Karine Jean-Pierre

Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I think if you are passionate about what you want to be or where you want to go and you work very hard to that goal, it will happen. And, yes, you'll be knocked down and you'll have some tough times. And it won't be easy all the time, but the rewards are pretty amazing, especially if you stay true to yourself.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Collection: Amazing
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I'm proud of my accomplishments - but that's not why I've memorized them. It's because as a woman, and especially as a black woman, I've had to become comfortable with recognizing and articulating my own value just so that other people would value my knowledge and expertise, too.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I grew up in Hempstead, NY, and my very first job was working for an environmental organization.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Collection: Environmental
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Avoidance and delays aren't neutral; they send a very clear message.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
There's something called the Hatch Act that I have to be very mindful of.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Joan Trumpauer Mulholland is proof that not all heroes get the recognition they deserve.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Being the oldest of three siblings, I had to take care of my siblings while my parents were working six, seven days a week.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
It can be really hard to ask for help when you need it, but that's why you have a network of supporters! They're there to support you. Let them.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Once I have that positive attitude, I bring that into work and try to lift up everybody around me.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Whether it's a job or life choice, make sure you're figuring out what makes you motivated, not what motivates everyone else.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
When it comes down to it, AIPAC's policies are not progressive policies.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I am a Black, gay, immigrant woman.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
As we've seen over the course of the Trump administration's tenure, words can prove just as destructive as laws.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Nixon's impeachment-forced resignation gutted trust of the Republican party for years.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
The 2018 elections gave Democrats a landslide victory in the House and showed that voters are eager if not desperate to hold Trump accountable.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Every person who stays silent on Donald Trump's racism, regardless of their own race or party, is betraying not just America's communities of color, but the very ideals on which this country was founded.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
You cannot call yourself a progressive while continuing to associate yourself with an organization like AIPAC that has often been the antithesis of what it means to be progressive.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
As the chief public affairs officer at MoveOn and an MSNBC political analyst, you can often find me talking in front of a podium or in front of a camera about the day's top news stories. A lot of the time, I'll connect it back to my personal story.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Unfortunately, AIPAC's policy and conference speaker choices aren't its only problems. Its severely racist, Islamophobic rhetoric has proven just as alarming. The organization has become known for trafficking in anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric while lifting up Islamophobic voices and attitudes.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
AIPAC's values are not progressive values.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I am one of those people... where statistically I am not supposed to be where I am today, statistically that's what I was told growing up. I am not supposed to be in the space having an office in the West Wing.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Being a teacher was very important to me.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Being an advocate and a voice was very important to me.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
When you ask who I am, my parents are from Haiti. So we have an amazing history of the first Black republic... that is something that I hold very dear, very close to me.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
The beauty of America is its freedoms and the promise that you can achieve your dreams, no matter your race, sex, country of origin, sexual orientation or gender identity. This is something we continue to strive toward and fight for.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Democratic lawmakers increasingly rely on people of color to show up at the polls to remain in office, but following an unfortunately familiar pattern, then ignore the views of the very people responsible for voting them into office.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I was a phone canvasser, and I was terrible at it. It's really hard to ask for money, especially over the phone.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I once had a job where I was essentially a fundraiser assistant. It was a volunteer thing I was doing, and I didn't like it.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Representation does matter. You hear us say this often in this administration, and no one understands this better than President Biden.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
If a person espouses hatred, we need to call that out.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Voters are excited about progressive candidates because they're fighting for our interests, not special interests.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Progressive candidates don't hesitate when it comes to supporting universal health care, or the fight for $15 minimum wage, or the right to vote.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Voters in 2020 are going to back candidates who've got their backs - and those candidates are progressives who won't compromise on the backs of the American people.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Trump wants people like me and my family to be scared. He leads out of fear, because that's what he is: fearful, of who we are and what we are capable of when we use hope and love to guide us.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
In 2018, I witnessed Americans all over the country vote in the most diverse Congress in history, repudiating the Trump administration's regime of white supremacy.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
The day of Trump's inauguration, he talked about 'American carnage.' I was providing political analysis for PBS NewsHour, so I had to watch it live. I felt hopeless. But then the Women's March happened.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
My parents taught me by example what it means to be American: to hope and to dream, and to work hard for those hopes and dreams.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Look, when I came to this country, my parents, like many immigrants, are looking for a better life. And in their minds for their children, the way that they saw success is they wanted me to become a doctor, a lawyer, or engineer, that is what they perceived as success.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Coming from a working-class family, not having a lot of money, it's hard to get into politics because it's known for being for young people who come from financial wealth. So, I primarily ran up credit cards.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Many people when they file their taxes, they count on the funds that they're going to get back from their tax returns.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I had a lot of ups and downs. Being an immigrant in this country is incredibly difficult.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I was the oldest of three and there was tons of pressure on me to succeed.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I spent my whole childhood, my college years, thinking that I was going to be a doctor.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I know Joe Biden well. I find him incredibly endearing.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I will never forget working in the White House for the first Black president.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
One of the things that we do is we elevate people. We put them on pedestals, and people are flawed. No one is perfect.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Candidates inspire you. When they inspire you, you believe in them. It becomes kind of cultish in some weird way and so you have to really be able to separate that.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
I was born in Martinique.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
Follow your passion. Follow what you believe in. And just keep that focus, because that matters.
- Karine Jean-Pierre
Image of Karine Jean-Pierre
In its attempts to ruin the Iran deal, AIPAC supported the group that's credited with inspiring President Trump to enact the Muslim Ban and has been known to spread anti-Muslim racism.
- Karine Jean-Pierre