John Kani

Image of John Kani
I have been on the Urban Brew board for many years and assisted with the artistic evaluation of the various shows that were pitched to the production company.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
A telenovela is a story that's like a soapie, but it has a beginning, middle and an end.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Inkaba' is about a feud between two South African families. They have been fighting for years, from one generation to the next. It's like those typical feuds you have in rural KwaZulu-Natal where, after a while, you do not even know why you are fighting.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Every time there is a movie that tells a South African story, it is done by someone who must be taught the right way of pronouncing 'Sawubona.' Enough is enough.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Very rarely in the life of an actor and a performer do you do something you truly believe in, do you do something you are absolutely proud of.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
My love, my passion, my everything is this continent of Africa. I have always celebrated African humanity.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
The only reference in my life is my life, and it's my life experience. It's my environment. It's my community. I've not made that for books.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I started to get my doctorate, not to be called 'doctor.' Those are just little things you get to get recognition.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I remember the words of my grandmother who died at 102. I remember my great mother, Grand Brika, who died at the age of 106. They talked to us all the time. And my grandmother even lied to me. She said there was royalty. She said that my great-great-great grandfather was the king of the outer Thembu.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I used to wonder, when my grandmother would tell me what the wolf said to the jackal, how these animals can talk. And, she would say, 'in my stories, animals talk. Shut up and listen.'
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
In 'Lion King,' the music is brilliant. The CGI is amazing.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
We are sort of not at the level of entertainment that the Western world is. Everything we see on the play in the screen, we read, we take serious. We take that it speaks to me. And so wonderful to see how the Johannesburg, South African audiences will say: What does it say to me? What does it make me feel? Why am I celebrating it?
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
You found during apartheid a strange occurrence from the white folks themselves. There were those who did make a choice to speak out and stand and be counted in the army of human beings who believed in justice. And then there are those who left.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
The exchange rate of the Rand against the dollar, pound or euro makes South Africa an attractive location. The positive side of this is it gives our artists and technicians an opportunity to work.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
If we'd lived in England or America we'd have told stories abut our lives and nobody would have called it protest theatre. But the reality of South Africa was the arrests and detentions and oppression - we could not escape that, so we decided to take it on.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I always say my first break was a dead man's break.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I was the generation who hated the white man, despised him, wanted to shoot him.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
We have to depoliticise our youth. We have to teach our youth that the word 'government' means them, it's something to feel pride in, not something to attack.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
In any character you are given to play, be it evil/good/whatever character, you begin with self. You examine yourself and ruthlessly see similarities between you and the devil, or between you and the dictator, or between you and the kind man.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
What does Macbeth want? What does Shakespeare want? What does Othello want? What does James want? What does Arthur Miller want when he wrote? Those things you incorporate and create in the character, and then you step back and you create it. It always must begin with the point of truth within yourself.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
'iNkaba' has made me famous in the living rooms of the people of my country. It was almost like being famous all over again. People stop me in the street and shopping malls to take pictures.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I have never been attracted to television work. Even to appear in series and soapies. I have always appeared in theatre and major movies, writing plays and other things.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
When I was asked to write a concept for a telenovela, I didn't underestimate my non-experience in the field.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I am known for always playing virtuous characters.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Art is universal. When works of art become classics, it is because they transcend geographical boundaries, racial barriers and time.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Forgiving is OK. Forgetting, never.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I understood the whole purpose of Truth and Reconciliation, and I supported it 100 per cent, but I couldn't deal with it myself.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
When western culture developed, we became detached from nature, detached from our relationship with the animals. We saw animals perhaps as only the rhino horn, the elephant's tusk, we saw it as making money.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
In the global push to stop gender-based violence, men in the entertainment industry need to join forces with women to end violence by men against women and children.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
In 1973, 'Sizwe Banzi is Dead' and 'The Island,' which I co-wrote with Athol Fugard and Winston Ntshona, transferred from The Royal Court Theatre to the Ambassadors Theatre in the West End.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Working with my friend Sir Antony Sher is truly one of the highlights of my career as an artist.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Over the years, many young actors have approached me: Vusi Kunene, Sello Maake ka Ncube, and Seputla Sebogodi. They all said, 'Hey Bra John, let's do 'The Island and we want you to direct.' But somehow, my heart was not in it or I was busy with something else, so I'd say, 'ja, ja, we'll do it.'
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
When I tell a story, I have to tell it honestly.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I believe strongly that the word 'protest' is no excuse for bad work. The artist must create.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
Apartheid is a lie, people can work together, people can create together.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
In South Africa, it is different. When you are born not even your father knows what is going to happen in your life.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
We haven't got those dreams: 'I wish to become doctor or a lawyer.' Black people in South Africa have been barred in doing anything that would articulate their cause.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
I couldn't really say that a repressive society would result in creative art. But somehow it does help, it is an ingredient, it acts as a Catalyst to a man who is committed.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
The government harasses everything. The government must keep a constant surveillance of all activities by black people in order to maintain their reign over them, especially when they are in a minority.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
We never deal with propaganda. We never deal with politics. We never deal with newspaper headlines. We deal with the harsh realities of our lives. We will only comment when there is more bread to eat, more space in which to move, time in which to open your mouth and sing. As long as these things have not happened, we do not talk about politics.
- John Kani
Image of John Kani
'Sizwa Banzi' is the life of the black man. We look at it, laugh at it, re-examine it, but we do not change it.
- John Kani