Ken Kesey

Image of Ken Kesey
- he's finished with that; it's like an old clock that won't tell time but won't stop neither, with the hands bent out of shape and the face bare of numbers and the alarm bell rusted silent, an old worthless clock that just keeps ticking and cuckooing without meaning nothing.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Hands
Image of Ken Kesey
Ocean, Ocean I'll beat you in the end.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Ocean
Image of Ken Kesey
No one's ever dared come out and say it before, but there's not a man among us that doesn't think it, that doesn't feel just as you do about her and the whole business - feel it somewhere down deep in his scared little soul.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Men
Image of Ken Kesey
Anesthetized time; nothing moves and everything is at once.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Time
Image of Ken Kesey
They can't tell so much about you if you got your eyes closed.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Life
Image of Ken Kesey
What we hoped was that we could stop the coming end of the world.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: World
Image of Ken Kesey
I been silent so long now it’s gonna roar out of me like floodwaters and you think the guy telling this is ranting and raving my God; you think this is too horrible to have really happened, this is too awful to be the truth! But, please. It’s still hard for me to have a clear mind thinking on it. But it’s the truth even if it didn’t happen.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Truth
Image of Ken Kesey
I'm so insane, I voted for Eisenhower. Oh yeah, well I'm so insane, I voted for Eisenhower TWICE!
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Voting
Image of Ken Kesey
Alongside the statement about one man's poison being another man's high, one might as well add that one man's saint can be another man's sore and one man's hero can turn out to be that man's biggest hangup.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Hero
Image of Ken Kesey
Anti-drug fanatics and cops are the criminals - it's like McCarthyism. They need someone to dislike to distract the public from the really important problems.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Drug
Image of Ken Kesey
You seem to forget, Miss Flinn, that this is an institution for the insane.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Missing
Image of Ken Kesey
Men are forever eager to press drink upon those they consider their superiors, hoping thereby to eliminate that distinction between them.... And women, when confronted by superiors, substitute for drink the crippling liquor of their sex.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Sex
Image of Ken Kesey
You don’t lead by pointing and telling people some place to go. You lead by going to that place and making a case.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Leadership
Image of Ken Kesey
There are going to be times when we can’t wait for somebody. Now, you’re either on the bus or off the bus. If you’re on the bus, and you get left behind, then you’ll find it again. If you’re off the bus in the first place – then it won’t make a damn.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Firsts
Image of Ken Kesey
All I know is this: nobody’s very big in the first place, and it looks to me like everybody spends their whole life tearing everybody else down.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Firsts
Image of Ken Kesey
Things you think you’re saying for the first time ever, have been said better before by Shakespeare, though they may need saying again.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Firsts
Image of Ken Kesey
I don’t think you fully understand the public, my friend; in this country, when something is out of order, then the quickest way to get it fixed is the best way.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Country
Image of Ken Kesey
Allen Ginsberg is a tremendous warrior as time goes by. He’s a warrior first and a poet second.
- Ken Kesey
Collection: Firsts