Kelly Kelly

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I would travel with Sandman, Dreamer and Sabu. Dreamer took me under his wing and was like 'Alright, you'll travel with us.'
- Kelly Kelly
Collection: Travel
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I'm thankful for my family who has supported me through everything. They basically encourage me to follow my dreams.
- Kelly Kelly
Collection: Thankful
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When I got the phone call from my agent who said, 'The WWE called me and they are interested in you.' I was like, 'Oh, my God,' because I used to watch it when I was younger. I said, 'Okay, let's try it.' They kicked my butt for a week. I was throwing up. I had bruises all over.
- Kelly Kelly
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Your body is not meant to do the things we do. The girls are brutal. We really punch each other and pull hair because we want it to look like we're beating each other up. I feel like the girls take it to another level. A lot of times those tears on my face are real.
- Kelly Kelly
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I love sports and I had an athletic background.
- Kelly Kelly
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Like I tell everybody, there is no feeling like walking through that curtain and having the fans chant your name. That's a feeling unlike anything else.
- Kelly Kelly
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I always say, 'Never say never.'
- Kelly Kelly
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I definitely want to get more into the acting. Coming from a background of WWE and being on live television and having those storylines, I feel like it's an easy transition.
- Kelly Kelly
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Layla is an amazing choreographer.
- Kelly Kelly
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I was a gymnast for 10 years, and I've always been into sports.
- Kelly Kelly
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Luckily, I haven't been severely injured, but I've... broken ribs and stuff.
- Kelly Kelly
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I had to grow up very fast. Especially with traveling and having to drive 300 miles a night.
- Kelly Kelly
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I felt like they were throwing me to the wolves by saying 'You're not going to RAW, you're going to ECW, where it's real hardcore and the fans call you obscene names. You just had to.
- Kelly Kelly
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I started when I was 19 and Kelly Kelly was such a big name in the WWE and it was my persona for seven years. When I left, I wanted to leave that persona behind and kind of make a name for myself.
- Kelly Kelly
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WAGS' has been amazing because I've been able to have fun and be myself and still kind of entertain, but in a different way. It's been great.
- Kelly Kelly
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If they ever ask me to come back and do a one-time thing like a Summerslam or a Wrestlemania, I definitely wouldn't be opposed to it.
- Kelly Kelly
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I loved being in the WWE and I owe a lot of my success and where I came in my career to them.
- Kelly Kelly
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It's nice to take a break and just be able to live a normal life and being able to do whatever I want to do.
- Kelly Kelly
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I don't give bodyshamers any life.
- Kelly Kelly
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Every girl is beautiful in their own way, and we all have different body types.
- Kelly Kelly
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I stay away from dairy, beefs and a lot of cheeses.
- Kelly Kelly
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I'm obsessed with circuit training - I do that a lot.
- Kelly Kelly
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I think Charlotte's great. I think she's a wonderful gymnast and had that same athletic background I had with gymnastics, and following in her father's footsteps is great.
- Kelly Kelly
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I've always been very comfortable with my body.
- Kelly Kelly
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You either like my look or you don't. I'm not going to change it for anyone.
- Kelly Kelly
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I remember some would say 'Oh, you're just a blond, you look like the all-American,' and I'm like that's my look.
- Kelly Kelly
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I'm very lucky and blessed that I haven't taken the whole social media with body influences seriously. So many girls get impacted, especially with the body image stuff and it's so sad.
- Kelly Kelly
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I moved to Kentucky to train in OVW, then to Tampa to continue training in FCW and now I've finally gotten the chance to show people what I can do.
- Kelly Kelly
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I thought wrestlers were larger than life, so when WWE called and asked if I wanted to train, I was like, 'Oh, my God, yes!'
- Kelly Kelly
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To win the title, after being in the ring for five years? It felt like I'd really achieved something.
- Kelly Kelly
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I was the youngest Diva they'd ever had and one of the first models, so I was like, 'I'm going to work my butt off.'
- Kelly Kelly
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A lot of the guys there didn't like me at first, because they were used to training with girls who had wrestling experience.
- Kelly Kelly
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I feel like with any reality show you kind of have reservations. You don't know how you are going to be portrayed.
- Kelly Kelly
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I used to get 'you suck' all the time on Twitter or 'you can't wrestle.'
- Kelly Kelly
Image of Kelly Kelly
I'm so used to the hating on social media. I don't even give it a glance anymore.
- Kelly Kelly
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One of my really good friends who I used to do bikini contests with dates the lead singer of Shinedown.
- Kelly Kelly
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Family is my No. 1 thing. I am very passionate about that.
- Kelly Kelly
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I loved working with Layla, Candice Michelle, Maryse, Beth Pheonix, Michelle McCool, Eve, and the list goes on and on.
- Kelly Kelly
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While performing for the WWE, Jacksonville was my favorite city to go to.
- Kelly Kelly
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My friends and family back home are my No. 1 fans.
- Kelly Kelly
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I have never forgotten where I came from.
- Kelly Kelly
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I like calling Sheldon my husband. I love that we're married.
- Kelly Kelly
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It's all so similar, all the different WAG sports - whether it be baseball, basketball, football, so I'm sure that soccer is along the same lines and in the same world.
- Kelly Kelly
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It's what you sign up for when you sign up for reality TV. You open up your life for the world to see so it's hard to hide anything. So you just go with the flow and whatever is going on in your life the fans are going to see - the good and the bad, you just have to roll with it.
- Kelly Kelly
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It's really important for me to keep my fans involved because they've always been there 100 percent, especially when I left WWE.
- Kelly Kelly
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When it came to WWE, we were able to freestyle a lot of stuff, especially in the ring and backstage, so with reality I'm just kind of being myself and basically have the same character I was in WWE.
- Kelly Kelly
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I became a huge hockey fan! I fell in love with it.
- Kelly Kelly
Image of Kelly Kelly
I'm from Florida and hockey is not a big sport down there.
- Kelly Kelly
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I'd love to visit Montreal.
- Kelly Kelly
Image of Kelly Kelly
I'd like to try acting or hosting or anything like that to further my brand.
- Kelly Kelly