Kitty Carlisle

Image of Kitty Carlisle
I was near sighted. I was born myopic, and I got glasses, right after that.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
I was born in New Orleans, and I wasn't allowed to go to the movies.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
It was considered oh, not proper for children to go to the movies.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
I was taken to concerts when I was six, seven years old, and sat in a box throughout the whole evening.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
The next thing that happened to me was that I, we, were living in Paris where I then grew up.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
So in those days, they were scooping up any young person who could sing and look decent, ah, at the same time.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
So I got caught up in the same wave as everybody else and went right out to Hollywood, to make movies.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
And I wasn't crazy about Hollywood in those days.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
My mother thought Hollywood was a den of iniquity, and people came to terrible bad ends there.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
It never occurred to me that I looked like a movie star.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
And I didn't, that's why my career was very short lived.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
I get on the floor, and I can do things a woman a fifth my age can't do.
- Kitty Carlisle
Image of Kitty Carlisle
TV cameras seem to add ten pounds to me. So I make it a policy never to eat TV cameras.
- Kitty Carlisle
Collection: Cameras
Image of Kitty Carlisle
And I didn't. That's why my career was very short-lived.
- Kitty Carlisle
Collection: Careers