Kenny Omega

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There are times you break up with a loved one, a friend, or whatever. You feel alone. It's a very easy feeling to understand - the feeling of loss, heartache, and pain.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Alone
Image of Kenny Omega
I exposed myself, and I exposed my relationship and deep love and trust for Ibushi in front of the world. And we want to work together and change wrestling for a brighter future.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Trust
Image of Kenny Omega
Learning Japanese was certainly a task, but my passion for the culture, as well as my will to communicate with fans and friends, always encouraged me to continue.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Learning
Image of Kenny Omega
Why use your natural abilities to make someone feel bad? I just want to be the guy who uses his power to be positive.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Positive
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John Cena is one of the great WWE talents that I respect most. If I were to end up there, working with someone of his caliber would certainly be a goal and jive with my mission of changing wrestling.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Respect
Image of Kenny Omega
In high school, despite my involvement on four different sports teams, I threw my duties of being a jock out the window and spent my spare time in wrestling training or on the PS2.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Sports
Image of Kenny Omega
I only ever get to work with Naito once a year. I'd love to wrestle him again. Yeah, he's good, for sure. The person I've never worked before in a New Japan ring - and I'd be happy to get the chance and show the difference of styles - is Zack Sabre, Jr., so that'd be another one. Yeah, he's one of my favorites.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Chance
Image of Kenny Omega
My dreams are bigger than money; they're bigger than fame.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Dreams
Image of Kenny Omega
I have a vision for what I want wrestling to be, and I was fortunate not just to have the opportunity to show my talents at the right time, and not just to have the right opponents, and not just to have the knowledge that the front office has faith in me, but also the good fortune not to get hurt in the middle of all this.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Kenny Omega
Before going to developmental, I had next to no fundamentals and that was sort of, doing cool chain wrestling and using a lot of holds and stuff.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Cool
Image of Kenny Omega
I think it's important to show in the 21st century that if you're gay, lesbian, trans, whatever, that you should feel just as welcome to be a wrestling fan as anyone else. You're welcome in the space.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Space
Image of Kenny Omega
For me personally, I think too much emphasis is put on, 'Okay, how cool are my moves?' and, 'How do I string them together?' 'How do I get this move in the match within this time limit?' and that's it.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Cool
Image of Kenny Omega
The Bullet Club has sort of become this pop-culture phenomenon. You don't even have to like wrestling or follow our product, and you can wear a Bullet Club shirt, and it's cool.
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Cool
Image of Kenny Omega
It's funny: there's this idea where Kenny is only good because he can do what he wants, and he gets time. Well, everyone else through those doors had had time and opportunity. Why didn't they do anything special?
- Kenny Omega
Collection: Funny
Image of Kenny Omega
New Day rocks. I can't lie.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I try to think of things in levels, pain levels and such, injury levels, like, 'How bad is this injury supposed to be? How much should I be selling?' And I think it also helps with the emotional attachment of fans when you're trying to tell a story as well.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I don't like to risk - I'm actually not a tough guy at all, make no mistake about it, so I'm not going to do something that I'm scared of. So, if something looks dangerous, at the time I didn't think it was, because I'm the first person to cower away from a risk of injury if there seems to be one.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
It is always funny to see a grown man bully get beat up by a little girl or anything.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
When I was growing up, I thought there was only WWE. That's it. One promotion in the world. And then, as I grew up, I found that there's local wrestling. There's WCW, there's ECW. In Mexico, there are the luchadores. And then, finally, I realized there's wrestling in Japan.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I actually work better within restrictions. When you leave everything wide open, things tend to get a little convoluted. So when you give me those restrictions and I start to use my brain creatively to work around those, that's when things get interesting.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
If LGBT people can identify with our story, if they think, 'The Golden Lovers are my team,' I'm good with that.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
Of course I'm not stupid enough to think that we could take on WWE head-on and win, because they're too big of a monster.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
We're always driven by our mindset and feeling on a particular show day, so you'll never know what you'll get until you see it happen in the ring.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I can comfortably say that I very much dislike a person like Jim Cornette, so the day that he disappears from this business permanently, I think, will be a happy day for professional wrestling.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I sort of took the literal term of 'The Cleaner,' and I started bringing janitorial items to the ring with me, so I took garbage bags and brooms and mops.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
In WWE, a gay person is usually portrayed like some sort of comedy act to be mocked and laughed at. The world's not like that anymore.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
It's no secret that I love the country, and Japan has always felt like a second home to me.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I am a very firm believer in Cody Rhodes. I think he is fantastic, an absolute superstar. Unbelievable in the ring, great timing, great pacing - he's in great physical conditioning, can cut a heck of a promo, and just an all-around good guy.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I've always been on the outside looking in. I was never popular in school, despite my success in athletics. I would win track and field competitions, but I wouldn't go to parties. I'd be alone.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I can be multi-cultural, multi-lingual, work a physical style, push forward entertaining storylines, and be the more worldly entertainment that the company needs.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
The Young Bucks and myself are always full of ideas.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
Part of what makes my character work is the delivery of the truth behind my comments.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I main-evented a sold-out Budokan Arena show; I participated in the first-ever ladder match in NJPW, made the transition from junior to heavyweight, and earned a G1 win with a series full of performances that I'm personally very proud of.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
There's a certain kind of wrestling fan that will only like a certain style. They think that's the right way, and that's okay, but I'm not trying to impress those people. Those people are already kind of set in their ways. I'm trying to open the world to a different style, what pro-wrestling has the potential to be.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
If I were ever in a position to appear more for ROH, I would accept nothing less than to be recognized as the best - which would mean having to challenge the top dogs/champions.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
As a professional wrestler in the position I am in, I would rather have people remember my matches for an emotion or for a certain thought it evoked when they saw it.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
Pentagon not only has the untrainable 'It' factor but also the rare ability to adapt and succeed wherever he competes. He has a unique charisma about him that fans connect with, and regardless of where he competes or what style is prominent, he seamlessly blends in - yet stands apart from everyone else on the card.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
Even my most physical matches in New Japan have all been athletic contests, and generally, they've all been fair and square. It's been this new, strong style we've been trying to create in New Japan, with my own personal style.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
You're not going to get a seven-star match or six or five in a seven-minute segment, but I always do the best I can to make that segment memorable and entertaining, and I think that's always the name of the game.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
When I see Big E, I clearly see someone who could be world champion. The guy is on another level.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I had always wanted a top spot, ever since I came to Japan in 2008.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
If you're holding a championship that means something in the landscape of Japanese wrestling, you're guaranteed to get a huge feature in almost every magazine - you might even be guaranteed a front page. That's big.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
Everyone loves to laugh.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
Winning the title is an important detail to the story, but how you get there is much more important.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I'm not one to shy away from speaking my mind.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I'm lucky that my best strength as a wrestler has always been my brain.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
I have things about me that I dislike; I'm not a perfect human being.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
'Virtual Pro Wrestling 2' remains the best wrestling game ever, in my opinion.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
There's a lot of deep emotional connections between wrestlers.
- Kenny Omega
Image of Kenny Omega
Any time I broke through the 'glass ceiling' by accomplishing things that foreigners weren't apparently able to do, they've been huge personal victories and career highlights for me.
- Kenny Omega