of Laila Rouass
I'm going to hide - I always do on my birthday, I never celebrate birthdays.
- Laila Rouass
Collection: Birthday
Image of Laila Rouass
I want my daughter to grow up with some kind of ambition. I want her to work and to have that independence.
- Laila Rouass
Collection: Independence
Image of Laila Rouass
When you have kids your priorities change. What you are looking for in a partner becomes more complex.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I eat little meals throughout the day rather than one huge one that makes you feel stuffed.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
If I'm going to a party, I dance for as long as possible to burn the calories - the jive is great because you're on your toes a lot so it works your calves, thighs and bum.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
Before 'Holby,' I'd always avoided long-term roles.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
Kids will always find something to pick on, whether it's your color, your religion, the way you look, your size. You try and stand up for yourself, but it's really difficult when you've got 20 or 30 girls against you.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I love 'Holby.' I've been a fan for many years.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
There is this thing called catastrophic thinking - you start thinking that something catastrophic is going to happen. I get on a plane and I think it's going to crash, I just know it's going to crash, so you're petrified.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I thought the Charleston would be a bit like the jive, but it isn't really.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
My style is all over the place. It goes by my mood, but on a day-to-day basis it's relaxed and comfortable, just jeans and T-shirts and no heels unless I'm going to a meeting.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
While other people were dreaming of big cars and houses, I just wanted a huge dressing room.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I love Louboutins and Jimmy Choos, but I've got pairs I've never worn, because I'm still waiting to find the outfit that will go with them.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
When I was modeling, I'd go for castings in a pair of really tight, leopard-print trousers, like jeans, but with a velvet finish - very Rod Stewart, but also very sexy.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I do like to keep my face moisturized even when I'm not wearing make-up, but I don't use too many products.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
You have to eat well, drink enough water and get enough sleep to look your best, and no fancy creams will substitute that.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I'm careful about what I eat, but I do allow myself cheat days.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I have months where I go to the gym all the time, but sometimes I choose long walks instead.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I love ice-skating but I'm not very good at it.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I've got a varied taste in films. I love a good horror movie - the first few 'Saw' films for example - but I also like comedies.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I'm not one of those people who escapes to the countryside at weekends.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I like to have things around me that I love. However, I'm not a hoarder and get rid of everything I don't need.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I recycle as much as I can but I'm not an eco warrior.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I can't stand the smell of beer.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I am not a country girl at all. I tried the whole country dream and it didn't work for me. I need the madness and pandemonium of a city around me.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
Jimmy Akingbola, Ed MacLiam and Hugh Quarshie are all so fit!
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
Every time I tell someone that I'm doing 'Spooks,' they're like, 'Wow!' That's a guaranteed reaction. It's such a high-end show, it's so sexy and slick and smooth.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
Because I'm not a spy in 'Spooks' and I'm not in every day I'm able to do other things, which is great fun because it breaks it all up for me and I get some time to spend with my daughter.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I'd watched the first couple of series, dipped in and out of it, but I think everyone's a fan of 'Spooks' even if they don't watch it all the time.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
If I'm in the wrong, I'll always say sorry, but sometimes it takes a while.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I travel a lot for work, so downloading books is easier than carrying them around.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I have more than 100 pairs of Jimmy Choos and I feel very guilty about it.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I get really bad road rage, and if my daughter is in the car I have to bite my lip and try not to swear.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
'Primeval' is very similar to 'Footballers' Wives' - it's pure fantasy.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
My character in 'Primeval' is a bookworm but she is very sexy.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I usually switch off my phone. I can't bear it; obviously I'm not a very social person like that.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I've been taught always be nice to the lighting people - they're the people you make friends with straight away so that's what I do.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
But I find it so difficult to go out and be like 'Hey, I'm a sexpot.' At home I'm just a mum with food down her top!
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I always base my characters around Miss Piggy - she's my idol!
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I've got a scar on my shin from when I got shot in New York when I was 17. I was outside a McDonald's and somebody shot a gun from a car, and the bullet grazed my leg.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I'm over trying to be younger or look younger.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
Time management is really important.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
A lot of mums are torn between their work and missing out on important milestones in their children's lives.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
My mother's incredibly independent and she brought us up to be the same. She had five daughters and two sons and only allowed one mirror in the house because she didn't want us to be obsessed with our looks or weight.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
My father is Moroccan and I have fond childhood memories of holidays there.
- Laila Rouass
Image of Laila Rouass
I believe that a university education should be free as it is unfair on people who cannot afford to pay for it.
- Laila Rouass