John Layfield

Image of John Layfield
We knew that AJ Styles might be the best in the world. We didn't realize that until he got to WWE.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Why is it a badge of honour to say you spent 15 years in AA ball?
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
To me, you get into this business to make money and to make a name for yourself. And the fact that you're on the indies for 15 years is not a badge of honor.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
There is so much talent! Now, we may not have at the moment that transcendent next-level 'Stone Cold' or The Rock, but I assure you, they're there.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Did I haze the Miz? Hell yes!
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
When I started, guys were hazed, and for good reason.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
When the Miz came in, most of the hazing was me working. Me on the mic, me talking to him. I gave him as much advice as I possibly could because I thought he had the ability to be a good heel. But I'm not going to apologize for hazing him.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
For all these internet fans out there that want to hate Roman Reigns and say, 'No, we're standing up because we don't like him...' Few people in the history of this business walk into an arena and everybody stands on their feet - everybody.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Whether you love him or whether you hate him, Roman Reigns has earned his spot, and I'm hot at all these little crybabies out there going, 'We just stand up and boo him because we really don't like him.' Oh, really?
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
So if you ask those people who say they're standing up to boo Roman Reigns because, 'We don't like him,' 'Okay, would you pay to see Roman Reigns get beat?' 'Oh, absolutely! I'd love to see him get beat.' He's doing his job because people pay to see him.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
The 'One Belt, One Road' initiative has been dismissed by some as not working. But America could be becoming weaker by ignoring what is going on right under our noses.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
We must deal with Chinese theft of intellectual property, though no one is sure that tariffs are the solution.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
My belief is that the U.S. is looking at the world through a short-term lens of tariffs and elections, while China is looking at a 25-year plan of becoming the dominant global power.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Brexit is a disaster, Italy won't be real about its debt, and the European Union is in trouble.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I'm supposed to incite the crowd.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I draw the line between me and my character.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Most of my promos are straight out of Pat Buchanan's run for election.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
The major thing of our government is to protect the people.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
If you have a problem, the NYPD is the greatest police force to the world.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
We've always gone to other countries where there's been different standards and different practices you have to adhere to. WWE is like any other company, a global company.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Walmart has stores in almost every city in North America. When they go to same-day delivery, they don't have to build warehouses across North America like Amazon has to do. It is so much cheaper for Walmart to use existing stores as distribution centers.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
You want to change Saudi Arabia? You send something like WWE.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I had seen the ethos of rugby, and I was very much an admirer. For us, it's a beautiful sport, what I guess what Pele called soccer in Brazil. It's so simple; it's easy to understand. You can play five on five or 15 on 15.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Leaving college early to play pro football was the best thing that happened to me. I got to drop the most boring poetry class. Dumbest thing I did was being in that class.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Colleges take kids' money. It's that simple.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I'm a part of major league rugby. We had a league meeting to decide what to do with anthem protests, and even though I personally agree with what they say they are protesting as inequality and judicial system and incarceration rates among minorities, we decided all should stand and respect every national anthem.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
If we had an immigration policy, sanctuary cities would not be the symptom that manifests itself.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I work with kids every day, and I preach to them how much more they make and how much easier it is to get a job when they get a college education.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
The problem is the for-profit colleges. These guys are absolute criminals.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Money goes where it's rewarded. Money goes where it is needed the most.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
You look at right-to-work states: a lot of car companies are relocating down to the South so they don't have to deal with the unions or the legacy cost or any of those things, and that's what manufacturing's done.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Second homes are an investment.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I feel very strongly about our flag and our country.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
You can't use the tax code as a penal system because you don't like what a country is doing.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Government needs to stay out of nearly everything.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Presidential scandals have traditionally and historically no effect on the market.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I fly every single week, sometimes up to four days a week, and I see incredible inconsistencies in TSA throughout our country.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
If a guy has served time and served his sentence, he deserves the right to gainful employment, but he does not deserve the right to be put at the front of the list.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
When people are able to live at home, they have more disposable income. That part is good for the economy.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
When I got cut from the National Football League, I had nowhere to go. I moved in with my parents until I got on my feet again.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I don't know what happened to the millennials. I think too much coddling is not a good thing.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I wrestled all over the world, in carnivals and tents in Europe and in Japan over 50 times.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Rugby is just a ball. I would be much more versed to coach American football, but you need 22 players and all of the equipment. With rugby, all you need is some green grass, a ball, and a bunch of kids who want to run into each other really hard, which they enjoy.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I'm doing cardio five days a week and will do anywhere from 30 minutes up to an hour each session, but never under 30 minutes.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
I grew up a big fan of the J. R. Ewing character of the 'Dallas' TV show, and I grew up around people who were very similar to J. R.: they had come into a ton of money. And they loved to flaunt it and loved to drive fancy cars and wear the big cowboy hats and nice suits.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
When I got hurt - I broke my back in a match in London, England - I had to retire and became just a commentator.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
When I broke my leg in college my first year, they were worried that I wouldn't walk straight again. In fact, I'm pretty pigeon-toed, and most people think I don't walk straight anyway.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
You can't be critical of Dana White.
- John Layfield
Image of John Layfield
Isn't it amazing how much better you listen when you are in need?
- John Layfield
Collection: Needs