Kevin Corrigan

Image of Kevin Corrigan
I'm not as anti-sports as I've led people to believe - I've been to a Giants game. I've been to Giants Stadium and I've watched games. I've watched lots of them, you know? I don't really pretend to know what's going on, but I've been immersed in the excitement of watching sports, particularly football. I like baseball, probably more than football.
- Kevin Corrigan
Collection: Sports
Image of Kevin Corrigan
Ive had many idols growing up. The inclination for idol worship comes naturally to me. Or it did, anyway. I think Ive gotten over it. It came as naturally to me as wanting to act.
- Kevin Corrigan
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Kevin Corrigan
Inspiration can come from anywhere. But I do love actors. I wish I could drop a bunch of names, but there are just too many.
- Kevin Corrigan
Collection: Inspiration
Image of Kevin Corrigan
When I was working on Big Fan, I didnt really feel like any lines needed to be changed or enhanced or expanded upon in any way. I thought it was a solid script. All you had to do was what it said.
- Kevin Corrigan
Collection: Fans