Karen Civil

Image of Karen Civil
When I started my career, I never looked at myself as one to be inspirational, but as I continued to grow, I've met so many different people who ask, 'How do you do it? You make it look easy.' But it's not easy. I have certain tricks and tips I use every day that have been working for me.
- Karen Civil
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Karen Civil
Society sets us up to be everything but ourselves, but I want to take a moment and say to people, love yourself. Find your purpose. You are unique, and that makes you great. I pursued my dreams. You can do it, too.
- Karen Civil
Collection: Society
Image of Karen Civil
Everything is a learning lesson, good and bad, so I am happy with the way things are, and I learned from everything negative. I am in a great space now, so I wouldn't change a thing!
- Karen Civil
Collection: Learning
Image of Karen Civil
Christmas is always a great time because I get to be around family and spend time with my brother, nieces, and nephews, so that's what I plan to do. It's great to disconnect from everything.
- Karen Civil
Collection: Christmas
Image of Karen Civil
I clung to my vegan friends for more support than anyone because they helped guide me and made the transition much easier. My family was a bit skeptical, as they felt like I wasn't getting enough protein in my vegan diet.
- Karen Civil
Collection: Diet
Image of Karen Civil
Nothing is ever quick. You have to grow an audience, keep them engaged, give them a reason to keep coming back so it will never be an overnight success. Have patience!
- Karen Civil
Collection: Patience
Image of Karen Civil
Don't let the insecurities of others dull your sparkle. Shine like the star you are born to be.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I believe that God has blessed me in immeasurable ways so that I can, in return, bless and help others.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I was born to Haitian parents, and the idea of giving back is really just a part of our culture. So, I don't think there was ever a moment that I questioned my call to philanthropy, but I can say that the more I've grown, the bigger that call has become.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
It's unfortunate that cyberbullying is something that happens to 13-year-old kids in junior high and adults in the workplace. It's something that we have to deal with as Americans.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I didn't have a resume when Lil Wayne hired me. I didn't have a resume when Beats by Dre flew me across the country to be their 12th employee. I still don't have a resume!
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I always knew I wanted to do something in entertainment. Since I could not sing, had no rhythm, and did not want to be a baby mama, I thought I would explore the Video DJ route.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
While working for Diplomat Records, I helped several artists with their online branding and social media. Once I left the label, I worked directly with artists and noticed many artists were overlooked and underrated if they weren't in 'XXL' or 'The Source.'
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
When I was in eighth grade, I created a Backstreet Boys fan site. I came in third place in a fan site contest and got to meet them.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
In high school, I created a fan group for J.D. Williams, who played Bodie on 'The Wire.' I had the chance to meet him, and he took me to have lunch at IHOP. At that point in my life, I noticed this Internet thing was giving me the chance to check off goals off of my bucket list.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I'm just me. I'm that cool girl who - as I like to say, I have that Carson Daly effect, where, if you watched 'TRL,' he was able to do interviews with NSYNC, blend right in, and then he would do interviews with Cash Money and blend in there, and you just naturally liked him.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
Now, metaphorically, I sit at any table that I want. I can sit with the jocks, I can sit with the gang members, I can sit with the politicians, I can sit with the CEOs. My brand can fit anywhere.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I'm doing activations with companies you would never think of. Not to say this in a braggadocious way, but I'm not putting myself in a box. The only thing that goes in a box is Chinese food and your sneakers - not me.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I get this thing where people are like, 'Man, you got to tell me what to do' - like I have a cheat code to being successful. It's hard work; it's trial and error. I failed, but I never let failure get to my head or to my heart.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I like to take people out of their element.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
Giving back has definitely kept me grounded. Stepping outside of yourself to serve a group or community of people who are in need in some facet has a way of doing that. I don't ever want to grow to a place where giving back becomes a foreign concept.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
One of my most memorable moments serving the community was after I built the Live Civil Playground in Haiti, and I visited an orphanage and gave away shoes to all the kids. I also sat with them and helped them design their shoes. The smiles on their faces were priceless.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
When I was young, I originally wanted to be a radio on-air personality. Once I realized I may not be fit for that - I was infatuated with hip-hop - that I still wanted to be a part and give back the community, so I decided to carve my own path and make my own lane.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
Growing up in America, even in the rougher parts of Elizabeth, I had two nice playgrounds to choose from as a child.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I make sure I eat before I go anywhere just in case they don't have a vegan-friendly option.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I love vegan tacos... soooo good! I invite friends over to have some, and they can't believe they aren't eating real meat.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I take yoga classes, do a mile run, and of course take part in some kind of water sport.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
Growing up was very interesting for me. If you were Haitian, people just automatically assumed that English was a second language. So they had a special class for my brother and I, but we spoke proper English.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
When I first started blogging, it was about getting out new music and capturing artists working in the studio. This was before artists were so social. They weren't so hands-on then.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
For blogs today, it's really about content creation and partnering with a brand. You can get the news in so many forms and so many places. A tweet now is enough to tell you about a story. People don't have to click to go to your site.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
At first, social media was just about networking. But now that I have to network, I make sure that every platform makes money for me. You can do something on Facebook.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I am the CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) of Marathon Agency, a new venture with my business partner Steve Carless. It's a management, branding, marketing, and business strategy. I'm in charge of marketing and branding clients like Nick Cannon, Nicki Minaj, and more.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
At the end of the day, I'm still an African-American woman in a male-dominated industry, so sometimes you have to deal with people not taking your ideas seriously. But I look at it as, I'd rather have adversities in something that I love than doing something that I hate or where I am not interested.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I tell people to use me as example of what they can do if they don't give up. I like people to see me as a 'girl next door' who conquered and went after what she wanted.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
It's all about how you use your social platform. Right now, I'm just using mine to empower people, get my entertainment and my news. Other people use their platform for different things.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
You work hard, you sacrifice for everything you do, and in one second, someone can tarnish your name - someone can bad-mouth you, and someone can say things. People let all of the good things gets washed away because someone spoke ill of them.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
Words do cut, and they do hurt. It was one thing growing up where you were bullied, but you'd just come home. Now you can't really escape it. It's to a point where you turn off that phone, you live your life, and you try not to let the words of others offend or stop you from being you and living your life.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
For so long, we were labeled - you're a girly girl, you're a tomboy, you're this or that - but now we can do what we want. One style doesn't define me.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
All I cared about was 'TRL.' I was studying communications at school, and one day before class, I heard about the 'Search For An Apprentice' program.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I'd worked in music for years and built all these relationships, so I bought a camera, built a website, and decided to go for it.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I just knew I loved music, and I wanted to do something in music, but I couldn't sing, I can't dance, I am an introvert. So I was like, 'What exactly is there for me to do? What can I do?' There's all these questions, there's all these things that are telling you 'no' instead of 'yes.' Those are the things I dealt a lot with, my insecurity.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
This is random, but I thought I was going to have the biggest Backstreet Boys fansite. I'm not even gonna lie: I thought I was gonna marry one of the Backstreet Boys, and I was gonna be his Yoko Ono.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
I fell in love with hip-hop a little bit late; I grew up on Another Bad Creation and Kris Kross. But my mom got me a TV in my room, and I remember seeing Biggie's 'Give Me One More Chance,' and I was like, 'Oh, this is how a house party looks!' I really, really fell in love with it when Tupac created 'Dear Mama.'
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
The assistants, the managers, the PR, the person whose coordinating, the person in production - those are the people I loved communicating with and building network relationships with.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
That's the wonderful thing about picking and choosing who we want to work with, because I've been in situations where I've worked with someone, and they thought they were gonna be on the cover of 'XXL' in two months. I'm like, 'That's not how it works.'
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
Being in this business and surviving day-to-day can be a constant struggle. It's about learning how to be your own super hero, put on your own cape, and be a well-rounded individual.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
What are you doing to magnify and grow your business? What are you doing for yourself? You have to self-motivate. I had to learn a million things on Google until I was able to meet people who I could partner with for help.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
People go to their jobs and hate it every day, but they have great ideas. Put that same time and effort into something you love - it really starts with being honest with yourself.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
People see your life on social media, and they say, 'Oh my gosh, it's perfect,' and I'm like, 'No, every day, it's not even just a struggle: it's something new, and it's a new challenge to make sure that I'm mentally stable and healthy and that I'm okay.' It was just great to finally get it out and talk about it.
- Karen Civil
Image of Karen Civil
For me, for a very long time, I was in denial because when you say you're sad or you're overwhelmed, we consider it whining or complaining. People say, 'Count your blessings,' and it's like, 'Yeah, I am, but I'm still sad. Something is wrong with me.' I had to acknowledge it.
- Karen Civil