Johnny Hunt

Image of Johnny Hunt
It's not the truth that you know, but the truth that you obey that matters.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Johnny Hunt
God may not allow you to touch thousands but He may allow you to touch one who will touch thousands.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Satan will try to use our troubles to worry and weaken us. But God uses them to strengthen us.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
God received from me something He didn't have on His own. My sin. I received something from God I didn't have on my own. His righteousness.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
What seems over your head is always under His feet.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
God... Please keep my eyes focused on the only target worth hitting - Christlikeness!
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Christian
Image of Johnny Hunt
Until you start thinking right, you will never start behaving right. Repentance always deals with the changing of the mind.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Don't ever forget where God found you.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
80% of the people who come into a Christ-following relationship is because a friend, co-worker, family member or neighbor invited them to church.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Any sin you cover, God uncovers. Any sin you uncover, God covers.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
I want to live in light of eternity. I want to do now what I'll be glad I did then.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
You don't have to be rich to be generous. You have to be generous to be generous.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Influence is the platform God gives you to help others succeed.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
When you get honest with God, you can exchange the fig leaves you used to cover your sin with the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
In order to receive a pardon you must plead guilty.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
God has been preparing me for what God had prepared for me.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
When Jesus Christ forgives you of sin, He never brings it back up.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
You cannot control sin. Sin will control you. Do not try to manage sin.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
You have to experience grace to be one who knows how to give it.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
You don't ever have to teach a kid to do wrong. You have to teach them to do right.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Men die the way they lived.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
You can't compartmentalize unforgiveness. You can't control sin. You can't manage sin. Sin is never satisfied with the amount of you it possesses.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
There's a special place in hell for what some people have done but there's also a special place in God's heart for their forgiveness.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
I think one of the reasons our court system wants to remove The 10 Commandments is because The 10 Commandments reminds us we are sinners.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Some people are into position, not the mission.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
My own heart has to be under constant check by Jesus.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Everyone wants to connect with someone who people think is someone.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Platforms are established because of the way the Lord used someone.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Where do you think you would be now if Jesus would not have saved you when He did.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Unconfessed sin is a terrible, heavy burden to carry. God loves us too much to have unconfessed sin.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Influencers influence people and the people who they influence.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
God exposes your sin...And you see yourself as small as you are in the presence of a holy God.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Before people deal with their own sin, they are always dealing with other people's sin.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Influencers connect with others before they take them anywhere.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
People who excel at something can rarely tell you how to do something.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Granddaddy can pick up a phone and call anyone in the world and they will take his call. But he doesn't know it.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
The word "influence" means the power to change or affect someone.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
There will be people the old flesh will rise up and wonder why God blessed them. But no one will ever be envious on God's blessings on their children.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
We can influence people for bad or good.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Integrity gives. It is not a taker.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
God uses us to impact others.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
The enemy will hit you in your area of strength to discourage himself.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Authority leads through position. Influence builds others out of relationship.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
If you are godly it has been because you have been made godly.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
You should use your influence to help other platforms succeed.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
We just planted our 21st church.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Everyone loves winners. You look for things to praise with those you believe in.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
Forgiveness is just such a big deal.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
You can be genuinely forgiven by God and other people but still suffer the consequences from a particular sin in your life.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership
Image of Johnny Hunt
We are dealing in a day and time when the courts are defining sin different than the church.
- Johnny Hunt
Collection: Leadership