Katty Kay

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Europeans have long had a complicated and somewhat insecure relationship with the US, part admiration, part jealousy, part irritation.
- Katty Kay
Collection: Jealousy
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The United States is a country founded on the ideal of freedom and equality, values later underlined by key historical figures like Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King.
- Katty Kay
Collection: Equality
Image of Katty Kay
Economists argue about the relative impact of immigrants versus robots on wage stagnation - voters don't care much. They blame immigrants. It's easier to get mad at a person from Macedonia or Mexico, taking your job than it is to get mad at a piece of technology from Silicon Valley.
- Katty Kay
Collection: Technology
Image of Katty Kay
There are plenty who believe that Britain pays too much into the EU and gets too little back and that the UK will be better off when it is unshackled from the weight of the troubled EU economies.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
But democracy needs structure to work, in the form of laws and policies.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Everybody fails, its no big deal. Its what being human is. Dont let that stop you from taking risks.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Globalisation, with inexorable speed, has changed the world we live in. For all of us. Jobs have changed, the way we trade has changed, who we employ has changed and the feel of where we live has changed.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
When a man comments on your physical appearance, the effect is often just to distract from your professional ability.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I have wardrobes full of dresses and tops I only ever wear for TV and if I limited myself to only tops with sleeves, the choice would be even narrower.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Television is an X-ray. If you try to be something youre not, television will pick it up.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Burnout is a real risk, especially now when there is so much news. I take real breaks, put my phone down, get out in to the countryside and ignore the news - even if its just for a few hours.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
We talked to a lot of psychologists who were working in business schools who put men and women in front of scientific reasoning quizzes. The women will routinely think they have done less well than they have done. The men will think they have done better than they have done. In reality, they have done about the same.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Confidence is not the same as self-esteem.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Confidence has nothing to do with a manner. Its to do with a belief that you can succeed at something.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I read the news every night to millions of people around the world. It doesnt test my confidence.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Im good at getting information and synthesizing it. Its not that I doubt myself on that. Its, do you have the Ph.D. first-class brain or do you have the really good second-class brain? Because I came from a very academic culture, I always slightly felt I wasnt in the very top group.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
When I started on Twitter, I was just staggered by how rude people could be.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Ive actually developed a well of confidence. But would I apply for the 'Financial Times' economics correspondent? No, I would feel I wasnt up there.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Learn Spanish and realize that youll fail, go for that risk assignment at work, try building a relationship with that new client, raise your hand in that meeting to ask that question.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
My best teacher was my mother. She was a diplomats wife living in the Arab world in the 70s and 80s who always worked, even in really tough circumstances.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
About seven years ago, I was anchoring a BBC news program and somebody else was brought in to do it. I had that moment of thinking, 'My God, Im a complete failure. Ill never work again.'
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
For all the anti-Americanism around the world, people have this love of Americana.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I like trying new things. You only have one life.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
If you can force yourself to get through failures and pull something out of them, they can teach you a lot.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I love meeting American voters. I get to interview a lot of politicians but I always enjoy interviewing ordinary people the most - though most of them are anything but ordinary. Everyone has an interesting story to tell.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Ive lived and worked in developing countries so Im particularly interested in helping women in oppressive societies. Our problems can pale in comparison to theirs, the more we can do to empower them, the better off all women will be.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I think its important for women to recognize that its totally normal for us to feel nervous, particularly in situations in which were so often the only woman in the room.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
The lack of role models at the top means women can't look up and see an image of themselves as easily as men can. And there is still discrimination.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Closing the confidence gap means being honest about your abilities, not constantly undervaluing them.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
But what attracts me to the study of confidence is that it is something women can address themselves, individually and immediately.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
It makes a good case that women in charge would mean fewer wars, a different management style and more embracing of other peoples views. But in the business and personal world, its not that women are better than men. Its that they bring different perspectives and skills.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
The reasons America isnt liked in various countries isnt uniform. The reasons can be different.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
In Rwanda, which has gone through a devastating civil war and has a per-capita income of $16 per year, half of members of Parliament are women. But in most countries, including the United States, theres a paucity of women in public office.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
In the scheme of life, being moved aside from a job, however much you love it, is a small thing.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
People are far too wrapped up in their own lives to care about what's happening to other people. Even if it is a moment's hot gossip, it's only that - a moment.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I'm not going to thank the man who told me I had no character. I'm not that magnanimous, and he could do with lessons in people management.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Thanks to my new job, I got a front row seat. I crossed the country covering the race, first between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama and then between Obama and McCain. It was the political story of a lifetime.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Criticism, however strongly worded or teasingly expressed, comes with the job of being president.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
American prides itself on being centrist, on not having the European tendency of flirting with extremist groups.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
The degree to which Americans talk about themselves as a special, unique country has often struck me as a little grandiose. You don't hear the French, or Brits, or Australians talk about themselves that way - though they may well feel it.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Conservatives in the American heartland have long believed, with some justification, that they can't get a fair hearing in America's mainstream press, which they see as overwhelmingly coastal and liberal.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Every woman dreams of a workplace where her boss doesn't suggest they grab a drink after work, where there isn't that colleague you'd just rather not get stuck in the office with alone and where your job prospects don't depend, however subtly, on whether you put up with lascivious comments from a man who has power over you.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I honestly do not know a woman, in any profession, at any level, who has not at some point, often at many points, had to repudiate the unwanted advances of a man they've worked with or for. We shouldn't have to.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I grew up in the Middle East where my mother, who also worked as a journalist, had to wear long dresses with long sleeves every time she left the house.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
There is a lot of research out there, which shows that when women behave like men they are penalized for it. Both socially and professionally.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
Confidence is very simple. It is the stuff that turns thoughts into action. Thoughts without action are pretty useless.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
If we can bring our perception of our ability in line with our actual ability then we have the capacity to be authentic. Then we can accept we are as good as we really are.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
The other day I noticed my 12-year-old daughter was getting stressed about a grade she was due on a science test. The grade came back and it was absolutely fine but she felt it wasnt good enough. That was my red alert for this issue of perfectionism.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
I've always prided myself on embracing the concept that almost no-one is indispensible, certainly not a news reporter.
- Katty Kay
Image of Katty Kay
It's a ridiculous function of modern work life that we can't just be sick, we then have to beat ourselves up about being sick.
- Katty Kay