Kyle Busch

Image of Kyle Busch
I watch football all the time. I enjoy getting home on Monday nights and watch 'Monday Night Football,' and 'Sunday Night Football' when we get home early enough on Sunday nights.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I just try to go out there and be who I am and compete and bring home as many trophies as I can. That's what being a race car driver is all about and that's why I do what I do.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
A good driver can make up for bad equipment way more than a good car could make up for a bad driver.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
You've got guys out there that are good spokespeople for their sponsors or whatever. They do a good job of selling merchandise and all that. And then you've got guys that are just good wheel men.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I don't mind taking chances. Sometimes those chances get me in a loophole that's hard to get out of, but that's just me. That's my drive. That's my fire. That's who I am. That's who I want to be and who I feel like I am when I'm fast.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I might be confident in what I do, and sometimes you can be cocky and confident because you know what your abilities are and you know what your car is going to give you.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I guess people don't like me for getting as upset as I am sometimes when I lose, but that's me.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
It's fun to be the guy that can be so polarising and have that effect on so many different people.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
It's funny to watch sometimes. You're walking through a crowd of people or whether you're just out there for driver intros, the amount of reaction you get and the people you're affecting is pretty funny.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I mean, when I was growing up, my family was always into racing. So, we'd always have the TV on on Sundays watching the Cup races or whatever, and ultimately I kinda thought about wanting to become a race car driver. I thought it would be cool to get paid to do what you love to do most.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I love Lowe's Motor Speedway, that's in Charlotte - that's my favorite track. I love going there. It's fun.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I try to eat healthy a little bit.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Hendrick definitely realises that we're young and trying to learn - and wrecking cars is part of how you learn. Jeff Gordon went through 20 something clips in his first season, but Rick Hendrick realised he had to take a chance on Jeff Gordon. They wrecked a lot of cars, but Jeff Gordon has given him four championships.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I had a great teacher in my brother and my dad, and to be able to follow Kurt's footsteps has helped out a whole bunch.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Ever since I've jumped in a Legends or Dwarf car, I've always tried to win. I've been able to win in every race car I've ever driven.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
There's no better feeling that celebrating in Victory Lane.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
You know, I wish I had more time in the week.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
My dad certainly has an eye for talent and he did something right getting his sons to the top of NASCAR.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Throughout your career, whether you're getting into the sport or have been it in for a number of years like me, there will always be obstacles. The important thing is how you deal with those obstacles and come back from any disappointment or setback, no matter how big or small.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I'll tell you what, this is a humbling sport.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I think if you're a race car driver you want to succeed and be the best in your realm of racing.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
For me I'm a NASCAR driver, and I want to be able to win NASCAR championships.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Sometimes people forget just how closely MWR and JGR work together.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Of course you always wish your stats were a little bit better.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Yeah, I mean, you always work hard, and certainly there's opportunities to do some bold moves, and sometimes they pay off for you and sometimes they don't.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Anytime you come to a short track you want to see a great race.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Once you get on to the racetrack on Sunday and you strap your helmet on and you come down especially toward the end of the race, it's every man for himself. It's me against the world. It's me against everybody else. Sometimes you're against your critics, as well, too.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
My goal has always been to be known as a racer who is diverse, someone who can go to any venue and any racetrack anywhere and compete for a win.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
It feels awesome to outrun anybody, but to outrun your older brother always feels good.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
When you're able to dominate and just kick everyone's butt and just wipe them out, I think that's when you feel the greatest, when you put it all together.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Anyone who knows anything about me should know by now I am certainly not exactly a good politician. I am also willing to admit to you now that I never went to any classes that had anything to do political science.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I'll never self-proclaim myself as the greatest of all time.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Do I feel as though I could be one of the greatest of all time, like if it's top five that you're talking about? I would say yes. But never the No. 1.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
There's definitely guys out there that you don't like, and they'll try to crash you anytime they can't get around you.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I'll pretty much eat anything. Tacos, chicken, vegetables, whatever, I will eat it.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Our dad is not one to impart advice or gloat or reminisce about the good old days. But he's a race car guy, been a car guy forever, and he always wants to talk about cars.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Anyone who's good on any week, makes you want to go out there and beat 'em.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
There can be an easy way to interpret things some times and it seems like maybe I'm on the wrong side of those interpretations a lot of those times.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I'm not in people's minds. If you're mad at me, you'll have to tell me.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
There's always going to be a last-place guy.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I have taken restarts and have come to the conclusion myself that I can't give NASCAR that opportunity to penalize me.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
You know, I am who I am.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I'm a guy that loves to win. There's nothing else to me but the feeling of winning.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I go out there to do my best week in and week out to win races.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
Sometimes people aren't happy with the way life treats them. That's their problem.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I have a truck team for a reason.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
The more bodies you have out there, the more affiliations - ultimately the stronger your race team is going to be.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I'm a huge sports fan, but I am also a huge supporter of the United States of America and our militaries and everything that we've got for us.
- Kyle Busch
Image of Kyle Busch
I've been to Foxboro, I've been to Gillette Stadium and I've spent some time with the players as well as some of the fans out there.
- Kyle Busch