Jose Angel Gurria

Image of Jose Angel Gurria
The OECD should respond directly to the specific needs of the member countries. You basically say, 'What works?' You don't have to go on a discovery trip. It's all there; you just call them, and they know. It's like a knowledge bank.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
Our planet is warming dangerously.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
A more robust approach to global warming is needed if we are to avoid catastrophe. Unlike the recent financial crisis, there is no bailout option for the earth's climate.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
Governments must address inconsistencies in their energy strategies, consider the links with broader economic policies, and stop sending mixed signals to consumers, producers, and investors. In particular, they must assess whether the right regulatory arrangements are in place to allow clean-energy investments to compete on a risk-return basis.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
If the world is to avoid a collision with nature - one that humanity surely cannot win - we must act boldly on every front, particularly with respect to carbon pricing and the coherence of our economic and energy policies.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
Words must be matched by action if change is to become lasting.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
It isn't only rich countries that suffer from the effects of tax havens. Developing countries also lose billions of dollars in tax revenues due each year because wealthy individuals and some companies use tax havens to move assets and income offshore.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
Transparency and effective tax co-operation must be shared principles applied by all. Until they are, nations will need to protect themselves against loss of revenues to tax havens.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
If we can rid the world of financial centres that thrive on lack of transparency, non-cooperation, and weak regulation, an important step towards a fairer and cleaner world economy will have been achieved.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
There is no reason for women to trail behind men in social, economic, and political outcomes.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
Improving the quality of our lives should be the ultimate target of public policies. But public policies can only deliver best fruit if they are based on reliable tools to measure the improvement they seek to produce in our lives.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Collection: Quality
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
We need to make growth greener, to make our economic and environmental policies more compatible and even mutually-reinforcing. This is not just a matter of new technologies or new sources of renewable, safe energy. It is about how we all behave every day of our lives, what we eat, what we drink, what we recycle, re-use, repair, how we produce and how we consume
- Jose Angel Gurria
Collection: Technology
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
The social contract is starting to unravel in many countries.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Collection: Country
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
While we have put an utmost emphasis on Gross Domestic Products (GDP) as a barometer for the overall economy until now, we have not paid much attention in detecting a level of social welfare. We, as a member of the society, must now take steps to create an index to indicate other critical elements to be focused on in order to restore reliability of world statistics.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Collection: Order
Image of Jose Angel Gurria
Many governments are giving subsidies to fossil fuel production and consumption that encourage greenhouse gas emissions, at the same time as they are spending on projects to promote clean energy. This is a wasteful use of scarce budget resources.
- Jose Angel Gurria
Collection: Government