John Havlicek

Image of John Havlicek
I've never considered myself a shooter.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
One of the things I'm constantly aware of is that we have to keep moving. If we keep moving, something is bound to happen.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
A lot of times we overlook some of our priorities.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Scoring points doesn't enter in my mind.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Without Fred Taylor I would never have become the player I became. Because he was selling defense and I bought it.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I never really thought about records or anything like that, the only thing I thought about were championships.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
The rich don't get richer; the smart get richer. And Red Auerbach is smart.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
There was only one Bill Russell. He was such a dominant figure. He could turn a game around so quickly - and he could preserve a victory down the stretch.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I was just trying to be a person who could score when needed to. I probably ended up taking more shots than anyone.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I couldn't beat anyone one-on-one.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
The length of stay that you play in Boston allows people to understand and appreciate you because you've been loyal to the team and they've been loyal fans.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Sometimes I like the 3-point shot and sometimes I don't like it.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I don't want to hang around and end up some old geezer who's getting 15 to 18 minutes of playing time with most of that being charity.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
If I can't play 30 to 35 minutes a game, every game, and contribute, then it's time to leave.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
My career has been a positive one and I want my retirement to be positive.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I don't want my retirement to be one of tears and sadness, for me or for anybody.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
The 3-point shot would have certainly added more to my career points, but I don't know how many. It's one of those things that people will speculate on. I'm just happy with what I have.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Sam Jones and I, neither one of us were point guards, but we played the backcourt a lot together because we were basketball players.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
The only trade Red Auerbach made in my first 10 years there was Mel Counts for Bailey Howell, and of course there wasn't free agency, so you were allowed to keep your players for a long period of time. Maybe that contributed to the efficiency we had. Every year when we came to training camp, there was no new offense or defense.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
When I was in high school, I played defense and also averaged about 20 rebounds a game.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I felt if you were going to play the game, you should be good at all phases.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
You don't have to run from baseline to baseline when you play guard. That helps me.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I wanted to play both football and basketball until they made me select one over the other.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
The more I move around, usually the better I've felt.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I've had to change things the older I've gotten. But my body always has been able to hold up pretty well.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I preferred to use the whole floor and stay in motion and pick up easy baskets and that type of thing.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
They used to call me about coaching, but they pretty much knew what the answer was going to be, so they finally stopped calling. Whenever the Celtics were changing coaches in the 70s and 80s, Red Auerbach would call and say, 'For the record, do you want to coach?' I'd say, 'No,' and then he'd say, 'Goodbye.'
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Oftentimes, players don't get on the same page as the coach, and I would have found that frustrating.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I have no reason to really keep up with the N.B.A.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I wouldn't change my era for anything. The team's stayed together.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
The Celtics have always had an older person to try to pass along some of the team philosophy. I've learned to fill that role to a certain extent.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Any professional basketball player should make 75 percent of his free throw attempts. There is no excuse for a pro failing to maintain that percentage.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Don't ever underestimate Bill Russell as a basketball player.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I never left the practice floor without taking 25 free throws. It's something that doesn't take much time and it is tremendously important.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
When I entered the NBA in 1962, I, Tom Gola and Oscar Robertson were the only 6-foot, 5-inch or better forwards in the league. Now they're a dime a dozen.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
In an all-star game everyone is out of shape and in an exhibition game, everybody is trying something new and winning becomes secondary.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
When you get through with the exhibition grind and the regular season, your body is just as tired as it's going to be. And then you're called on to play your best in the playoffs.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
We'd be better off with a shorter season. It would prolong some careers, mine included.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
For the first few days of my life, I had an identity crisis, because my parents, Frank and Mandy Havlicek, could not decide on a name for me.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
During the first years of my life, I've been told, I was not a very pleasant child. Crying and sickness were my trademarks. A combination of whooping cough and measles at the same time were almost my downfall.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Being a Midwesterner, my first year in Boston was a trial. I loved the team, but adjusting to city life was most difficult.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I grew to love Boston like a native.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I'd run everywhere... to school, to the store, to the post office. I had it timed getting home from school. I could do it in 45 seconds.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Dad never liked American sports the way he liked European sports. Gymnastics, soccer, even circus acts - those were the things he wanted to see. I think he'd be happier if I had turned out to be an Olympic gymnast than a basketball player.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
In the off-season my most strenuous exercise is water skiing, golf, and a little fishing.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I stay away from pies, cakes and things like that.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
The Celtics are the Yankees of basketball.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
Since the day I retired from the Celtics, I've submitted to an exercise program.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
I started hunting with my high school basketball coach.
- John Havlicek
Image of John Havlicek
When the other team shoots 52 per cent and you still win, you must be doing something right.
- John Havlicek