Kumar Mangalam Birla

Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
Very often, we think of leadership being at the very top of an organisation. I think what's unique about ABG is that we have a very strong cadre of leaders across the organisation who are highly empowered and therefore play a very major role in the growth and evolution of the organization.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Collection: Leadership
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
The work environment is very important in determining how enjoyable work is. It is very important to work with smart guys who have a superior level of intellectual bandwidth and still have softer skills as well.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
The License Raj in India was a time when, to set up an industry, you needed a license. Which made the government an omnipresent and sort of all-pervasive authority.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
I didn't have any great talent. I didn't want to become a rock star or an author.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
I don't think the western world is questioning capitalism. Capitalism as a concept is not something that society has written off. But today, there is degree of caution around capitalism. We believe in compassionate capitalism. Growth for growth's sake can never be an end in itself.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
The one important factor that keeps me going is the kind of people I work with.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
Only when emotion is involved do you get angry and lose your temper. You could have different points of view, but as long as it is constructive dissent, it is fun.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
My father taught us that to thrive, excellence in technology, quality, and customer service along with cost competitiveness is a prerequisite. His contribution to business, the economy, and society at large can never be underscored enough.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
One feels very blessed to be born into a family like the Birla family, which is a household name in India, which stands for tradition, is yet contemporary, stands for trust.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
Well, I think the golden rule I can think of is the fact that you must follow your passion and do something that's close to your heart. And I think that that's very important, well, to be successful and to be happy.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
First create jobs, and then provide skills to people.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
Being a conglomerate, each of our businesses has a different challenge; business landscape is different for each business. It makes it challenging as well as exciting.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
I was very fortunate, because I don't think many people get to spend time with their great-grandfathers. So, he passed away when I was 15, so I spent a lot of time with him. We lived together. He traveled a lot, but when he was here, we lived together.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
I think a leader has many roles to play. So, you know, one role is that of incubating talent; the other is that of being a strategist. It's a very interesting job I've got.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
In 1991, the government unleashed the power of India and created a partnership between itself and industry. As a result, India has emerged as an economic success story, and that is a matter of pride for all of us.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
The culture of caring and giving permeates many Indian families. In their own way, they are engaged in philanthropic pursuits.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
It's not a good idea to always look for new frontiers, especially when you have opportunities in your existing businesses, in your own backyard.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
Jack Welch is someone who I have always admired. In India, Narayana Murthy is someone who I have great respect for.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
I never wanted to become a CA. My father was keen that I become one because he thought that was the right thing for me to do. I didn't have the courage to tell him that I don't want to do it. But now, I can't thank him more for having put me through it.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
The young generation is willing to experiment more. Firstly, they are less motivated by money and compensation, unlike the previous two generations. Secondly, integrity and governance are very important issues for them.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
Our mission has always been to be leaders in each of our businesses, which is one, two, or three.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
GST is a structural move in the right direction. It could take a few months to settle down. It is another one of the government's fundamental shifts which are all very well thought through... It will make us a much more robust economy.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
The IBC is a very deep reform. It is almost as deep a reform as GST or demonetisation. It changes the fundamental character of Indian business.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
I don't think any government is going to go back on the reforms process. There is no government that won't attempt to get people to come and manufacture in India.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
The shape and composition of the government is important. We haven't reached a point where politics and economics have been totally divorced from each other.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
There are two roadblocks in the way of transforming India into an economic giant and one of them was education. I believe that if education is privatised at primary and secondary level, lot of our problems will be answered to
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Collection: Education
Image of Kumar Mangalam Birla
To globalize for the sake of globalizing-as a matter of ego-is perilous. Expanding internationally is hard, risky work. Globalization is not just about putting up a plant. It's not about making an acquisition. It's much, much more.
- Kumar Mangalam Birla
Collection: Ego