Keeley Hawes

Image of Keeley Hawes
I happen to know there is nothing sexy or romantic about love scenes. They are just awful to do.
- Keeley Hawes
Collection: Romantic
Image of Keeley Hawes
When you think about such fine actors as Maggie Smith or Michael Gambon, they do all mediums. I think it would be quite sad and a bit dull just to have to stick to one. I like all of them.
- Keeley Hawes
Collection: Sad
Image of Keeley Hawes
I don't like dirt. Cleanliness is high on my agenda, but I don't have a phobia of dirt. I'm just not keen on it. I don't really like dirty people or houses or smelly things.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I prefer watching movies on the sofa rather than sitting next to Bob Geldof at a premiere and wanting to kill yourself.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I've never seen an episode of 'Downton Abbey.'
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
There's always a sense of tragedy with icons. It happened to both the Princess of Wales and Diana Dors. A lot of people had grown up with them, and everybody loved them. Then, when they had at last found happiness, they were taken in the most dreadful way.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
My husband is the chef of the family; he's a brilliant cook. Actually, it makes you quite lazy when you have somebody that's so good at cooking under the same roof. It's all beans or spaghetti when I'm left to run it.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Yes, I'm anal. I am just really organised.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I am not into action and adventure on holiday; that doesn't really do it for me. I would much rather go and lie down.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
There's nowhere to hide in the theatre. You can't be the one in rehearsal who doesn't know their lines.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Botox and other fillers make everybody look the same, with the big cheekbones where they fill you up. It's much cheaper to have a fringe - it takes years off everybody.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I've nothing against stay-at-home mums, but I love going to work, I love what I do and I wouldn't want to start resenting my home life if I was staying home 365 days a year.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Marriage and being a mother are absolutely crucial to my happiness and my life.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I hope to be still acting when I'm 70 on TV, film and theatre.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
When I grew up in central London, we had six pavement slabs for a garden.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
The funny thing about children is that, whichever room we're in, that's where they'll be. If I'm in the bath, they'll want to be in there too, playing with the toothbrush pot or brushing my hair.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
If there's room for 30 reality shows, surely there's room for two amazing costume dramas.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I do love playing aristocrats, probably because it's so against type. So much more interesting than playing a version of yourself.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I'm not saying that every night of the week, my husband, ex-husband, our children and I all sit around together like one big happy family. But we do see each other frequently, and everyone loves each other, and we are all friends.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
When you get into your 40s, the roles do tend to drop off, and I've seen it happening to friends of mine. Hopefully it is improving, and there are female TV executives now who are championing women of all ages in leading roles. But I'm not counting on it.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
There are lots of actors who are posh and stick with that, and there are lots of actors who are cockney, and that's what they do. That's fine, but I don't think that could be said about me.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I've stopped worrying about whether people think what I do is any good. I've taken stick in the past, and I've genuinely worried and got incredibly upset.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Things can change on a daily basis in television. You can be introduced to aspects of your character that you had no idea existed because they didn't exist a week before. The next week it might be taken away from you in some way that you can't control.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
It's very easy to keep putting off having a family if you enjoy your job, but you just have to get on with life.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I'm a size 12 and I'm very happy with it.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Life is simply too short to think about everything you put in your mouth, and it's not good for children to see you picking over bits of salad.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Coming from a family where the parents had been together for 40 years, you never imagine that divorce is going to happen to you.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I think if you do a lot of interviews, you're laying yourself open. If you put yourself out, accept every invitation to every premiere, then you can't really complain when people knock on your front door and photograph you in the street.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
We're not an acting family, but my parents have always encouraged me.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I love fashion; I adore it. I love the madness of it.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
'Ashes To Ashes' is a victim of its own success. We started lots of trends. I like to think we had something to do with bringing back the high waist. It's so much more flattering.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Something like a divorce does change you, but children change you more, and now I've had three.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
There are all sorts of ways you can take somebody's identity or change your own, and a million things you can do with it once you have. It's quite incredible.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
My beauty regime is very simple. I just take my make-up off before bed. And oh, I always put moisturiser on. But that's about it, apart from a bit of soap maybe.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
In the adverts, I look like I do because 150 people have spent seven hours making me look dazzling. That's not me at all.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
It's a healthy thing to get some bad criticism. I'm still here and I'm fine, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't get to you reading the negative stuff.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
If I was ambitious in my career, then I would have moved to the United States and given it a good go at films.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I love washing, hoovering, ironing, you name it. I find it very therapeutic.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
There have been times in my life when I have felt like I can't go out without my makeup on. But now I just put on some dark glasses so people can't see if I look rough!
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I have quite a lot of anxiety dreams.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I went on two holidays as a child. It wasn't what people did where I grew up.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
My children have been all over the world, and I think it's so good for them: expanding their horizons and imagination and seeing how other people live.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
'Upstairs Downstairs' and 'Downton Abbey' appeal to people because they're about our history, they look so beautiful, are written by amazing writers and have high production values.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I'm a total stationery fiend - I have drawers and drawers of lovely printed cards and wrapping paper.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
The Turkish people are the friendliest I've ever met.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I worked in McDonald's, but I didn't mind it. You got free cheeseburgers. I love eating a bit of junk food.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Children will be children, and they're inquisitive. If teenagers want to know what's out there, they'll look, but there are things that aren't for their eyes.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I was never one of those teenagers who sang into their hairbrush.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
I don't punish myself. Life's too short.
- Keeley Hawes
Image of Keeley Hawes
Im a size 12 and Im very happy with it.
- Keeley Hawes
Collection: Size