Julie Andrews

Image of Julie Andrews
All love shifts and changes. I don't know if you can be wholeheartedly in love all the time.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Love
Image of Julie Andrews
I was lucky enough to be the lady that was asked to be Maria in the Sound Of Music, and that film was fortunate enough to be huge hit. The same with Mary Poppins. I got terribly lucky in that respect.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Respect
Image of Julie Andrews
Perseverance is failing 19 times and succeeding the 20th.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Motivational
Image of Julie Andrews
Actually, I had a lot of good people with me - my mother's sister did a lot of taking care of me, and I suppose I got more attention than my stepbrothers because at least I got to travel with my parents.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Travel
Image of Julie Andrews
Sometimes opportunities float right past your nose. Work hard, apply yourself, and be ready. When an opportunity comes you can grab it.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Work
Image of Julie Andrews
Behaving like a princess is work. It's not just about looking beautiful or wearing a crown. It's more about how you are inside.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Work
Image of Julie Andrews
On the whole, I think women wear too much and are to fussy. You can't see the person for all the clutter.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Women
Image of Julie Andrews
I had a teacher who stressed for me the importance of diction in terms of... I want to be very careful about how I say this... in terms of supporting one's voice when one is singing. In other words, if you hold on to your words, your voice will pull through for you when you're singing. So be true to your vowels.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Teacher
Image of Julie Andrews
I had a lot of learning on my feet.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: Learning
Image of Julie Andrews
Whenever I think of my birthplace, Walton-on-Thames, my reference first and foremost is the river. I love the smell of the river; love its history, its gentleness. I was aware of its presence from my earliest years. Its majesty centered me, calmed me, was a solace to a certain extent.
- Julie Andrews
Collection: History
Image of Julie Andrews
When one door closes, another window opens.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Some people regard discipline as a chore. For me, it is a kind of order that sets me free to fly.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Who could have imagined that life would have taken such marvelous twists and turns or that I would often be so fortunate to be in the right place at the right time?
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I'm never sure one is exactly ready. You jump in, with both feet, into a very big fish pond.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
You just don't know in life. Life knocks you about and pushes you over boundaries. But be ready. Do your homework; that's all I can say.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I would be a fool to deny my own abilities.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
More than anything, the arts are the best teaching tool.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Sometimes I'm so sweet even I can't stand it.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Did you ever notice the color of Mary Poppins' petticoats? They were kind of orange and apricot and red. I think she had a secret life going on there.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
The arts bridge cultures; they're good for the economy, and they're good for fostering empathy and decency.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Much as I adore the melodies, I choose a song for what it has to say.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
All careers go up and down like friendships, like marriages, like anything else, and you can't bat a thousand all the time.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
There's nothing like the joy of the arts, and promoting the arts early in children is going to give them such a start in life in a way.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I'm the lucky one who got asked to do 'The Sound of Music' and all the other lovely things that I did.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I don't think today's younger audience... would even know what 1920s musicals were like.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I think every young girl at some point in her early life wonders what it's like to be a princess. They like the idea of dressing up and the fun of it.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I think I'm just proudest to be the lady who was asked to play Mary Poppins. She's such a wonderful character, and there's so much tremendous talent out there. So I feel very lucky to be the one who got to play her.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Singing has been a cherished gift, and my inability to sing has been a devastating blow.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
When I've least expected it, an enormous opportunity or stroke of luck has crossed right under my nose. So I tell everybody, if you're passionate about what you do and you love it, do it. But do your homework. Because you'll never know when the opportunity is going to happen.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Because of the Thames I have always loved inland waterways - water in general, water sounds - there's music in water. Brooks babbling, fountains splashing. Weirs, waterfalls; tumbling, gushing.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I thought it was all a flash in the pan. It wasn't until Broadway came along that I felt I had really made it.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Marriage is the hardest work you're ever going to do.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Who would have thought that a story about a professor of phonetics would result in it being probably one of the great shows ever for musical theatre? It's a seemingly odd subject.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
You never start out being a star.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I come from a long line of below-stairs maids and gardeners. Good ol' peasant stock. My mother and her sister made a quantum leap out of that life. Then I made another quantum leap.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Touring itself - and I was very young, and a lot of it I did by myself - it's lonely, but it does give you some kind of spine, I think. It does give you some kind of grit.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I love that President and Mrs. Obama are embracing the arts. I am so delighted.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I do not knock 'Poppins' or 'The Sound of Music.' They gave me pleasure, and I know they've given a lot of people enormous pleasure.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I think that the best way to explain that is that my mother gave me all the color and character and flare and liveliness, and my father gave me all the sanity and nature and all the things that helped me be a more rounded human being.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I have been called a nun with a switchblade where my privacy is concerned. I think there's a point where one says, that's for family, that's for me.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
The thrill of being in front of a camera remains exactly the same.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I love to prune my roses. That's the one thing I really feel I do pretty well. Other things I usually, because I travel so much, leave to my gardeners who know what I love. But I do love to prune them, because you forget everything else. It's like if you're a painter, you can forget everything else while you're doing it.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
The arts are usually the first thing to be cut in schools or regional programs.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Every time I go out to perform, believe me. You never lose that fear of, 'I hope I do it right. I hope I don't fall flat on my face. I hope this will be good for them.'
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I play with my grandchildren. I tend to my garden, which I love. Of course, I love to read, and family is really what it's all about.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
Like most girls, I fantasized about being some sort of a princess.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I'm the lucky lady that was asked to be in those wonderful iconic pieces.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I've always seen the cup as half-full.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
The arts need funding.
- Julie Andrews
Image of Julie Andrews
I don't think I have the image that say, Judy Garland has, or Bette Davis.
- Julie Andrews