Justin Gatlin

Image of Justin Gatlin
I find that as an athlete, we don't get to speak our mind often or share our hearts. So I chose motivational speaking to help make a difference.
- Justin Gatlin
Collection: Motivational
Image of Justin Gatlin
Everyone should give a second chance, but everyone is also entitled to their opinion.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
A lot of people over the last couple of seasons have fallen prey to the unstoppable force Usain Bolt brings to the table. And they just become subdued. That's not who I am. I'm not going to allow myself to become a subdued character.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
There is no good runner or bad runner. We are just runners.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I have to get ready to run anywhere under the sun.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
For me it has always been an uphill battle because my mind's always racing a mile-a-minute.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
It's hard for me to dial in sometimes and be focussed, even though I know that I'm ready.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
ADD sucks during training, but coming into finals I actually feel such an energy burst because when I step out on to the track, and I hear so much and I see so many people and my mind gets distracted, I kind of just feel at home actually.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Sometimes you can block out a lot of things because you're thinking about so much and you can distract yourself, but sometimes that distraction of being ADD can really set you back.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I need to win back the hearts of the critics and the skeptics.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
My expectations are to establish my dominance and kick butt. And I want to become a leader in the sport.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
All I really want to do is race and get into meets and run.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I come out to do what everyone else is trying to do, which is run, run fast and win.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Critics are just what they are. They're going to pick at the positivity of things.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I find little flaws I have in practice, I work on those and go to the gym or I eat better.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Life is fun. And it's beautiful. But it's cold. Cutthroat. Nasty.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I've been to the top, to eat filet mignon, to have sweets, traveling around the world, having everything at your fingertips, to being embarrassed just to walk around in society.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
At the top, I was flying high. I didn't understand what it meant to be down and out.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I allowed myself to get beat and I beat myself. That's the worst feeling in the world.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
You have people who are out there age 30-plus still competing on the grand stage. If I keep in shape, keep to a certain speed and turn it up when I need to, I think I will be able to get out there and run what I need to run.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I am fighting because of my innocence. I am fighting because I am a victim. I am not a doper.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
If I am given an opportunity to fight for my freedom, then I am going to fight for it.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I've just got to pull myself together and hold my head up high.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I'm not just a runner. I'm not just a fast guy. I'm a fighter. I'm a survivor in life.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I'm not my sport, and I know I'm not going to run forever.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I didn't look at age as being a reason to stop running or become slower.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Usually in the off season, when you're done, you're just done. You eat hamburgers and pizza. You're partying and having a good time.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I think of myself as a time-jumper.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
But I don't want to sit back and be an audience to my own life.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Everything was cool when I came back running 10.09. Now that I'm running some of the fastest times in history, people are uncomfortable.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I was never a steroid user at all, at least not knowingly.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
My ankle is giving me a lot of problems.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I'm 34 - you guys are like, 'oh, he can't be this fast at 34.' But 35, I plan on running even faster. That's my plan.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Come back stronger and faster, that's what I plan to do.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I tried many sports like football, baseball, and swimming. I even played saxophone and piano.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Track, to me, was just a social gather where I left school early, ate pizza and watch the girls in shorts run. Then, I found I was abnormally fast and started to fall in love.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
In 2004 after winning my first Olympic gold medal I was featured in magazines as an eligible bachelor. Soon after I started receiving unique and odd fan mail, mainly from female prisoners. I've gotten prison art and love letters throughout the years.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I'm lucky. My family and friends believe in me a lot.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I wanted to go out there and do what no one's ever done - and that's recapture some kind of glory.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
If I hadn't have become a runner I would definitely be a zoologist now.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
It's hard academically for an ADD sufferer - but, doing something they love, they can be the most focused person of all.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Last time I checked, someone who takes medication for a disorder is not a doper.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I think that I am a serious threat to anybody out there who is trying to get that medal.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
What is it really going to amount to if I go out there and run against Usain when he is not at his best? That is not a great storyline. It is not a race I would like to go out and win.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I want Usain at his best, and I think he wants me at my best. That's what people want to see.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
As an athlete you have to think about yourself a lot. Think about your body, think about your mind, staying healthy, staying strong, your goals. So it's always about me, me, me, me.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
My son has asthma.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
Running with someone like Maurice Greene - competing shoulder to shoulder with him - and then running against Usain Bolt, Asafa Powell. And now the young guys, Christian Coleman, Noah Lyles. I'm the only guy that's crossed three generations of sprinters.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
I've just remained open to growing. What I mean by that is, when you're an older athlete you can become set in your ways. Each year I try to break a bad habit.
- Justin Gatlin
Image of Justin Gatlin
In Brooklyn, the block wasn't very long or very wide, and not that many kids were out there, either. But when I got to Florida, there were a lot of kids on my block, young kids, older kids, and they could play outside until the sun went down and have fun.
- Justin Gatlin