Kathleen Kennedy

Image of Kathleen Kennedy
It's not just about casting female protagonists. It's gotta be across the board throughout the industry.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
I know myself pretty well, and I know what I'm good at, but I also recognize when others may be better and so support and empower that.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
I'm just a member of the audience with each project I work on, and I hope to never lose that. It's my touchstone. It's the thing I never want to overanalyze.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
A successful film begins by choosing a director whose creative vision will define the choices made by everyone involved in the film.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
The producer, in effect, has to work as a translator. You form a very tight relationship with the director and writer from the beginning, and then you are constantly communicating to the various people that begin to come into the process, as you are trying to manage to hold on to a vision that needs to be communicated over a long period of time.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
Inside 'Star Wars' are values that mean something to people. It's aspirational. It's full of hope.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
I loved David Lean, he had a huge influence on me when I was going to film school.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
It's funny where life can take you.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
I don't know how to make movies without getting my hands dirty.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
I find that a lot of directors are attracted to the dark side.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
We have an amazing team at ILM who can create fantastic effects.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
If you don't spend the time you need on developing characters and finding stories, complicated stories, the audience gets tired because they think they're seeing the same thing again and again.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
It's a real privilege to make movies.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
I started out as a camera operator. I was doing news, and I was doing sports - baseball games and football games. And I was acutely aware of women not really being in those roles then.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
Sometimes women don't take the initiative that they should.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
I've always said that I don't want to be in front of the camera.
- Kathleen Kennedy
Image of Kathleen Kennedy
We knew that for E.T. to feel real, you had to have some connection to his eyes.
- Kathleen Kennedy