John Bercow

Image of John Bercow
Fairness is not about statistical equality.
- John Bercow
Collection: Equality
Image of John Bercow
Sally is my wife, but not my chattel or my property.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
Even youngish men can acquire wisdom as time goes by.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I was proud to be a Tory Member of Parliament for twelve years, proud to represent Buckingham as a Tory, proud to have voted with my party 99% of the time as the record shows.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
A legislature cannot be effective while suffering from public scorn.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I am seeking every day to restore faith in Parliament - to ensure we have a House of Commons which is representative, effective and reconnected to the people we serve.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
There's no point in worrying about things you can't influence.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
Lying to a committee is a very grave abuse, and there ought to be a clear punishment.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I think the state opening of Parliament is an incredibly important occasion, and broadly speaking, the way in which it's done is an invaluable tradition.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I'm not in the business of warning people.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I do strongly believe myself that members of the government who sit in the House of Lords should be accountable to the elected House because otherwise there is a democratic deficit, and that is wrong.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I've never been much given to little social cliques.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
Possibly the fact that I was physically quite feeble, a relatively short little fellow, attracted me to that idea of a very authoritative and aggressive version of Conservative politics.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
It is quite wrong for party conferences to be used as an excuse for the Commons not to sit. Conferences could be held at weekends.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
It's a cowardly form of politics to use my spouse to beat me.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
The Conservatives must realise that being sceptical is different from being phobic in what is an interdependent world.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I think the record shows that as Speaker, I have taken the lead in cleaning up politics.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I'm not psychic. I cannot know what is in the mind of particular public figures.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I said that if I hadn't been a politician, I'd have liked to be a barrister, or an academic. My beloved wife said: 'You'd be a very good barrister and a hopeless academic.' I said 'Why?' She said: 'Because you're not an original thinker.'
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
One consistent thing in an otherwise inconsistent career is that I've always been passionate about parliament.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
If you asked me if I'd rather be Speaker or a very senior minister, I'd say Speaker.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I pride myself on being courteous to people, and trying to fashion good relations.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
The prime minister's job is to captain his team, his party and his government.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I'm supremely uninterested as to what is written in many of the newspapers.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
If someone is being very cheeky, it can be quite fun to deal with that situation.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I don't want to crawl over the entrails of past disputes.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I don't think that people are disinterested or uninterested in politics. I think very often they are disengaged from the formal political process. To some extent they are suspicious or even despairing of formal politics as a means to give expression and effect to what they want.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
There are people who are just very, very sniffy and snobby and have always sort of looked down their noses at me.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
I never aspired to be Speaker simply so I could say, 'I am the Speaker of the House of Commons,' and tell my children that.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
When I first started out in politics I was, what you might describe as, a hard right Conservative.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
There is no denying or hiding the fact that over the years I moved from well on the right of the Conservative Party, much much more to its left, and therefore to the centre of the poltical spectrum.
- John Bercow
Image of John Bercow
For far too long the House of Commons has been run as little more than a private club by and for gentleman amateurs.
- John Bercow