Kyle Lowry

Image of Kyle Lowry
It's cool to make the playoffs. It's not cool to lose in the first round anymore. The goal is to make the Finals.
- Kyle Lowry
Collection: Cool
Image of Kyle Lowry
My rookie year, we used to play all the time, literally play 'Call of Duty' all the time, because it was like all of the younger guys on the team would get into the communication with the headsets and talking trash.
- Kyle Lowry
Collection: Communication
Image of Kyle Lowry
Our fan base in Toronto is crazy. Every single night we sell out. The fans come there and support us and they do a great job of coming out cheering loud and showing their passion and electrifying the building.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
Canadians are all over the world. When they get a chance to support their team and show up, they've been doing it.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
We understand it's a 48 -minute game and for us it's always win or go home and that's what we do.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
We just play, man. We go out there and we fight no matter the situation.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I expect a lot. And, I hold my teammates accountable and they've got to hold me accountable.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I'm going to represent my country the best I can.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
Our brotherhood in the NBA is really tiny, and we really all appreciate and support and want each other happy.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
We'll do anything it takes to win a basketball game.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
To be able to know kids one day will want to be like me, I hold myself to a super high standard.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
Gregg Popovich is one of the best coaches in the history of the NBA.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
Being able to provide for me and my brother and my family, that's pressure.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I believe I had an unfair reputation. If people think I was a bad kid, I was a bad kid to them. But people close to me know I'm not.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I had to grow up, but I think I've grown up a lot. I think I'm handling myself well.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I grew up in a horrible neighborhood.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I have never been a recruiter. It won't ever happen.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
You have to be able to wake up every day and be happy with what your decision in life is, and that's why I never recruit.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
You have to make yourself happy.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
Free agency is free agency. I love when NBA players get paid.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I've always been second fiddle, man, to everything. Everything. But I never believed that I was lesser than this person, that person, anybody. I always thought I was on the same level.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I probably gave up on my dad when I was born.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
If you from Philly, you ain't a Villanova guy. Villanova is the suburbs. That's all you know about Villanova.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
From Rick Adelman to Kevin McHale, it was a big difference. Things are a lot stricter with McHale, and with Rick, things are a lot different, offensively, defensively. You go from being successful as hell with one coach and being comfortable with the coach to, yes, I was really successful with Kevin McHale, but I just didn't do it the right way.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
That's a big thing for me, being a guy that upholds himself to a high standard.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
My job is to get my shots up, to come to work, to watch film and get out of there. I don't get into the management and coaching side, that's their job - that's what they get paid for.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I love my teammates and I'll go out there and play for them, and that's who I play for every night.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
Nah, never relaxing, I'm always working.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
It was probably 'Contra' - 'Contra' was the game that really got me into video games.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
In the playoffs, all eyes are on you.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
If you start worrying about your shooting percentages, you start not taking the shots you know you can make. You start worry about taking shots because you don't want to mess up your percentage.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
For me, I'm still going to shoot the halfcourt shot if I can. I don't worry about my percentages too much. It's about winning games.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I know what I wanna be and what I don't wanna be, which is an absent parent. I wanna be hands-on.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
Going through rough times will only make me and my team stronger.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
You grow up rough, you think differently. You think you've got to protect yourself at all times. I didn't want any help. I thought I could do everything by myself, which you can't.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
It's like 'Pay It Forward.' Everyone has seen that movie. If someone teaches you something that helps you in your life, why not pass it along and help the next person?
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I want to make sure my family is happy.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I want a ring. That's all that drives me. I want to just get better, I want to have fun, I want to win a ring.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I think my family is one of the most important things in my life because they are the people I provide for and the people that believe in me the most.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
My family, my wife, my kids - they love me no matter what is going on.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
My kids know who I am on the basketball court, but at the end of the day, it doesn't matter about the basketball. I am their dad, and that is all that matters.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
As long as my team wins games, who cares what people say?
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
My mother and brother made me strive to get good grades and get through school.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
To have a high basketball IQ, I think you have to be unselfish, but also selfish at the same time. To be able to say, okay, I know this is going to work, so let's do it.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
We have to stay focused on every possession.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
There is a sense of frustration because we are losing games that we know we are capable of winning.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
You've got to be able to go out there and do the small things. I went to Villanova, and I didn't start my freshman year until the last two games of the season. And I think that continuously not being 'The Man' helped me as an individual be able to say, 'Listen, what else do you need me to do?'
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
We gotta play hard and leave it all out there. Dive for lose balls, take charges, just do whatever it takes to win the game.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I would be a very demanding coach. I wouldn't yell and scream, but I want players that want what I want. And that's why I couldn't coach, 'cause I know how hard it is and I know how hard I want you to play. But everyone's not going to do what I want.
- Kyle Lowry
Image of Kyle Lowry
I don't want to be a guy that's just out there to be out there; I want to play and contribute.
- Kyle Lowry