Kathy Burke

Image of Kathy Burke
I thought, 'Could I ever call myself ugly as a character?' And it was like, 'Yeah, I'd love to be able to say stuff like that.'
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I had to prove that I could understand other aspects of human beings and not just little fat girls.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I much prefer to meet actors that are really into the play rather than into the part.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Twenty years ago I brought young, unknown film maker Joe Wright with me to a private show of 'Nil by Mouth.' Gary Oldman asked me if he was any good. I said, 'give it a few years and he'll direct you in a film that will win you an Oscar.'
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
What I enjoy most about directing is the chance of working things out with the writer, plus I need their approval and I like the chat.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I didn't want to work on dry, old plays written by the dry, old dead.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
When I first decided to take off the tap shoes and concentrate on theatre directing, Dominic Dromgoole got in touch to ask if I'd like to do something with Oxford Stage Company. My reaction was negative.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I'm knocking on 50, and I'm still getting recognized for playing a 14-year-old boy. It makes me think I must still look great!
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I don't half love being in my forties! You feel more grown-up and can say 'no' to things without feeling you're letting the whole team down. You don't have to worry about pleasing other people all the time. You just feel more comfortable in yourself.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I'm happy to be selfish now. That's the beauty of getting older.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I used to get defensive when people asked me, 'Is it the control that you like about directing?' I used to say, 'No!' But now I'm older, I say, 'Yeah, it absolutely is!'
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I was losing the buzz of going on stage - and getting a bit tired.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I'm a good people manager and I like that fact I can draw out their performances.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
In fact, I didn't realize I was 'unattractive' - in inverted commas - until I started acting. It was, 'Oh no, you're not right for the part - we're looking for a pretty girl.'
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I remember the nuns used to swear quite a lot, so I think maybe it's picking it up from them.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
If I get angry about stuff - I have to say I can use quite fruity language at times which isn't to everyone's taste.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
When I'm with the people who love me, I feel boo'iful.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I didn't actually start having sex until I was 23.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I've got one of those really big tellies.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Once I was 13 and on the bus with me mate Mary when we passed this little bit of green where all the winos used to go and it was a little bit embarrassing because I saw me dad there amongst them all. When it was bad, it was very bad.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Money really is a dirty word.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
So if you see me popping up on 'Cats Does Countdown,' you know Kath needs a bit of money.
- Kathy Burke
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I'm a Lizzo fan these days. Oh my god. I mean, I wish she'd been around when I was young.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I'm a bit obsessed with Lizzo at the moment.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I could have my hair really short. I didn't have to wear dresses, I could wear baggy old T-shirts and ripped trousers and monkey boots and I was desirable to boys that were into the same stuff.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I had mates who lived in tower blocks and I always hated seeing them, because of the lifts, y'know? My God, so scary.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
But I don't have any eyebrows.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Not having a mum was my thing. It came with a sort of fame. Other kids couldn't get their head around that. But looking back now, I'm quite proud about how I managed myself. I didn't end up sniffing glue or running away. I just got on with things.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I find acting so tiring!
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
That's why I won't direct film or telly. I can't do those early mornings anymore. I will only direct theatre because that starts at nine in the morning.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I'd probably go Green because I am really worried about climate change and the planet.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I've been a Labour voter all my life.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
There's a great difference between innocence and ignorance.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Sex education is absolutely important. Kids need to know about sex.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
The sad thing in this day and age is kids have access to all sorts of horrible stuff on the Internet and they need to be taught the stuff about love and sex.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Not having a mum is massive for a young girl really.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
My heart's desire was freedom... 400 years ago they'd have burned me as a witch or dunked me like a big biscuit.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
The stereotype is that if a woman doesn't have children she doesn't like children. I really love kids.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
If you were an actress in a film that had been nominated for five Oscars, including one for yourself, you would expect to have scripts landing on the door step.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I wanted to write a semi-autobiographical piece that was uplifting and heart-warming.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
2021 is my 40th year working in the industry and I can't think of a better way to celebrate than directing 'Holding.' It's a beautiful piece of writing with a great story and fantastic, full-bodied characters.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Imagine being the kids that don't get the job - you're just not beautiful enough I'm afraid, my darling, now off you pop and be riddled with insecurities for the rest of your life.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I was born to play Miss Grizzlesniff. I've got lots of friends that are little humans who are very excited about me being in 'School Of Roars.'
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Harry Enfield and 'Chums' is very family-orientated, but 'Gimme, Gimme, Gimme' isn't for mums and dads.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I must be the only actress in history who has been asked to be naked for untitillating reasons.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
I love playing grotesques, I relish it.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Without meaning to sound anti-men, ghastly women are the closest you get to a male role.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
Edinburgh is good craic. A romantic and beautiful city, it's one those places that makes me smile when I think about it - there are other places I would never dare go back to, but Edinburgh is very special.
- Kathy Burke
Image of Kathy Burke
We only get one life so my happiness is very important.
- Kathy Burke