Jordan Larson

Image of Jordan Larson
I practically knew everyone in my town, and now they're all cheering for me. It's humbling and exciting, too.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
The cool thing about China is that they really put a lot of value on their national team.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
I was pretty sad with how London ended and just whether I wanted to continue my career at all.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
There has been so many good questions, like, When a bad play happens in a match, how do you not mentally go down?' Or, How have you had your career last for so long?' There have been a lot of intriguing questions, which has led to a lot of other good conversations.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
But I think it's important admitting to my teammates, Hey, I'm really struggling right now, and can you help me out?' Or, This serve is really killing me in the seam, can you take a step and take it for me so I can go and hit and have a better shot next time?'
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
I was shocked when four Arlington girls at a track meet this spring asked me for my autograph. I told them, 'Don't think I'm dumb for asking this, but are you serious?'
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
Basketball is not my favorite, but I enjoy playing it and it's helped my volleyball.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
Nebraska would like me to graduate in December and start college second semester so I can go through spring practice with them. But I want to stay around and be in high school. Your senior year is a once-in-a-lifetime thing, and I don't want to cut that experience short.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
The crowd also sets you up for success. When you're playing in front of 8,000 the pressure is on, right? People are watching.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
When somebody has cancer, you think it's going to go away. It's not going to go away.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
A gold medal is a goal and something that we've never done before as the United States indoor women's volleyball team.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
We don't really try to pay attention to the score, we just try to play to win.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
If all areas of my game are pretty consistent, that's all I hope for.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
Being an all-around player, you have to find some kind of balance because there are going to be nights where something isn't on. You've got to make sure the other part is on. That's what I concentrate on.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
The Coliseum is awesome, obviously.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
I just kind of go on with what I'm doing.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
I'm a competitor and I hate to lose.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
I have a great circle of support.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
I want to be known for my hitting at least a little bit.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
To think I was this little, tiny girl from Hooper, Nebraska, who had a dream.
- Jordan Larson
Image of Jordan Larson
Coming out of college I thought, I'm pretty good, I guess.' But once you're out there - it's a lot faster. The ball's being hit and you're like, Whoa.'
- Jordan Larson