Kyle Walker

Image of Kyle Walker
I'll always be thankful to Villa for giving me the chance to play first-team football regularly.
- Kyle Walker
Collection: Thankful
Image of Kyle Walker
It's better to play football with a smile on your face.
- Kyle Walker
Collection: Smile
Image of Kyle Walker
It's always nice to see familiar faces.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Sometimes you need to come out of your comfort zone a little bit.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
They say that the best form of defence is attack, but maybe I have to take a look at how I defend.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
It's disappointing to lose a game with the chance to go into the semi-finals of the Champions League.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Pep Guardiola is one of the most respected managers in the world.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I thought it was really important for my son to come to a World Cup with my missus, who has been there for me from day one and supported me.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Working under Pep Guardiola, a chance like that doesn't come along too often. That's no disrespect to Mauricio Pochettino, but the people that Pep has worked with grow as players.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
You probably learn more on the bench.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I was a Sheffield United fan from when my grandad, who's sadly passed away now, got a season ticket for me when I was four.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I just think I have to be a defender. If I can attack, it's a bonus.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I'm not looking into the future. I take every game as it comes, and as long as I am on the pitch and playing football, that is what keeps me happy.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
It was disappointing to be left out of the Premier League line-up, but it was a reality check to sit back and look on the bench.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
When I'm out and about or walking my dogs, United fans are coming up to me saying, 'We'd rather City win the league than Liverpool.' It's strange to hear, but I can assure you the United players aren't going to leave a red carpet and say, 'Go on, City, score past us.'
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I like to think I'm a grown-up, but it's just nice you can have a civil conversation with your boss, you're both on the same page, and you've had a text, not about football, just about golf.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I just want to learn and try to be the best player I can be.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I watched Pablo Zabaleta countless times on YouTube and clips, because I think his timing of runs into the box is fantastic.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I'm all about assists; I'm not really greedy.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I don't want to score; as long as I set people up and then they get the goals, that's all I'm bothered about.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
The Manchester City fans have their opinion on the Champions League. It is down to us, as players, to create the atmosphere in there and help the fans.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
For us, as players, I am concentrating on the game rather than worrying about the fans, but obviously, you do want the atmosphere - when you do go to certain grounds, it is difficult to play there when you have got the atmosphere, the fans are right on their side.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Spurs will always have a place in my heart. They gave me a chance to play Premier League football, and I'll be forever indebted to them.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I gambled when I left QPR to go to Aston Villa half-way through the season when we were winning every Championship game, and that paid off. You just get a sense inside you, and you have to go.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
It's an enjoyable sport; we all love to play the game, and fans love to support it.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I was unfortunate at Tottenham.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I am not going to sit here and disrespect Tottenham one bit because what they have done for me over the years is fantastic, and I am more than grateful. The way they have made the stepping stones in the right direction over the years I have been there is crazy.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
It's always hard to sleep after a night game.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
You have to remember that professional football is a job, too, and some people have to get results on the pitch to pay to live.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
If you're lucky enough to get into a Premier League or Championship team straight away, well done to you, but I feel really grateful for the experience that I had at the lower end.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
It's a big part of my game, attacking.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I want to improve as a player, but it's all about the team.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I'm going to repay my mum so much because she has kept my feet on the ground.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I don't go throwing money about - if I did, I think my mum and dad would be on my back because that's not the way I've been brought up.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Once I remember shouting, 'Mum, can I get a pound for an ice cream?' and she said, 'I haven't got a pound, Kyle.' People take so much for granted, but I will never forget that.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I've come a long way from the area where I grew up in Sheffield. It's been a journey, but I've fully enjoyed it.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
The Tottenham way is attacking football - that's what the fans expect.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
When you don't give the forwards the service, then it's difficult for them to score. Not everyone's a Gareth Bale.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
My boy always wants to play football, but I have to hide the balls. I lock them in a bedroom; otherwis,e he will just kick them all night!
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Having a two-year-old son is challenging, and my missus is only 21, so we're both young, and it is difficult.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I have justified why I wanted to come to Manchester City because I have won trophies and improved.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I'm just me. Just Kyle from Sheffield. That's all I see myself as.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I'm a sucker for 'Jeremy Kyle,' sad as it sounds. I just go home and watch that, or whatever the missus is watching.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Its always good to go above a local rival.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I am thrilled to be signing for City and can't wait to get started.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
I grew up on a council estate when I was younger.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
My family didn't have much. You know, we didn't have much and everything. From when I was 17, I moved to London, you know, and I - obviously, it's bettered my family, and I'm just grateful, really.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Gary Neville never seemed to know when he was beaten, and Ashley Cole never gets beaten.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
Pep is highly intelligent.
- Kyle Walker
Image of Kyle Walker
In the World Cup, I was happy to play anywhere.
- Kyle Walker