Kathi Appelt

Image of Kathi Appelt
Many of the original New Deal programs required heavy manual labor. WPA workers built hundreds of schools, health clinics, roads, park facilities, and community centers. Much of what we now call our 'infrastructure' - highways, buildings, power plants, etc. - is here thanks to thousands of WPA workers.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Health
Image of Kathi Appelt
An entire nation, it seemed, was standing in one long breadline, desperate for even the barest essentials. It was a crisis of monumental proportions. It was known as the Great Depression.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Great
Image of Kathi Appelt
President Franklin D. Roosevelt had to find a way to help the American people. In 1933, he created a relief program known as the New Deal. Two years later, he expanded the New Deal by adding the Works Progress Administration, which was renamed the Work Projects Administration in 1939.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
At any given time, all of us have an empty spot: one that is calling for companionship, for example, or for justice, love, romance, or a belly laugh. When I sit down to write, I look to see what hole needs filling at that particular moment.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
Obsidian was caused by volcanoes, an eruption of steam and gas so furious that it melted the earth itself into this hard, shiny object.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
The moments that I feel the most imbued with a sense of awe are always the moments when I am outdoors. I can't help but feel a certain sense of wonder - I become almost filled with it.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
On the craft level, writing for children is not so different from writing for adults. You still have to have a story that moves forward. You still have to have the tools of the trade down. The difference arises in the knowledge of who you're writing for. This isn't necessary true of writing for adults.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
Telling stories and having them received is so important. That dialogue is everything. I tell my students all the time that what separates us as human beings is our ability to hold stories. Our narrative history. There is so much power in that. Storytelling is our human industry.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
We underestimate children and the people who work with them. I swear - so often, I tell people I am a children's author, and it's like they want to pat me on the head: 'Aw, isn't that sweet.'
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
I have always been interested in abandoned cars. I can't tell you how many times I've been in a car, driving, and there's a car sitting in a pasture, totally abandoned. Or on the edge of a creek or something. I always wonder: why did somebody park it in the pasture and leave?
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
I always wanted to write a raccoon story. I don't know why. It's not like I want to own a raccoon or anything like that. I'm just fascinated by them.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
I had tried writing novels for many years, and they always escaped me. For a long time, I thought, 'It's just not in me to write a novel. It's not something I'm able to do.' It seemed like everything I wrote naturally ended at the bottom of page three. A picture book, three pages; an essay, three pages.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
I'm fully conscious of the fact that I wouldn't be the writer that I am without this place, without Vermont College.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
For cats, a hound is a natural enemy. This is the order of things.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
There is nothing lonelier than a cat who has been loved, at least for a while, and then abandoned on the side of the road.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
My favorite was the one about 'Snow White'. Those funky little guys with the beards. The poisonous apple. And that cool mirror the evil stepmother used to talk to. You know, she'd ask it all these questions: Who's the nicest? Who's the sweetest... Who's the fairest of them all? And for a while, everything was hunky-dory.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
Magic happens, see. It's just like on those bumper stickers, the ones that say, 'Miracles Happen', or 'Jesus Happens'. I never really took those too seriously. I mean, they're bumper stickers. Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking. Miracles? Right. Jesus? Maybe. But magic?
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
One afternoon, I was playing this new video game, 'Blood and Guts.' I was controlling Gruesome Gus versus the Crimson Menace, and I had totally waxed the guy. It was this really complex sequence of moves, and I was so excited about conquering the game that I wanted to show it to someone. Unfortunately, the only one home at the time was Mom.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
They were the darkest of times, the years following the crash of the stock market in 1929. Thousands of people across the United States were cast out of their Jobs, off their farms, out of their homes and apartments, and into the crushing depths of poverty.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
Flat or uninteresting writing often signals something deeper that is being covered up.
- Kathi Appelt
Image of Kathi Appelt
(He) had not realized how much he needed this sweet, friendly sound. How much he needed someone to settle in next to him. He didn't know that he needed to not be so solitary until at last he wasn't. So many needs in one old dog.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Sweet
Image of Kathi Appelt
They say that lightning never strikes in the same place twice, but the same is not true for courage. As it turns out, when courage strikes, it almost always begets more courage.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Lightning
Image of Kathi Appelt
Memory is a slippery thing. When something terrible happens to you, like the loss of someone you love...memory can turn into a soft blanket that hides you from the loss.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Memories
Image of Kathi Appelt
Purring is not so different from praying. To a tree, a cat's purr is one of the purest of all prayers, for in it lies a whole mixture of gratitude and longing, the twin ingredients of every prayer.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Gratitude
Image of Kathi Appelt
Resounding…with wit, courage, and compassion. Skinny will speak to everyone who has ever felt invisible or unlovable.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Compassion
Image of Kathi Appelt
Nosotros somos paisanos. We are fellow countrymen. We come from the same soil.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Soil
Image of Kathi Appelt
Humans are designed to be with other humans, even those with mixed blood. They need each other's laughter. They require each other's sorrows.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Laughter
Image of Kathi Appelt
Like the sweet moon keeps the sky Like the wind goin' whooshing by When those ol' sunbeams break the day I will keep you while you play Just as ol' river keeps the fishes And little stars keep silver wishes Just as the ocean keeps the blue I will stand here close to you. When all around is dark and deep When them ol' shadows slowly creep Even when you're fast asleep It's you I'll keep, it's you I'll keep No need to cry, no need to fear I will always be right here. I will always be right here.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Sweet
Image of Kathi Appelt
It's a soft-sounding word, 'never,' but its velvety timbre can't hide its sharp edges...Never pressed down on him. It grabbed him by the neck and shook him. He sucked in a deep breath, sucked in all that never and started to sneeze. Never filled his nose, his eyes, his soaking fur.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Eye
Image of Kathi Appelt
Paper Covers Rock is dazzling in its intensity and intelligence, spell-binding in its terrible beauty.
- Kathi Appelt
Collection: Rocks