Katie Pavlich

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I grew up in a conservative household, my parents were small business owners, so it really just was kind of part of who we were.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
I didn't realize until high school that the man wearing a cowboy hat on the poster in our garage was actually Ronald Reagan, so my parents just - it was how we were, I grew up on five acres of land in Flagstaff, Arizona and we really just lived a conservative lifestyle.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Conservatism to me is limited government, liberty and sticking to the Constitution and realizing that government is not the solution to almost anything, that your community, your family is the solution to everything.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The question of a valid parental-child relationship is at the center of how the Department of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services handle detainment. Because of fraudulent documentation, profits to smugglers, and false asylum claims, there is essentially no way to prove or verify adults traveling with children are indeed their parents.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Under the Obama administration, 80-90 percent of individuals making asylum claims with children were released after being processed and given a court date. Inevitably, they started living in the U.S. illegally for years to come. This is the policy the Trump administration is trying to change.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
But the truth is that throughout human history slavery has existed. And America came along as the first country to end it within 150 years. And we get no credit for that.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
When Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon for the first time and said the famous words, 'That's one small step for a man; one giant leap for mankind,' he was talking about all of us. Men and women.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The pro-life movement is and has been led by women for decades. The history of the movement shows this, despite the current narrative about men 'controlling' or making laws about women's bodies.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
There is a heap of evidence to show Michael Avenatti is a liar and yet he was treated as the ultimate arbitrator of truth. How embarrassing.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
In the age of global warming hysteria and the $93 trillion 'Green' New Deal, leftist advocates for more government intervention in the economy under the guise of environmentalism have engaged in a new smear: If you don't buy into climate change hysteria, you're a 'denier' who doesn't care about the environment.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Big government, global environmentalism cannot work unless everyone pitches in. With China, Russia, India and a number of other countries constantly cheating the rules of international climate agreements, it makes staying in them an expensive - yet fruitless - cause.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
On a local level, hunters in states around the country have provided billions of dollars for conservation efforts. Money collected from hunting license sales, taxes on ammunition and firearms and other hunting equipment often goes directly to properly maintaining land and conservation efforts.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Conservative Americans care about the environment, they just happen to have a very different approach. They aren't 'deniers,' but instead have a real stake in conserving the land and environment for the future.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Ivanka's work is never-ending. Whether it's meeting with workers looking to bridge a skills gap, visiting female engineers building innovative robotics, speaking to leaders around the world about the importance of female entrepreneurship and much more, Ivanka has been quietly racking up long-term successes for the country.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
While Congress repeatedly finds plenty of time to vote on resolutions of condemnation over border security, they've done virtually nothing to actually solve the problem.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The mission of Border Patrol agents to protect the United States from harm is being impeded by a crisis Congress has the ability to fix, but as usual, chooses not to.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Border security is a comprehensive issue and doesn't boil down to a 'wall' or even barriers. Trump knows and recognizes this, which is why he repeatedly talks about all of the aspects and challenges federal immigration officers face.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
For connecting the government and private sector, while breaking through infamous federal bureaucracy, Ivanka Trump is exactly what Washington needed. She's making policy changes inside the beltway, prompting an improvement in the lives of individuals across the country.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
In the aftermath of the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., a false accusation has made its way back into the media: President Trump made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns. This claim is absolutely false.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Trump did not reverse a policy that allows the mentally ill to purchase firearms as reporters, media pundits and anti-Second Amendment activists have recklessly claimed. Instead, he's given millions of individuals their constitutional rights back.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Who needs shows like 'House of Cards' or 'Scandal' when you can simply turn on the news?
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Despite the left's best hopes, the Manafort indictment didn't contain a single reference to the Trump campaign and the charges he faces are completely tailored to a decade of shady business deals overseas. Collusion wasn't the center of the charges and President Donald Trump was left out of it.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Those who want to 'drain the swamp,' should be praising Mueller for enforcing FARA violations and, in return, prompting more lobbyists to register as foreign agents when required.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Imagine a world where Hillary Clinton actually knew what she was talking about.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The NRA isn't a boogeyman organization behind a curtain. The NRA is made up of millions of people who believe in the Second Amendment and the organization is very closely connected to the country music community.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
I've been to dozens of concerts where attendees proudly wore NRA hats and t-shirts. In fact, the NRA partners with a number of artists for their NRA Country brand and puts on shows across the country every year.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Country lyrics often reference the NRA and firearms ownership as a way of life. Artists such as John Rich, Toby Keith, Sara Evans and others regularly play shows at the NRA Annual Meeting, which thousands of NRA members attend.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Love or hate the outcome of what Trump has decided to do, keeping or scrapping DACA is outside of his authority as president. The executive branch enforces the law; it does not make it.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Congress has an obligation to make controversial decisions on how to handle undocumented immigration. Lawmakers on both sides of the political aisle have refused to take the tough votes on the issue for decades. Whether it's been to take advantage of cheap labor or for political purposes, both sides are guilty.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
In many corners the concept of DACA is a fair and compassionate one, giving reprieve to children brought into the country illegally by their parents. But the way the program is lawfully mandated and implemented matters.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
If Republicans and Democrats alike truly believe DACA should stay and be a permanent part of immigration reform, then they should use their elected power to make it so.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Were Trump campaign officials the only ones engaging in questionable behavior regarding Russia? Hardly. The Clintons are in the same category.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
President Trump has never been accused of being an eloquent or charismatic speaker. In fact, his rough-edged style has roiled commentators and professional politicos inside the Beltway for years, while being cheered by his supporters across the country.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The Obama administration benefited the Castro regime. The Trump administration plans to benefit the Cuban people by taking away power from the government and directly emboldening citizens.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
If citizens and those in the communities where Islamic terror festers are willing to take the risk of engaging and reporting suspicions, authorities have an absolute obligation to take their concerns seriously.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
America must keep jihad out, especially when we know exactly where it is coming from.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Comey made mistakes, but they weren't made out of self-interest. To deny he wasn't put into political positions by lawmakers on Capitol Hill or on the campaign trail would be placing blame in the wrong place.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Lawmakers who attempt to find solutions to the havoc ObamaCare has wreaked across the nation are taking healthcare protections away from newborns.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Sure, Obama is personally popular, but the same cannot be said for his policies or his legacy.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Democrats didn't just lose the 2016 presidential election, they lost seats across the country at every level of government under Obama's tenure in the White House.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Unlike most U.S. presidents out of power, the Obamas are staying in Washington, D.C., so their younger daughter can finish school. But let's be honest, they're also staying so they can respond to the new administration.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
When I was a UA student, I was given the ultimate runaround when my student group wanted to bring author and activist David Horowitz to speak on campus.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Safety' is a bogus argument regularly used by university officials to keep conservative speakers off of campuses. This isn't because conservatives are dangerous, but because the left often reverts to violence instead of words when presented with ideas it disagrees with.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The vast majority of people in academia, especially at the administrative level, have so little confidence in their ability to make an argument for their liberal cause, they choose to keep conservatives from making their own case at all. It's pathetic, cowardly, unconstitutional and completely predictable.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Egypt is home to the largest Christian population in the Middle East, largely because they've been persecuted to brink of extinction everywhere else in the region.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The world's oldest Christian populations have been driven from their homes and have become nearly extinct in the Middle East.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
Each year Citizens Against Government Waste releases the 'Congressional Pig Book.' Outrage over spending for shrimp on treadmills, combating Goth culture studies, bridges to nowhere, etc. ensues for about a week, and then the waste continues.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
In order to truly get deficit spending and federal debt under control, the Trump administration is going to have to eventually address entitlement reform. If not, Trump will not only become part of the Washington status quo on the issue, but will leave burdensome and expensive problems for future generations.
- Katie Pavlich
Image of Katie Pavlich
The Tea Party was regularly smeared in media as a violent, bigoted, 'astroturf' movement hellbent on opposing the first black president because of his skin color rather than his big-government policies. These classifications were made without evidence, and there were many more.
- Katie Pavlich